Lets say you made $1550 a week after taxes, every week. How would you live?

Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

hell yeah. i'd get me one of them gulfstreams
Originally Posted by ninjahood

my home girl is makin 50k a year and her moms left her da stabilized rented apt she got..pssh she ballin right now.
It should be illegal to pass down rent stabilized homes IMO.
Like I do now... Apartment/school/car. 1 week's pay will cover 2 month's expenses. Stack up until I learn the ins and outs of securities &investments then go to town. Or buy some bonds and use the money gained as payment for law/business school in a few years.
stay at home for a couple of years then buy a condo. unless you got sec 8, rent stablized or income adjusted rent your gonna spend most of your money in ny.
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