Let's talk abortions.. and let's take a different look at the terms "Pro-life" and Pro-Choice.

The planet is suffering? Over populated? Who think of and decides on this BS your spewing?

If people stepped up and held themselves accountable in all phases of sex then we would have these problems or as many of them.

The Planet? The countries? Like the United States? Don't blame people wanting families, don't blame the babies who didn't ask to be here. Blame theselfishness of those who are only out for themselves. We lead the world in billionaires so money isn't an issue. This country is flooded with food, waterand resources. We have a crazy amount of empty apartments and homes. Space and resources aren't a problem so what is? Selfishness. The me first mentality.

Come with better arguments than excusing others for not being responsible.
her body her choice is such a stupid @@%$+%+ arugment... there is another body in there. that could've easily been one of us posters.
I became more open on my views on abortion. I feel the perfect solution is permitted 1 per life, first trimester i guess. People need to be responsible. Peoplearen't getting raped and having abortions people are having repeated abortions as their contraceptive.

also definitely didn't read because you wrote way too much but

prolife vs prodeath
pro choice vs no choice

i feel the opposition to pro life just gets a sugar coated phrase cause just being real won't work. at the very least you are for the choice of riding ababy before it becomes born to be blunt.
Originally Posted by CB94

Originally Posted by mjbetch

Originally Posted by CB94

Originally Posted by mjbetch

Originally Posted by CB94

Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Babies arent chickens fam.

You cant use "count chickens before they hatch" logic here. Its a baby, a human being.

All I read was the last sentence, thats a huge wall of text there buddy.
Right, cuz it's only perfectly analogous...

cliffnotes please? <3
No. Read. It's not illegal yet.

can you at least double space? haha
It took you more time to ask me those two dumb questions than it took me to write that "Wall of text" and it would have taken you half that time to read it. You shouldn't put more energy into enabling your laziness than you would put into curing it.

someone's bitter. so you think me quoting your replies and typing a sentence is more effort than reading that whole paragraph? you can totally see that i was light hearted joking around with you, but then you come with me with an attitude? someone's panties are up in a bunch. what's your point here? promoting abortions? or trying to ratio

Not at all. And my point was stated clearly in the OP you haven't read. That third question was the dumbest one yet. You're so full of fail right now

actually... i did read it. and of course, you selectively read my comment.
Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

Eh. Woman has the right to do anything. It's her body.

Can't lie though... I'd be hurt if a girl aborted my baby.
Originally Posted by frostythepoptart

her body her choice is such a stupid @@%$+%+ arugment... there is another body in there. that could've easily been one of us posters.
I became more open on my views on abortion. I feel the perfect solution is permitted 1 per life, first trimester i guess. People need to be responsible. People aren't getting raped and having abortions people are having repeated abortions as their contraceptive.

also definitely didn't read because you wrote way too much but

prolife vs prodeath
pro choice vs no choice

i feel the opposition to pro life just gets a sugar coated phrase cause just being real won't work. at the very least you are for the choice of riding a baby before it becomes born to be blunt.

i dont understand some of you at all...you wrote almost as much as he did...people really find it that hard to read these days?

if its not her choice whose choice is it? the baby can't decide...

I think they should have to go to a judge before the decision is finalized and plead their case as to why they wanna get one.
thats a joke right?
Everybody supports killing under the right conditions. Those that don't, just haven't met their conditional requirements. It's part of the animalcondition, not even the human condition. We kill for food, but we also will defend out lives with deadly force. By extension, we'll even defend astandard of living with deadly force, knowing full well that such standards are subjective anyway. Would you kill to maintain your American way oflife as opposed to say... a Mongolian's nomadic lifestyle or an Inuit's sedentary one? Probably. Those lives suck by my standards
. It'spractically the American equivalent of severe poverty, only it's normal to those that live through it. I'm cool on that
. So yeah....I'm notagainst killing, but I am against murder.
Originally Posted by CB94

Everybody supports killing under the right conditions. Those that don't, just haven't met their conditional requirements. It's part of the animal condition, not even the human condition. We kill for food, but we also will defend out lives with deadly force. By extension, we'll even defend a standard of living with deadly force, knowing full well that such standards are subjective anyway. Would you kill to maintain your American way of life as opposed to say... a Mongolian's nomadic lifestyle or an Inuit's sedentary one? Probably. Those lives suck by my standards
. It's practically the American equivalent of severe poverty, only it's normal to those that live through it. I'm cool on that
. So yeah....I'm not against killing, but I am against murder.
Defense is a different measure than simply covering your track and mistakes.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

The planet is suffering? Over populated? Who think of and decides on this BS your spewing?

