Let's re-visit the NBA dresscode

Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Originally Posted by DuRag27

Props to David Stern for implementing the dress code. He realized how much of an icon "Jewelz" a.k.a. Allen Iverson was to the young black male.



Thank you David Stern...for helping to re-inforce positive black male images for our black youth.

Modern day Civil Rights leader...


It's definitely a racially charged issue no matter how you slice it.
Originally Posted by DuRag27

Props to David Stern for implementing the dress code. He realized how much of an icon "Jewelz" a.k.a. Allen Iverson was to the young black male.

Props to Jay-Z for introducing the "Button Up" phase to combat adults from wearing too-tall white tees. #&@* was out of line. I was one of them; I look back like "I couldn't have been serious." lol.

Most of these NBA players are million/thousandare kids themselves w/o any collegiate/professionalism. Props to the classes they had Derrick Rose take....his rookie year dude was straight off the block in those interviews.
Definitely agree with that. Rose was embarrassing in interviews early on.
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by DuRag27

Props to David Stern for implementing the dress code. He realized how much of an icon "Jewelz" a.k.a. Allen Iverson was to the young black male.

Props to Jay-Z for introducing the "Button Up" phase to combat adults from wearing too-tall white tees. #&@* was out of line. I was one of them; I look back like "I couldn't have been serious." lol.

Most of these NBA players are million/thousandare kids themselves w/o any collegiate/professionalism. Props to the classes they had Derrick Rose take....his rookie year dude was straight off the block in those interviews.
Definitely agree with that. Rose was embarrassing in interviews early on.
Those interviews were hilarious
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I see where a lot of you are coming from and there is a double-standard as far as how guys like Cuban dress for games. If Stern made this change, he should have had it also trickle down to the owners as well.
 @ trickle down.
....if this is the new company policy, there is no 'trickle down'. thats just how it is from now on for EVERYONE right?
...the question is, if this is the new company policy why isnt it enforced on the owners like it is on the players?
...here's the thing though. companies do biased things like this all the time. the way to cover your bs excuse is to make it apply to everyone as to not appear as if you're targeting one group of people. im surprised no one caught on to the Cuban angle years ago.
Are ya'll serious with the "trickle down" talk? It would actually be "trickling up" which doesn't happen because that defies gravity
David Stern works for the owners, if they want him to wear sweats and hoodies whenever he's up on the podium he will have no choice but to do that... he's not some all powerful entity, all he does is suggest ideas/politic and carry out the wishes of the majority of the owners... 
Mark Cuban is not relevant to this discussion because he's making the rules... Parents don't have to adhere to the same bedtime they give their children. At the end of the day this was all about money... The league felt their product would be more palatable to white america if it was "cleaned up" by having the players adhere to a dress code. The fact that society truly believes a suit can turn anyone into an upstanding citizen shows you that alot of people are lemmings, but the NBA was just reacting to this ******ed train of thought.

I think white america just wanted to see rich young black athletes HAVE to adhere to some type of rules "I'm not putting my money in their pocket, when I go to work I have rules I have to follow... they should too!"... this is the type of stuff said around the water cooler

Personally I like what's happening with this style change... You have dudes with Audemar/Hublot endorsements (makin money off this policy change!
) swaggin out like Jay and Ye in "%%$#!# in Paris" but now people are hatin on that... "Be careful what you ask for"
DIOR PAINT wrote:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        This "corporate world business" aspect that some of you keep overstating has absolutely NOTHING to do with the world of professional sports from an ATHLETE'S point of view. If you believe that what they wear to/from games is conducive to how their images are received by the public....then CERTAINLY you have to believe that race DID play a huge role in the rule. 
I am sure Allen Iverson shares your point of view and that is why he is on the outside looking in now begging for a job. 
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

"Doing better" is broad and I should have clarified...I should have just grouped it under the "embracing the dress code" umbrella, because that's what a lot of guys have done.  They take pride in the way they look.  No matter what people may think, these athletes ARE looked up to by many.  More specifically, young kids.  Granted it's something that they did on-court, but in my life, I don't own a pair of white socks because of the Fab-5.  This is the reach that athletes have.  Seeing guys like Melo, Lebron, Wade, Bosh, Kobe, etc. showing out with the way they dress might make a lasting impression on someone out there.  You just never know WHO is watching or who's life it will impact. 

