Let's re-visit the NBA dresscode

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

I'm still against it.

Because it's DEEPLY rooted in stereotypical constructs. Aren't you allowed to wear team apparel to/from games? I'd purposely show up to the arena and leave with a new team issued sweatsuit for every game on some AAU #%#$ just to be rebellious.

Hate to make everything a black/white thing but alot of things ARE black/white sometimes and this is one of them.
I agree completely.


I agree too. Stern put the dress code in cause it was after the mess that happened in Detroit and people wanted to say the NBA is full of thugs and other BS. Its not really a big deal now cause dudes dress a lot more mature now but still Im not with telling grown men who make millions for a league being told how to dress.
Originally Posted by dmxfury

Seasoned, I dont really get how dressing professional is a complete 'load of bull'. It definitely can play a factor in perceptions about a person. Is it the end all be all? Of course not (nor should be), you can't pass judgement on someone solely based off clothes. But it definitely is an influence and can play a part in success. I've seen it personally here at my office. Numerous variables and factors are considered but dress is a component of 'professionalism' in this country. Sometimes it could open up an opportunity or discussion that you may not have gotten. Who knows, but I don't see how you can dismiss it so easily. Now in regards to the NBA...eh not sure if it matters as much
....its a complete load of bull because its all superficial at the end of the day. you still have a job to do and the clothes cant do it for you.
....it may be an indication of good work, it may not. but the FACTS are an indication of good work is good work.
...sure, in the society we live in today. with so many people living by these superficial standards, sure, it plays a big factor. but that doesnt make it less than the load of crap it is.
....as i already stated, ive seen far more than my fair share of individuals given a nod off clothes alone, while that same individual couldnt live up to what was expected of them.
 ive seem people make CAREERS off of the ruse of always dressing up. and people fall for it, over and over.
...hell, look at my pops bruh. an utter and complete FAILURE. yet you got people in the community seeking his advice as if he has a clue. why? because he's got that suit on 
. and guess what? HE LIVES BY IT. and look how far its gotten him in the public eye? id say its served him pretty well in that respect.
...so, does it work? sure. still superficial though.

First impression is a pretty important aspect when it comes to people in general, and for players making millions of dollars you want to at least look the part and present/carry yourself in an approachable manner (pre and post game), and not look like you just got out of bed the way some of the players looked a few years ago....it was a little out of hand and it was not just black athletes doing so.

Players in other sports dress up WITHOUT a rule, Stern wanted a more positive image and wanted the players in the league to dress in a professional manner.
Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

I'm black im all for it.

The way some of these grown men were dressing to work was embarrassing.

Kids look up to you, show some professionalism and class.

I haven't saw one kid like man I like Lebron I want them shoes, suit, whatever non basketball apparel he has on.  Let's be real here that's moreso grown man on NT and in general that's into dressing better.  If a superstar came up to a little kid wearing an old school major damage jean set not one dang would be given.  That little kid would be happy as ever.  I honestly think just like other things people try to put off their beliefs as the only way to do something and if you don't do it that way said person is wrong.
But like you said, people have made careers based off something so superficial. People get interviews or conversations which lead to jobs based off dress. Your work will ultimately be what a job will judge you on, but things like proper dress (and many other variables) can get you in a position for someone to see your work in the first place. That's what I was saying and why I don't think one can dismiss its importance (right or wrong)
^ I never implied that Stern was showing them how to be more presentable, but overall image means so much out here. If you're a black kid from the inner city, or any demographic for that matter why give ammunition to someone to fire away at your character based off of something as small as the way you dress. Call it conforming or not, but if you’re not shooting lights out in the gym or doing something on an athletic level that warrants high praise and recognition, and you think image means nothing try going out here with that type of mentality and see how far you can go.

I see the same type of dudes walking the streets daily with the so called "hood look", and dudes will never grow out of that.