If people stepped up and held themselves accountable in all phases of sex then we would have these problems or as many of them.

The Planet? The countries? Like the United States? Don't blame people wanting families, don't blame the babies who didn't ask to be here. Blame the selfishness of those who are only out for themselves. We lead the world in billionaires so money isn't an issue. This country is flooded with food, water and resources. We have a crazy amount of empty apartments and homes. Space and resources aren't a problem so what is? Selfishness. The me first mentality.

Come with better arguments than excusing others for not being responsible.
My argument is solid. I'm not saying the potential parents don't deserve whatever shame they bring on themselves, but all this IDEAL talkis ridiculous. All these ifs don't make a damn lick of difference. If people stepped up and held themselves accountablein all phases of sex then we would have these problems or as many of them? Man if "IF" was a fifth of goose, we'd all be loose. Iain't tryna hear all the idealist arguments. I'm a realist, and realistically, yes the planet is overpopulated. Ask India. Ask China. Ask the 90% ofthe world that isn't rich. We don't hqave enough WATER for the 7 nillion people on earth, let alone enough water to mix with baby formula for someumpteen million unplanned pregnancies that would be forced to go full term. Then there's the next 70 years of life expectancy to account for. And thenthose kids will have kids either by choice or by lack of pro-choice. then you look up, 3 generations doen the road, and along with the impending shortage onoil, the caps melting, the temperature rising, and the dollar shrinking -- there's no where to stand because thepopulation has balooned to the point where now the whole world looks like execs in a crowded elevator. Yes, people are irresponsible and deserve to account fortheir indisrection, but at who's expense? Mine?! $%%% that. Let God sort em out when they die. If abortion iswrong, let God/Karma/Allah/or whoever be judge and jury. Meanwhile, it's in the better interest of me and people like me to keep this earth here andfunctional as long as possible. I'd rather not see baby formula factories on every corner.
Ultimately I'm pro life but I understand there are certain situations and circumstances that warrant an abortion (ex. you were raped or you'restruggling financially/can barely afford to feed, clothe, shelter yourself). I think it's too easy to get abortions nowadays though and I mostly have aproblem with the females that abuse it and have multiple abortions for selfish reasons. I think people need to be more responsible if you've had oneabortion then learn after the first time to be more careful there's no reason to be having multiple abortions.
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

My problem w/ abortion is the fact that ppl use em all willy nilly. It's like a broad says "Come on daddy forget the condom, if I get pregnant, I'll just abort it" Ppl don't wanna take responsibilities for their actions and that's what grinds my gears. I think they should have to go to a judge before the decision is finalized and plead their case as to why they wanna get one.

If the person isn't smart enough to have protected sex and be responsible, what makes you think they'll be able to successfully raise a child, most ofthe people who have abortions are not of wealthy circumstances and can barely afford to support themselves. So because they were stupid, the child getspunished by being brought into a world where he almost has zero chance at succeding...And abortion as long as it is done before a certain point isn'tkilling.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by CB94

Everybody supports killing under the right conditions. Those that don't, just haven't met their conditional requirements. It's part of the animal condition, not even the human condition. We kill for food, but we also will defend out lives with deadly force. By extension, we'll even defend a standard of living with deadly force, knowing full well that such standards are subjective anyway. Would you kill to maintain your American way of life as opposed to say... a Mongolian's nomadic lifestyle or an Inuit's sedentary one? Probably. Those lives suck by my standards
. It's practically the American equivalent of severe poverty, only it's normal to those that live through it. I'm cool on that
. So yeah....I'm not against killing, but I am against murder.
Defense is a different measure than simply covering your track and mistakes.
exactly. what's your rationalization on abortion? "the planet?" "the country?" no. the only reason why people would everget an abortion is because they're not ready for a baby or they have some severe physical condition. i know damn well if you had a child, you would put himor her first before the damn "planet" or "country."
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

My problem w/ abortion is the fact that ppl use em all willy nilly. It's like a broad says "Come on daddy forget the condom, if I get pregnant, I'll just abort it" Ppl don't wanna take responsibilities for their actions and that's what grinds my gears. I think they should have to go to a judge before the decision is finalized and plead their case as to why they wanna get one.