.....i cant stress enough how lame the thought of 'taking pride in how you look' has ALWAYS sounded to me.
.....i have never measured success by how someone dresses.
.....never attached successful as a title on someone off of their dress.
.....and i look down on others that do. why? bruh, im 33 years old and have seen many of people both successful and non-successful on BOTH SIDES of the dress spectrum and it has NEVER amounted to anything......AT ALL.
...to me? taking pride in how you look is more about cleanliness and being comfortable waaaaaaay more than a male or female in business attire.
...to me? ive seen far too many people bs their way by through life and business because people were too caught up in how they dressed than actually paying attention to their quality of work.
...while us black folks are busy trying to 'dress the part', trying to fit in. they wear whatever the #%+* they want and we'll never get to where they are if its up the them. like a donkey chasing a carrot.

I guess I was raised differently, because it was always stressed to me about taking pride in your appearance.  This goes from the way you dress to hygene.  Of course there's a time and place for everything, so while I do enjoy dressing well (by my standards), I do also enjoy just kicking it in some b-ball shorts and a t-shirt. 

But this isn't about me.  I'm not representing a global brand of basketball that goes further than what you see on the court.  Like it or not, their appearance DOES count.  It doesn't make things 100% right, but that's society.  It's sad, but in many instances...you do judge a book by it's cover.  Again, it doesn't make things right...but it's society.  


...no. we were raised the same. its just that even as a young guy, those things my father tried to instill in me about dressing professional sounded like a complete and utter load of bull *#%@.
...however, as a young guy i had enough intelligence to not speak on it. sit back and observe, and let real world-real life expieriences reveal to me the truth, and it did.
...and of course, as life would have it, my father is now 53 years old:
*never graduated college after several attempts 
*has horrible credit with no budgeting skills
*still has to rely on his parents to help him make ends meet every month
*works for the same boss that he hates after 22 years but cant leave because he has no business skills in a profession where his craft and product is his hands
...yet im 33:
*tech school grad
*good credit with great budgeting skills
*has NEVER called his parents for help on any bill what so ever
*works for the federal government for going on an 11 year career, now making close to 60K a year
...go figure?
...yet people look at my father like he's one of the top successful blacks in the city. why? because he'll throw on a suit or a pair of slacks and dress shirt in a heartbeat.
...people actually goto him for advice on being successful.
...the ones that DO find out what he's about are shocked to the point of disbelief.  

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

And trust me...this Cuban thing is an eye-opener to me.  As many times as I've seen him around the Mavs bench (I always thought he looked sloppy), I never once thought that it's weird that he's not abiding by the dress-code set forth by the league

Makes no sense, and yea....big time double-standard. 

....oh that? thats the magical camouflage of his skin color. neat huh?
...its the oh so subtle difference that makes jeans and a tshirt make MILLIONAIRE BASKETBALL PLAYERS look like thugs, yet makes a BILLIONAIRE OWNERS just look sloppy.

Originally Posted by epox12

DIOR PAINT wrote:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        This "corporate world business" aspect that some of you keep overstating has absolutely NOTHING to do with the world of professional sports from an ATHLETE'S point of view. If you believe that what they wear to/from games is conducive to how their images are received by the public....then CERTAINLY you have to believe that race DID play a huge role in the rule. 
I am sure Allen Iverson shares your point of view and that is why he is on the outside looking in now begging for a job. 

Or...perhaps his alcohol abuse and gambling addiction has something to do with it.

Oh no...you're right...Allen Iverson isn't in the NBA anymore because he doesn't like to wear suits.

Good call.
Originally Posted by ImReallyDirkNowitzki

Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by DuRag27

Props to David Stern for implementing the dress code. He realized how much of an icon "Jewelz" a.k.a. Allen Iverson was to the young black male.

Props to Jay-Z for introducing the "Button Up" phase to combat adults from wearing too-tall white tees. #&@* was out of line. I was one of them; I look back like "I couldn't have been serious." lol.