No excuse for making millions and not throwing something on that fits. Now for the dudes that don't earn what the average NBA player earns then you can make up an excuse and I could see where the argument lies. But then again I would say that is based on the environment, and conditioning is all the reason that these dudes don't know how to dress in a more presentable way.
The owners pay the players to be there, so they can decide how they dress. Having a dress code is common for most types of job, so even though they are going to an arena to play basketball, they are still getting paid to do so. This is just like having a business casual dress code in an office. 
Originally Posted by epox12

Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by epox12

So let me ask you something, if the racist NBA dress code offends you that much what have you done about it? Have you stopped watching and going to NBA games? Have you encouraged your friends to do so? What have you done about it other than call other posters sheep on NT?
Dog you haven't even added a single piece of information on this thread that makes sense. As someone has told you everything is going over your head. Idk if you trolling or serious, but either way it's clear you aren't ready for any type of thought provoking discussion. Go on and do whatever it is your doing bro
I'll take you ducking my question as you doing nothing about it. You call people ignorant, sheep, accuse me of trolling but when it comes to taking action you would rather stick to "thought provoking discussion". Just like I thought. 
First off, this thread is about the dress code. It doesn't "offend me that much" but that't the topic we are speaking on. The dress code does not apply to me seeing as how I am not in the NBA, and for those same reasons there is nothing for me to do about it. How does me not watching NBA games effect the dress code? I was speaking on the thread and on the topic, and on the people posting in this thread. My feelings on society and images portrayed apply. I speak on this in reality to those surrounding me, and I try to enlighten them on some things, or at least get them to think for themselves. Still not sure where you been going, or what exactly you trying to do at all in this thread. Go read a book dog, you sound ******ed 
....ill even go as far as giving you the slippery slope answer.
...i work for a part of the Federal Government that deals with the public in one division, but in others we like to stay hidden. for example, the buildings we usually occupy have mirrored tint on the windows, with no indication what so ever of what entity is in this building and what for. done purposely to keep the public out.
....now, for 4 years since we started in this building, everyone worked on the same 6' metal tables. from the front office all the way down. 2009 rolls around, and the front office decides we need a more professional look to the inside of our office building.
...so we order 9.......NINE $15,000 Hon desk sets for the front office.
...for what? a more professional look? for who? we dont see the public......AT ALL. EVER. security meets them at the door and turns them around.
thats $135,000 all in the name of being more professional, at a job where it was already professional for 4 years prior. yet somehow these NINE sets of $15,000 desks is supposed to help promote some sort of professionalism that didnt exist before?? stop it.
...where does it end?
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

First impression is a pretty important aspect when it comes to people in general, and for players making millions of dollars you want to at least look the part and present/carry yourself in an approachable manner (pre and post game), and not look like you just got out of bed the way some of the players looked a few years ago....it was a little out of hand and it was not just black athletes doing so.

Players in other sports dress up WITHOUT a rule, Stern wanted a more positive image and wanted the players in the league to dress in a professional manner.

....NO ONE is arguing that.
....the question is, if that really was the reason, then explain Cuban.
...kids look up to players but not owners?
...and for the ones hell bent on this "but the owners pay the players to be there":


Originally Posted by dmxfury

But like you said, people have made careers based off something so superficial. People get interviews or conversations which lead to jobs based off dress. Your work will ultimately be what a job will judge you on, but things like proper dress (and many other variables) can get you in a position for someone to see your work in the first place. That's what I was saying and why I don't think one can dismiss its importance (right or wrong)

.....re-read the bottom of my last post. im not saying it doesnt matter at all because alot of people use it, and it helps a great deal to their advantage. im saying its superficial, meaning it doesnt matter as much as the emphasis put on it.

Kids prb don't look up to Cuban because he's not from the same environment, and he hasn't endured the same struggles that most of these kids have which makes the transference of image so infectious to the youth. I for not one second would ever assume that Mark Cuban has the same type of influence on the inner city youth as most active players.
The reason kids don’t look up to owners is because it’s not as appealing. The endorsements, and so many other avenues of influence are handed to the players by corporations with one goal in mind, and that’s to sell products and get more people active in chasing the dream of one day making it big.
Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by epox12