If the person isn't smart enough to have protected sex and be responsible, what makes you think they'll be able to successfully raise a child, most of the people who have abortions are not of wealthy circumstances and can barely afford to support themselves. So because they were stupid, the child gets punished by being brought into a world where he almost has zero chance at succeding...And abortion as long as it is done before a certain point isn't killing.
1. It's not the fact that the person isn't smart enough to have protected sex, it's the fact that they're ignorant andirresponsible and have it knowin what the repercussions can be.

2. If they can barely afford to support themselves, how in the hell are they going to afford an abortion? They aint free and aren't the most inexspensiveprocedures out there.

I think it's a matter of bein responsible. I think ppl have unprotected sex bank on the fact that they can get Plan B or an abortion. W/o those options, Idon't think they would be as negligent. Wouldn't u agree?
I used to be VERY pro-life until I started college. In high school, junior and senior year... girls were getting abortions left and right like they were earpiercings. And it was pretty crazy too because teen pregnancy at my high school was very sparse up until like 99. The first 2 years, it was like someone couldsay 'you know 'that pregnant girl?, and everyone knew who you were talking about...then junior year all hell broke loose. I'm talking freshmancoming in 6 months pregnant. It was crazy. But I digress.

I used to look down on those pregnant chicks, for the same reasons any kid at that age that's not looking at the big picture or used to such things would.The irresponsibility, the disregard for human life, etc. Then I got to college and I became friends with some of those girls. One of my friends got an abortionin college. I never really saw those that got abortions on that personal a level so now I'm definitely "pro-life" for myself but I respectanother woman's right to choose what she wants to do with her life and body when it comes to that.

The only thing that bothers me is, some choose to lie to themselves about what abortion really is. As mentioned before, people like to dehumanize the baby bysaying it's just a ball of cells, at the point of abortion it's not as if there's a viable life, etc. THAT I can't get with. "It's nota baby." And %%+* like that... get out of here. If it wasn't, why get rid of it? You get knocked up, you don't want to have the baby, youterminate the pregnancy... That's what it is. No more, no less. I hate when people try to dress it up as something that it isn't but I assume that itmakes it a lot easier to do if you look at it that way.

Originally Posted by CB94

Originally Posted by RKO2004

The planet is suffering? Over populated? Who think of and decides on this BS your spewing?

If people stepped up and held themselves accountable in all phases of sex then we would have these problems or as many of them.

The Planet? The countries? Like the United States? Don't blame people wanting families, don't blame the babies who didn't ask to be here. Blame the selfishness of those who are only out for themselves. We lead the world in billionaires so money isn't an issue. This country is flooded with food, water and resources. We have a crazy amount of empty apartments and homes. Space and resources aren't a problem so what is? Selfishness. The me first mentality.

Come with better arguments than excusing others for not being responsible.
My argument is solid. I'm not saying the potential parents don't deserve whatever shame they bring on themselves, but all this IDEAL talk is ridiculous. All these ifs don't make a damn lick of difference. If people stepped up and held themselves accountable in all phases of sex then we would have these problems or as many of them? Man if "IF" was a fifth of goose, we'd all be loose. I ain't tryna hear all the idealist arguments. I'm a realist, and realistically, yes the planet is overpopulated. Ask India. Ask China. Ask the 90% of the world that isn't rich. We don't hqave enough WATER for the 7 nillion people on earth, let alone enough water to mix with baby formula for some umpteen million unplanned pregnancies that would be forced to go full term. Then there's the next 70 years of life expectancy to account for. And then those kids will have kids either by choice or by lack of pro-choice. then you look up, 3 generations doen the road, and along with the impending shortage on oil, the caps melting, the temperature rising, and the dollar shrinking -- there's no where to stand because the population has balooned to the point where now the whole world looks like execs in a crowded elevator. Yes, people are irresponsible and deserve to account for their indisrection, but at who's expense? Mine?! $%%% that. Let God sort em out when they die. If abortion is wrong, let God/Karma/Allah/or whoever be judge and jury. Meanwhile, it's in the better interest of me and people like me to keep this earth here and functional as long as possible. I'd rather not see baby formula factories on every corner.