Most of these NBA players are million/thousandare kids themselves w/o any collegiate/professionalism. Props to the classes they had Derrick Rose take....his rookie year dude was straight off the block in those interviews.
Definitely agree with that. Rose was embarrassing in interviews early on.
Those interviews were hilarious
clips of these interviews?
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Originally Posted by epox12

DIOR PAINT wrote:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        This "corporate world business" aspect that some of you keep overstating has absolutely NOTHING to do with the world of professional sports from an ATHLETE'S point of view. If you believe that what they wear to/from games is conducive to how their images are received by the public....then CERTAINLY you have to believe that race DID play a huge role in the rule. 
I am sure Allen Iverson shares your point of view and that is why he is on the outside looking in now begging for a job. 

Or...perhaps his alcohol abuse and gambling addiction has something to do with it.

Oh no...you're right...Allen Iverson isn't in the NBA anymore because he doesn't like to wear suits.

Good call.

Those things are definitely part of the reason but I am sure his image has absolutely nothing to do with why teams won't take a chance on him. Good Call
What's funny to me is the majority of NT clowns Jordan for wearing baggy jeans and suits that are not fitted but when David Stern implements a dress code they are up in arms crying.
Originally Posted by epox12

What's funny to me is the majority of NT clowns Jordan for wearing baggy jeans and suits that are not fitted but when David Stern implements a dress code they are up in arms crying.

How are these two at all synonymous with each other?

Clowning someone for wearing bad suits =/= Finding problems with a racially motivated dress code requirement
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Originally Posted by epox12

What's funny to me is the majority of NT clowns Jordan for wearing baggy jeans and suits that are not fitted but when David Stern implements a dress code they are up in arms crying.

How are these two at all synonymous with each other?

Clowning someone for wearing bad suits =/= Finding problems with a racially motivated dress code requirement

Because Jordan gets laughed at for the suits he wears but Iverson can wear this: 

and he gets applauded for not conforming to the system. GTHO here. The NBA is a global brand but its obvious many of you can't comprehend global marketing. Was the dress code born out of stereotypes? YES. That's the real world, racism is alive and well and it dictates marketing and branding. NBA players got with Stern's program because that is what a "professional" does. Your boss says wear A you wear A or you end up like Iverson and Isiah Rider begging to be let back in the league. 
Originally Posted by epox12

Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Originally Posted by epox12

What's funny to me is the majority of NT clowns Jordan for wearing baggy jeans and suits that are not fitted but when David Stern implements a dress code they are up in arms crying.

How are these two at all synonymous with each other?

Clowning someone for wearing bad suits =/= Finding problems with a racially motivated dress code requirement

Because Jordan get laughed at for the suits he wears but Iverson can wear this 
and he gets applauded for not conforming to the system. GTHO here.

At you keep mentioning conforming or being blackballed from the league and then using 2 examples in which the reason they aren't playing doesn't have +%@! to do with how they dressed.

Maybe I'm too right brained for this topic. Ya'll seem to play into whatever little construct society has laid down for you and you blindly follow it because you have it in your minds that "that's the way the world is". Ok.
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

At you keep mentioning conforming or being blackballed from the league and then using 2 examples in which the reason they aren't playing doesn't have +%@! to do with how they dressed.

Maybe I'm too right brained for this topic. Ya'll seem to play into whatever little construct society has laid down for you and you blindly follow it because you have it in your minds that "that's the way the world is". Ok.
Oh you are the I don't follow what society tells me to do because I am at another level of consciousness guy. Ok that makes sense.
Hated it when it was first implemented but I was only like 16 and Iverson was my favorite player. Not saying it was only made for Iverson but definitely feel he had a major part to do with it. Now that I am much more mature I completely understand why it was done. 
Seasoned, I dont really get how dressing professional is a complete 'load of bull'. It definitely can play a factor in perceptions about a person. Is it the end all be all? Of course not (nor should be), you can't pass judgement on someone solely based off clothes. But it definitely is an influence and can play a part in success. I've seen it personally here at my office. Numerous variables and factors are considered but dress is a component of 'professionalism' in this country. Sometimes it could open up an opportunity or discussion that you may not have gotten. Who knows, but I don't see how you can dismiss it so easily. Now in regards to the NBA...eh not sure if it matters as much
The replies in this thread not only show how racist the dress code was, but it also magnifies how ignorant the general public is. Like there's too much in here for me to even reply to, but most of you dudes don't even see what your saying and how your arguing in the most ridiculous ways to give the ok on racism and stereotyping. Half the %%!% you dudes are saying doesn't even make sense, this is just another case of how deeply embedded society has placed these thoughts in your brain. I know most of you are simply sheep and don't take notice in these things, but take a second to look at what your saying
Originally Posted by Wade187