Originally Posted by Wade187

Dog you haven't even added a single piece of information on this thread that makes sense. As someone has told you everything is going over your head. Idk if you trolling or serious, but either way it's clear you aren't ready for any type of thought provoking discussion. Go on and do whatever it is your doing bro
I'll take you ducking my question as you doing nothing about it. You call people ignorant, sheep, accuse me of trolling but when it comes to taking action you would rather stick to "thought provoking discussion". Just like I thought. 
First off, this thread is about the dress code. It doesn't "offend me that much" but that't the topic we are speaking on. The dress code does not apply to me seeing as how I am not in the NBA, and for those same reasons there is nothing for me to do about it. How does me not watching NBA games effect the dress code? I was speaking on the thread and on the topic, and on the people posting in this thread. My feelings on society and images portrayed apply. I speak on this in reality to those surrounding me, and I try to enlighten them on some things, or at least get them to think for themselves. Still not sure where you been going, or what exactly you trying to do at all in this thread. Go read a book dog, you sound ******ed 
So in other words you are a psuedo academic that gets on his soapbox to lecture others about their ignorance to racism and then takes no action. You not watching NBA games and encouraging others not to patron NBA games is a protest. If enough people participate in said protest maybe Stern would repeal the dress code. See how that works? I would think someone as "enlightened" as yourself would know that protests and movements usually start with one person taking action but the NBA dress code does not offend you so why bother right? Stick to name calling and being all bark and no bite. 
So professional football players have always had a professional image? The Yankees have a dress code, but the Yankees didn't wait until there players were predominately black to try and add class to their team. "Most these people wearing baggy clothes are friends with drug dealers" "they're role models they should set a good example" "this has helped them business wise" you guys are spewing ignorance, and giving excuses for the fact of the matter. How is wearing a suit a good example? Kids as long as you dress a certain way your a better person? First statement, no words for that. Some of these dudes are on gq, because they have great stylist, and it's helped there image, because that's the image they are going for, Dress code doesn't have much to do with that, durant has the same dress code, and he has a damn good image, but he aint going for gq, or to be looked at as a sex symbol. 
Originally Posted by gllahone84

Kids prb don't look up to Cuban because he's not from the same environment, and he hasn't endured the same struggles that most of these kids have which makes the transference of image so infectious to the youth. I for not one second would ever assume that Mark Cuban has the same type of influence on the inner city youth as most active players.
The reason kids don’t look up to owners is because it’s not as appealing. The endorsements, and so many other avenues of influence are handed to the players by corporations with one goal in mind, and that’s to sell products and get more people active in chasing the dream of one day making it big.

...now you're splitting hairs. so should we now exclude players from the similar backgrounds as Cuban? 
...this is a business. Cuban is as much a part of the business as anyone thats a part of the NBA.
...if WE need to present a more professional look, cool. then WE need to do it. thats what makes the whole parents a bed time argument invalid and a horrible analogy. as a parent you dont tell your kids WE'RE going to be at 8:30. you tell them THEY are. the NBA presented this problem/solution as a WE problem/solution but arent enforcing it that way.

Originally Posted by gllahone84

Kids prb don't look up to Cuban because he's not from the same environment, and he hasn't endured the same struggles that most of these kids have which makes the transference of image so infectious to the youth. I for not one second would ever assume that Mark Cuban has the same type of influence on the inner city youth as most active players.
The reason kids don’t look up to owners is because it’s not as appealing. The endorsements, and so many other avenues of influence are handed to the players by corporations with one goal in mind, and that’s to sell products and get more people active in chasing the dream of one day making it big.
So what exactly is the dress code telling kids? Cause kids are following these players and dressing in suits? The NBA has never had an effect on fashion, the chains and big shirts came from the music culture. Every trend throughout basketball has came from elsewhere. These players are the same people despite what they wear, dress code is geared towards people of wealth, and making these black players seem presentable to people with racist mindsets who felt these black players were thuggish do to the fact they dressed differently, and most importantly it was a move made off a personal conflict with a player. 
Seasoned, great points and a very interesting topic in terms of psychology, productivity, perception, etc. As I said I do agree the owners, GMs and coaches should also abide to the code if players are subject to it
^ Athletes in general are exploited on a completly different level. Whatever athletes do is magnified tenfold, and that is the nature of the business.

Cuban may be part of the business but he will never have the same type of influence as the athlete.

I wish more kids started thinking in terms of business like Mark Cuban but sadly I don't think that will happen any time soon.  

I just read your response...so what is your solution to the problem? Boycott the NBA? 

Most people with consciousness knew that the racist mindset of the owners existed long before there was an NBA...but what do you do to combat the racism? As I see it you're pointing out the trends that started within black culture and made its way into mainstream culture, and then it became a commodity. So what? Does that change the fact that in the real world there are certain standards that apply, and dressing in a professional way that is deemed superficial by some is the way of corporate America. It just is.