I can agree on the bold.

But don't feed me the not enough water crap. Let these countries actually put money into human life, you wont hear about what we're running out on. Wespend billions a year figuring out how to take human life instead of saving it. You telling me with all the water we have access to on the daily can't bespread to other places? You telling me with all the grocery stores and the mass amounts of food in them that we can chip in and help out? You call yourself arealist but you don't realize we can change so much if we WANTED to. But we don't.

China, India? This world is sectioned off by man. There is Plenty of land to build and live on. There is a big empty space across the street from me that couldbe a nice spot for apartment complexes. Why do we not use this space to house our struggling families and homeless? Because we CHOOSE not to. Your arguing froma college/scientist perspective. I'm telling you man, we have the resources. We have the man power. We have the money. Will Smith gets 20-25 million perfilm. Bill gates is worth what, $50 Billion? The money is there. We choose not to use it correctly.

Originally Posted by RKO2004

The planet is suffering? Over populated? Who think of and decides on this BS your spewing?

If people stepped up and held themselves accountable in all phases of sex then we would have these problems or as many of them.

The Planet? The countries? Like the United States? Don't blame people wanting families, don't blame the babies who didn't ask to be here. Blame the selfishness of those who are only out for themselves. We lead the world in billionaires so money isn't an issue. This country is flooded with food, water and resources. We have a crazy amount of empty apartments and homes. Space and resources aren't a problem so what is? Selfishness. The me first mentality.

Come with better arguments than excusing others for not being responsible.

The planet is getting over populated, we are growing at a rate this scary and that is why we have so many enviornmental problems right now. We have destroyedso many habitats and other forms of life because we have litterally taken over every crevice of the Earth. If America was smart, they would institute a 2 childper family rule like China has done. China, a country with 2 billion won't even be the most populated planet in 40 years. The greater amount of peoplethere are, the harder it is to have a good economy and we see a rise in idleness which will result in crime, disease and other %*!!. Humans have abused thisplanet so bad...we are a lot closer to species extinction than people realize.
Everybody's hollering "be responsible"... but really they mean, "You're only responsible for the next 18 years." My view onabortion takes a longer scope than that.... honestly, once you remove your own subjection from the equation, the responsible thing to do as apeople and not as a person is to allow any and all forms of death to occur naturally. Is abortion natural? No. But denying someonethe choice of parent hood is. Making someone have a baby is ridiculous

Think about this. Only chaos causes order. Too much order will inevitably cause chaos. Disease causes immunity which leads to a higher quality of life forthose that survive. Ask Europe and South America about small pox at the same time... ask a Native American how well his family is doing with diabetes.Blacks::sickle cell. Point being, people died hundreds of years ago which led to the Europeans of today being largely unaffected by those 3 diseases, unlikepeople of color. What was horrible then, gave way to a better future today. I'm not the type of guy that would stop that process.

It's funny how people see the logic in pruning shrubs tho...

So what's worse, pruning the unborn and unwanted (for whatever reason), or allowing the unborn and unwanted to destroy the quality of life of ALL of uscombined. Sacrifices have always been made in human history. I'm just real enough to see it. The blood of slaves made this country great for 3 hundredyears and the only reason we can't dig out of this recession is because we built this nation's power on free labor in the first damn place. We have NOclue what we're doing in a recession
. Was slavery bad? Hell yeah. But hell, it was advantageous if nothing else. Nothing in life is as black and whiteas we make it out to be, even racism. Ask most Black men where they'd rather live, here or in a hut in Sudan. The fact of the matter is that though slaverywas assed out horrible, it made this country the premier living quarter of the world for whites and eventually for people of color as well. Abortion is one ofthose ugly realities. It will help to delay the growing population surge across the planet and we'll live better because of it in the long run, even if wehave to live better with skeletons in the closet.
Originally Posted by mjbetch