The replies in this thread not only show how racist the dress code was, but it also magnifies how ignorant the general public is. Like there's too much in here for me to even reply to, but most of you dudes don't even see what your saying and how your arguing in the most ridiculous ways to give the ok on racism and stereotyping. Half the %%!% you dudes are saying doesn't even make sense, this is just another case of how deeply embedded society has placed these thoughts in your brain. I know most of you are simply sheep and don't take notice in these things, but take a second to look at what your saying
So let me ask you something, if the racist NBA dress code offends you that much what have you done about it? Have you stopped watching and going to NBA games? Have you encouraged your friends to do so? What have you done about it other than call other posters sheep on NT?
Originally Posted by epox12

Originally Posted by Wade187

The replies in this thread not only show how racist the dress code was, but it also magnifies how ignorant the general public is. Like there's too much in here for me to even reply to, but most of you dudes don't even see what your saying and how your arguing in the most ridiculous ways to give the ok on racism and stereotyping. Half the %%!% you dudes are saying doesn't even make sense, this is just another case of how deeply embedded society has placed these thoughts in your brain. I know most of you are simply sheep and don't take notice in these things, but take a second to look at what your saying
So let me ask you something, if the racist NBA dress code offends you that much what have you done about it? Have you stopped watching and going to NBA games? Have you encouraged your friends to do so? What have you done about it other than call other posters sheep on NT?
Dog you haven't even added a single piece of information on this thread that makes sense. As someone has told you everything is going over your head. Idk if you trolling or serious, but either way it's clear you aren't ready for any type of thought provoking discussion. Go on and do whatever it is your doing bro
I think it's racist to assume dudes from the hood or whatever demographic can't dress up and look presentable.

In the real world there are certain rules that apply, dress code being one of them. Excluding casual Fridays.

No need to fight the system on something as miniscule as a dress code.

As I've gotten older I look back at the Iverson era and see a guy who had a horrible image, and his image should not be patterned by anyone with common sense looking to advance in a society where one's athletic ability is thrown out the window.

Call it racist or not, but you fight racism with certain actions that prove the contrary. You dudes seem to thrive off of feeding the beast.

Defy the odds, don't confirm the stereotypes.
Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by epox12

Originally Posted by Wade187

The replies in this thread not only show how racist the dress code was, but it also magnifies how ignorant the general public is. Like there's too much in here for me to even reply to, but most of you dudes don't even see what your saying and how your arguing in the most ridiculous ways to give the ok on racism and stereotyping. Half the %%!% you dudes are saying doesn't even make sense, this is just another case of how deeply embedded society has placed these thoughts in your brain. I know most of you are simply sheep and don't take notice in these things, but take a second to look at what your saying
So let me ask you something, if the racist NBA dress code offends you that much what have you done about it? Have you stopped watching and going to NBA games? Have you encouraged your friends to do so? What have you done about it other than call other posters sheep on NT?
Dog you haven't even added a single piece of information on this thread that makes sense. As someone has told you everything is going over your head. Idk if you trolling or serious, but either way it's clear you aren't ready for any type of thought provoking discussion. Go on and do whatever it is your doing bro
I'll take you ducking my question as you doing nothing about it. You call people ignorant, sheep, accuse me of trolling but when it comes to taking action you would rather stick to "thought provoking discussion". Just like I thought. 
Originally Posted by gllahone84

I think it's racist to assume dudes from the hood or whatever demographic can't dress up and look presentable.

In the real world there are certain rules that apply, dress code being one of them. Excluding casual Fridays.

No need to fight the system on something as miniscule as a dress code.

As I've gotten older I look back at the Iverson era and see a guy who had a horrible image, and his image should not be patterned by anyone with common sense looking to advance in a society where one's athletic ability is thrown out the window.

Call it racist or not, but you fight racism with certain actions that prove the contrary. You dudes seem to thrive off of feeding the beast.

Defy the odds, don't confirm the stereotypes.

Or...how about having a choice?

I like how we're also assuming that none of these guys were already "dressing up" and that Stern was just showing them "how to present themselves".
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