You want to beat the system by being a rebel? Cool...but again as someone pointed out you're still being paid to play basketball, and there is nothing revolutionary at all about playing a sport. The owners pay the players, and the owners set the rules.

Dudes should have tried to form their own league a long time ago if they are so up in arms about a dress code. It's not that serious at the end of the day, but again the serious issues are always glossed over.
Originally Posted by epox12

Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by epox12

I'll take you ducking my question as you doing nothing about it. You call people ignorant, sheep, accuse me of trolling but when it comes to taking action you would rather stick to "thought provoking discussion". Just like I thought. 
First off, this thread is about the dress code. It doesn't "offend me that much" but that't the topic we are speaking on. The dress code does not apply to me seeing as how I am not in the NBA, and for those same reasons there is nothing for me to do about it. How does me not watching NBA games effect the dress code? I was speaking on the thread and on the topic, and on the people posting in this thread. My feelings on society and images portrayed apply. I speak on this in reality to those surrounding me, and I try to enlighten them on some things, or at least get them to think for themselves. Still not sure where you been going, or what exactly you trying to do at all in this thread. Go read a book dog, you sound ******ed 
So in other words you are a psuedo academic that gets on his soapbox to lecture others about their ignorance to racism and then takes no action. You not watching NBA games and encouraging others not to patron NBA games is a protest. If enough people participate in said protest maybe Stern would repeal the dress code. See how that works? I would think someone as "enlightened" as yourself would know that protests and movements usually start with one person taking action but the NBA dress code does not offend you so why bother right? Stick to name calling and being all bark and no bite. 
Like I said, you sound ******ed. This is a forum where people share their thoughts and opinions on specific topics (threads). Rather than discuss what I'm saying and organizing your thoughts, and showing me what is wrong with what I'm saying you chose to focus on what I'm doing outside of this thread. When the dress code kicked in I was about 14 and didn't even pay mind to it. No one cares about what these players are wearing point blank. Those who stereotyped them prior still have the same mentality, so me protesting won't go far, people who tune into the NBA are watching for entertainment, this isn't a racial movement anyone is trying to participate in. However this topic is about the matter, and about reasoning behind the matter. So again focus on your thoughts and make sense of your opinion. Validate what you saying, because nothing you've said even makes sense.
Originally Posted by gllahone84

^ Athletes in general are exploited on a completly different level. Whatever athletes do is magnified tenfold, and that is the nature of the business.

Cuban may be part of the business but he will never have the same type of influence as the athlete.

I wish more kids started thinking in terms of business like Mark Cuban but sadly I don't think that will happen any time soon.
So what exactly is this dress code doing for the kids? What is it influencing them in? 
Nothing changed, was racist when implemented 7 years ago and still racist now. I have no problem with the NBA regulating what players wear during games (ex: Kobe's attempt to make spandex fashionable) just like any profession that requires a certain dress code that applies to that line of work (ex: boots/hardhat for construction or suit and tie for corporate) but to regulate what players wore off the court was a racist overreaction by Stern to uphold the league's image and brand after the "actions" of a few. AI is no longer in the NBA because of his ego and conduct, not how he dressed.   
Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by epox12

Originally Posted by Wade187

First off, this thread is about the dress code. It doesn't "offend me that much" but that't the topic we are speaking on. The dress code does not apply to me seeing as how I am not in the NBA, and for those same reasons there is nothing for me to do about it. How does me not watching NBA games effect the dress code? I was speaking on the thread and on the topic, and on the people posting in this thread. My feelings on society and images portrayed apply. I speak on this in reality to those surrounding me, and I try to enlighten them on some things, or at least get them to think for themselves. Still not sure where you been going, or what exactly you trying to do at all in this thread. Go read a book dog, you sound ******ed 
So in other words you are a psuedo academic that gets on his soapbox to lecture others about their ignorance to racism and then takes no action. You not watching NBA games and encouraging others not to patron NBA games is a protest. If enough people participate in said protest maybe Stern would repeal the dress code. See how that works? I would think someone as "enlightened" as yourself would know that protests and movements usually start with one person taking action but the NBA dress code does not offend you so why bother right? Stick to name calling and being all bark and no bite. 
Like I said, you sound ******ed. This is a forum where people share their thoughts and opinions on specific topics (threads). Rather than discuss what I'm saying and organizing your thoughts, and showing me what is wrong with what I'm saying you chose to focus on what I'm doing outside of this thread. When the dress code kicked in I was about 14 and didn't even pay mind to it. No one cares about what these players are wearing point blank. Those who stereotyped them prior still have the same mentality, so me protesting won't go far, people who tune into the NBA are watching for entertainment, this isn't a racial movement anyone is trying to participate in. However this topic is about the matter, and about reasoning behind the matter. So again focus on your thoughts and make sense of your opinion. Validate what you saying, because nothing you've said even makes sense.
Like I said psuedo Cornell West. NBA owners look at their players attire and stereotype it as "hoodlum" attire. They want to "clean up" the image of the league so they can market the NBA to the white middle class and globally. NBA owners pay David Stern so he implements the dress code they want. The players are NBA employees so they abide to the dress code that was born from stereotyping and racism. People like you think its BS but rather than do anything about it you go to a sports forum on the internet and get on a soapbox and talk down to people who disagree with you. Its not that difficult to understand. You can continue bloviating on here now. 
Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by gllahone84