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by CB94

Everybody supports killing under the right conditions. Those that don't, just haven't met their conditional requirements. It's part of the animal condition, not even the human condition. We kill for food, but we also will defend out lives with deadly force. By extension, we'll even defend a standard of living with deadly force, knowing full well that such standards are subjective anyway. Would you kill to maintain your American way of life as opposed to say... a Mongolian's nomadic lifestyle or an Inuit's sedentary one? Probably. Those lives suck by my standards
. It's practically the American equivalent of severe poverty, only it's normal to those that live through it. I'm cool on that
. So yeah....I'm not against killing, but I am against murder.
Defense is a different measure than simply covering your track and mistakes.
exactly. what's your rationalization on abortion? "the planet?" "the country?" no. the only reason why people would ever get an abortion is because they're not ready for a baby or they have some severe physical condition. i know damn well if you had a child, you would put him or her first before the damn "planet" or "country."

That makes twice you've assumed incorrectly about how I feel about an abortion. I've been there. Of course my immediate reasoning would be personal.But my underlying reasoning is practical. It's like a vegetarian who doesn't eat meat because he likes vegetables and fruit more, but also becausehe's drawn to the cause of saving cows from slaughter. It's not either or, it's both; maybe even one becauseof the other. Because I don't have a personal problem with it, I can see the bigger economic picture. Or maybe because I see the bigger pic, Idon't take it as personal. Either way...
^ i feel you. but do all those unexpected pregnancies make the differences negatively the way you make it seem all of them do? we will never know what good orbad the people from unexpected pregnancies may bring, but who knows. maybe someone who was about to be aborted, but wasn't for some reason, would be thenext michael jackson? or the next bill gates? we'll never know.
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

My problem w/ abortion is the fact that ppl use em all willy nilly. It's like a broad says "Come on daddy forget the condom, if I get pregnant, I'll just abort it" Ppl don't wanna take responsibilities for their actions and that's what grinds my gears.
This is how I feel. I don't agree that it should be used as a contraceptive, but I do realize that there are many reasons for abortions.

Originally Posted by RKO2004

The planet is suffering? Over populated? Who think of and decides on this BS your spewing?

If people stepped up and held themselves accountable in all phases of sex then we would have these problems or as many of them.

The Planet? The countries? Like the United States? Don't blame people wanting families, don't blame the babies who didn't ask to be here. Blame the selfishness of those who are only out for themselves. We lead the world in billionaires so money isn't an issue. This country is flooded with food, water and resources. We have a crazy amount of empty apartments and homes. Space and resources aren't a problem so what is? Selfishness. The me first mentality.

Come with better arguments than excusing others for not being responsible.

You have no idea what you're talking about. Fact: the world is overpopulated. Fact: we're running out of fresh water and many natural resources.Case-closed. You let your Christian morals get in the way of facts.
The thing abortion supporters are missing is chance. With abortion, you never allow that baby thechance to live. Is that fair? Is it fair that women can't keep their legs closed? Is it fair that guys think with their other head quicker than theirbrain? No its not. I know life isn't fair but we're talking about babies. Not animals. Not insects. Human life.

You have no idea what you're talking about. Fact: the world is overpopulated. Fact: we're running out of fresh water and many natural resources. Case-closed. You let your Christian morals get in the way of facts.
When the hell did you see me say anything about my spiritual beliefs? This is straight common sense. I'll wait for you to connect the dots...

Fact: we're running out of fresh water because we as a whole pollute the Earth beyond belief. We can curb that effect if we cared about it enough.

Natural resources we are running out. Fact. But why? Our way of lives is the reason.

I have no idea. OK whatever. Cool.
If you really cant take care money wise and for other reasons then have an abortion.
Its better for them then to not be well taken care or growing up into a not so good family.

Besides that im against abortion.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

The thing abortion supporters are missing is chance. With abortion, you never allow that baby the chance to live. Is that fair? Is it fair that women can't keep their legs closed? Is it fair that guys think with their other head quicker than their brain? No its not. I know life isn't fair but we're talking about babies. Not animals. Not insects. Human life.
Is it fair that a baby is going to be born with fetal alcohol syndrome? Is it fair that a woman should have to be reminded of being raped everytime she sees her child? Is it fair that a baby will be raised by a crackhead mom with a deadbeat dad only to become a crackhead mom or a deadbeat dad? No,it's not.
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