Lets say you made $1550 a week after taxes, every week. How would you live?

Originally Posted by GetThisMoney

CashmereThought96 wrote:

GetThisMoney wrote:

Yall are reaching
.. i was making roughly a G a week (off of hustles and paychecks) last year and its
hard to

manage when its coming in to fast.. sucks when your 19 making that much.. now that im 20 and that lifestyle went out the window i have a lot in the

but it sucks to think were the hell 45,000 went last year.. it goes poof when your young..

That was my salary doogie.. not my hustles

45k is a joke. i was makin 50k a yr (20 yrs old) and its not that serious. Between car not, car insurance, phone bills, and eating I imagine if I

live with my parents how fast I would have blown it. I live in NYC btw.


aww u sound mad doogie.. U said u made 5k more then gon tell
me 45k I nothing when u older then me ..that sounds more like a dork then me family.. Let's be real here i can make 5 k in a week if I wanted to go thathard .. I'd rather be home with my kid then in a cell ..

Originally Posted by Triple Homicide

CashmereThought96 wrote:

Yall are reaching
.. i was making roughly a G a week (off of hustles and paychecks) last year and its hard to
manage when its coming in to fast.. sucks when your 19 making that much.. now that im 20 and that lifestyle went out the window i have a lot in the bank but
it sucks to think were the hell 45,000 went last year.. it goes poof when your young..

What job/career are you in and do you have a college degree?

I was straight outta high school makig that but my company went under now I go to school but the state pays for it I'm going for my certificate inphotography and marketing degree
Man i wish i could make 80k a year..i would b set..that would pay all my school loans off in two years..
Me and Wifey make roughly 80K a year together (shes an EMT and Im a Facilities Assistant at Google NY)..

We live in an apartment in jamaica estates - $1700/month
utilities- 400-500$/month
Ny Transportation between the two of us- 200$
food shopping - 400$ month

living in NYC is unlike living anywhere else, but were working on the house though..lol
I make about that (sometimes more) and I'm starting up another business since I'm still living with my dad. I can basically buy whatever I want, but Ihold my self back from doing so because if I was always balling then pretty soon I would not be ballin'.

This month my bank account saw about $10,000 a very good chunk was profit.

right now though this is how I live:

$100 on Gas a week
$40-100 on Clothes a week
$100-300 on Entertainment in a month (this month, was out of control during the summer)
$50 on food a week
$50-100 on the ganja a week

It's nice to not pay bills, so I'm taking advantage of that right now so when I buy my house and start living by myself it's not even a problem.
Originally Posted by imsoDS

Me and Wifey make roughly 80K a year together (shes an EMT and Im a Facilities Assistant at Google NY)..

We live in an apartment in jamaica estates - $1700/month
utilities- 400-500$/month
Ny Transportation between the two of us- 200$
food shopping - 400$ month

living in NYC is unlike living anywhere else, but were working on the house though..lol

I use to go visit my cousin on palo alto a lot of nice houses in that area
break my momz off wit some seperation money so she can leave me this APT...300 a month rent would make me da flyest ninja ever
Originally Posted by AC4Three

I'd live very well with that kind of money.

& I love how people say "80k isn't that much in ___"
You think everyone living in those cities are making 80k+ after taxes?
doesn't matter what city you live in, 80k after taxes(plus benefits) will have you living Good unless you are absolutely horrible with money

Last I read the average U.S. household income is around 50k.

Say you alone are making 80k single. With a partner that's at least 120k+ together. That's much better than most of the U.S. population

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Originally Posted by BangDak

Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

move to atlanta

cop a porsche cayanne

80k isn't alot btw
Yearly w/benefits? Ok, I'd like to see what you do.

i live in NY, and you wont be going no where.
save up for a few years, then you're talking. keep in mind you cant afford a girlfriend either with that income.

Especially in NY
I live in NY as well and you can survive off of 80k in NYC. This is 80k AFTER taxes we are talking about not before. If you can't live off of80k a year after taxes then its you not the city. It may be expensive but it is more than possible to live on that salary. Its possible especially if its justyou without any kids. If you have a chick who is making a nice salary and ya'll go half on rent and bills you'll live more than comfortable. NTdon't take any of that seriously. These cats are overreacting.

Either you guys are living a seriously outrageous lavish lifestyle, or you guys have no money management skills.
This. I pray to god that the people that say this don't dream of becoming an accountant.

How is 80K NOT good for a single guy?

Because this is NT where most people don't have an idea of what the real world is like and how it works. These are the same guys that expect to make75K out of college.
Originally Posted by tml09

Originally Posted by 360wavesandxbox

Hmm....copp a nice place in Downtown Charlotte, or maybe even Downtown Greensboro, and thrive...80k a year here in NC, and you can leave pretty well..like lavish condos and apartments in downtown areas here be a G a month.
Add to that a GTR35, and im set..id still keep my partime gig at UPS though..gotta have more income coming from somewhere and my benefits>>>than most full time job benefits..
Livin in The South FTW..

Where in NC do you live? Here in Raleigh prices for newly built luxury Apartments ( not downtown) are around 1000 or so. There are also a bunch of nice houses for very decent prices. I was amazed when I saw the prices for homes around here. Newly built 5 bedroom 3 bath houses for 260,000 is a good deal in my book. I'm currently studying engineering at ncsu, so after a few years of job experience I should be looking at a similar or higher salary. I would be very happy living with that much money. Now, if I was to become a doctor... 200,000 and more a year
Yo..im currently in HighPoint right next to Greensboro..I go to High Point University.. But been around here my whole life..I wouldnt considermoving any farther north Lol. But yeah i have seen some of those condos in Raleigh...
and also in Cary those luxury apartments...i think its "------------" on the Aboretum....the name escapes me at the moment...Those arereally nice places that run about 1200 a month, with a nice suburban community around consisting of shopping boutiques and restaurants and gyms...of courseCary is where the ballers live so that is to be expected...But yeah the houses here are dirt cheap..my mom and dad were in the 100k bracket back in the early90's when they bought there house for 180k, in a nice neighborhood. Their house was last appraised at 350K, and now we have houses 500k and up around thecorner..The only place IMO other than NC that you can get more house for your buck would be in the cities surrounding ATL...
Originally Posted by ninjahood

break my momz off wit some seperation money so she can leave me this APT...300 a month rent would make me da flyest ninja ever

room stayin' in stealth mode.
my home girl is makin 50k a year and her moms left her da stabilized rented apt she got..pssh she ballin right now.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

break my momz off wit some seperation money so she can leave me this APT...300 a month rent would make me da flyest ninja ever
Living in the hood ftl

Originally Posted by ninjahood

my home girl is makin 50k a year and her moms left her da stabilized rented apt she got..pssh she ballin right now.

Naw, she's frontin'
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