^ Athletes in general are exploited on a completly different level. Whatever athletes do is magnified tenfold, and that is the nature of the business.

Cuban may be part of the business but he will never have the same type of influence as the athlete.

I wish more kids started thinking in terms of business like Mark Cuban but sadly I don't think that will happen any time soon.
So what exactly is this dress code doing for the kids? What is it influencing them in? 

I'm going to leave it at this and I won't comment on the dress code afterwards.

If you’re not an NBA player and you work for any type of business then there is something that you have to put on that will differentiate you from the non workers at your place of employment. Whether that is the company shirt, or something that has the business logo it. If not, then you are more than likely required to wear professional attire. That's because you get paid by that corporation and there are certain rules that apply. Common sense right?

Now for NBA players who get paid millions of dollars by the owners, it would be crazy to think that just because you can play basketball so good you don't have to abide by the standards set in place by the league commissioner. The dress code being just one of the rules put in place along with many other rules like drug use, and host of other things that are considered to be unacceptable. If you don't like the rules then you have a choice.

a. form your own league and set your own rules, because collectively you have the resources to make it happen if everyone came together on the same page. I happen to be a fan of this move myself.

b. forget being professional basketball player.
Originally Posted by epox12

Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by epox12

So in other words you are a psuedo academic that gets on his soapbox to lecture others about their ignorance to racism and then takes no action. You not watching NBA games and encouraging others not to patron NBA games is a protest. If enough people participate in said protest maybe Stern would repeal the dress code. See how that works? I would think someone as "enlightened" as yourself would know that protests and movements usually start with one person taking action but the NBA dress code does not offend you so why bother right? Stick to name calling and being all bark and no bite. 
Like I said, you sound ******ed. This is a forum where people share their thoughts and opinions on specific topics (threads). Rather than discuss what I'm saying and organizing your thoughts, and showing me what is wrong with what I'm saying you chose to focus on what I'm doing outside of this thread. When the dress code kicked in I was about 14 and didn't even pay mind to it. No one cares about what these players are wearing point blank. Those who stereotyped them prior still have the same mentality, so me protesting won't go far, people who tune into the NBA are watching for entertainment, this isn't a racial movement anyone is trying to participate in. However this topic is about the matter, and about reasoning behind the matter. So again focus on your thoughts and make sense of your opinion. Validate what you saying, because nothing you've said even makes sense.
Like I said psuedo Cornell West. NBA owners look at their players attire and stereotype it as "hoodlum" attire. They want to "clean up" the image of the league so they can market the NBA to the white middle class and globally. NBA owners pay David Stern so he implements the dress code they want. The players are NBA employees so they abide to the dress code that was born from stereotyping and racism. People like you think its BS but rather than do anything about it you go to a sports forum on the internet and get on a soapbox and talk down to people who disagree with you. Its not that difficult to understand. You can continue bloviating on here now. 
No, I enter a thread on the topic as I would for any topic and speak my thoughts. "People like you think its BS", and seeing as how you said you and not us, people like you think it's ok to judge and stereotype based off race. I came in here and shared my thoughts you came in here and shared yours. I think thats a issue, I didn't think it was when it happened. You think it's ok. I don't think racism and stereotyping is ok on any level, and I won't except it when it applies to me, but the players who were slighted did nothing about it so there isn't much to do but discuss. The same way I feel a certain way about it, you feel a certain way about what I have to say about it. So are you "all bark and no bite", or are you gonna take action and come knock me off this soapbox? Same way you aint gonna do @+**, I don't have to dedicate my life to protesting the NBA. Get it? Now hop off doggie
Originally Posted by gllahone84

Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by gllahone84

^ Athletes in general are exploited on a completly different level. Whatever athletes do is magnified tenfold, and that is the nature of the business.

Cuban may be part of the business but he will never have the same type of influence as the athlete.

I wish more kids started thinking in terms of business like Mark Cuban but sadly I don't think that will happen any time soon.
So what exactly is this dress code doing for the kids? What is it influencing them in? 

I'm going to leave it at this and I won't comment on the dress code afterwards.

If you’re not an NBA player and you work for any type of business then there is something that you have to put on that will differentiate you from the non workers at your place of employment. Whether that is the company shirt, or something that has the business logo it. If not, then you are more than likely required to wear professional attire. That's because you get paid by that corporation and there are certain rules that apply. Common sense right?

Now for NBA players who get paid millions of dollars by the owners, it would be crazy to think that just because you can play basketball so good you don't have to abide by the standards set in place by the league commissioner. The dress code being just one of the rules put in place along with many other rules like drug use, and host of other things that are considered to be unacceptable. If you don't like the rules then you have a choice.

a. form your own league and set your own rules, because collectively you have the resources to make it happen if everyone came together on the same page. I happen to be a fan of this move myself.

b. forget being professional basketball player.
So in short nothing? Seeing as how nothing you just said has anything to do with my question, or these kids as you keep mentioning, I'm gonna go with nothing. Thanks for clearing that up
Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by epox12

Originally Posted by Wade187

Like I said, you sound ******ed. This is a forum where people share their thoughts and opinions on specific topics (threads). Rather than discuss what I'm saying and organizing your thoughts, and showing me what is wrong with what I'm saying you chose to focus on what I'm doing outside of this thread. When the dress code kicked in I was about 14 and didn't even pay mind to it. No one cares about what these players are wearing point blank. Those who stereotyped them prior still have the same mentality, so me protesting won't go far, people who tune into the NBA are watching for entertainment, this isn't a racial movement anyone is trying to participate in. However this topic is about the matter, and about reasoning behind the matter. So again focus on your thoughts and make sense of your opinion. Validate what you saying, because nothing you've said even makes sense.
Like I said psuedo Cornell West. NBA owners look at their players attire and stereotype it as "hoodlum" attire. They want to "clean up" the image of the league so they can market the NBA to the white middle class and globally. NBA owners pay David Stern so he implements the dress code they want. The players are NBA employees so they abide to the dress code that was born from stereotyping and racism. People like you think its BS but rather than do anything about it you go to a sports forum on the internet and get on a soapbox and talk down to people who disagree with you. Its not that difficult to understand. You can continue bloviating on here now. 
No, I enter a thread on the topic as I would for any topic and speak my thoughts. "People like you think its BS", and seeing as how you said you and not us, people like you think it's ok to judge and stereotype based off race. I came in here and shared my thoughts you came in here and shared yours. I think thats a issue, I didn't think it was when it happened. You think it's ok. I don't think racism and stereotyping is ok on any level, and I won't except it when it applies to me, but the players who were slighted did nothing about it so there isn't much to do but discuss. The same way I feel a certain way about it, you feel a certain way about what I have to say about it. So are you "all bark and no bite", or are you gonna take action and come knock me off this soapbox? Same way you aint gonna do @+**, I don't have to dedicate my life to protesting the NBA. Get it? Now hop off doggie
I don't think its okay to stereotype people based off their race that is why I work for a nonprofit that goes into innercity communities of color and educates residents about their rights and how to take action on subjects like healthcare, the justice system, law enforcement, education, birth control etc. I actually DO something about injustices in the inner city communities. The NBA dress code is not right but at the end of the day the players make millions so having to wear a suit is not even in the same universe as the injustice I see everyday at work. They can choose to play ball overseas. Knock you off your soapbox? Are you E-Thugging now? When I say "people like you" I mean people who yell to the heavens about the ills of racism but never do a damn thing about it. Stick to being a pseudo academic and not doing jack other than bloviating and calling other people ignorant when you should look in the mirror. 
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