Let's talk abortions.. and let's take a different look at the terms "Pro-life" and Pro-Choice.

anyone hear about the school in Chicago that has 150 out of like 800 girls pregnant right now...ALL AT THE SAME DAMN TIME...SMH
Originally Posted by mjbetch

^ i feel you. but do all those unexpected pregnancies make the differences negatively the way you make it seem all of them do? we will never know what good or bad the people from unexpected pregnancies may bring, but who knows. maybe someone who was about to be aborted, but wasn't for some reason, would be the next michael jackson? or the next bill gates? we'll never know.
And maybe we don't deserve the right to know. That is a privilege. It's not that sad man,it really isn't. a billion sperm cells of mine have died inthe past month alone. Big whoop.. One of them could have been the next ME... @#$# a MichaelJackson and a Michael Jordan. But I didn't cry for an one of em... look man, I was born 3 months preemy. In my class people were kinda thrown off that Iwas saying EVEN THOUGH I was birthed in 6 months I don't have any qualms about late abortions. My thing is this, no one deserves life. It's a privilege to have, not a right. You have the right to keep it and defend it once it's been given to you, but you don't inherit a right to life off top. If I'd have died early on in those first 3months of life, it would have been tragic, but I wouldn'ty have felt cheated or anything. That's life....and death for you. All these laws that assumeyou do inherit that right, have gone ahead and tried to protect it, but they're jumping the gun. You can't write a death certificate before a birthcertificate so my question is, isn't it illegal to protect one person's rights OVER another's? Doesn't the limit of how far one's rightsstretch stop when their rights begin to affect another person's? What about the woman's right to her body? There's so many logical ways to allowfor abortion (I don't use the word "support" because I don't support it), but there's really only one ethical/emotional reason not to.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

anyone hear about the school in Chicago that has 150 out of like 800 girls pregnant right now...ALL AT THE SAME DAMN TIME...SMH
Damn shame...
Abortions are what, $500 - $1200?

I don't know how these young couples affording to get multiple abortions.

I know this girl who got 3 or 4 abortions in one year, like got damn.

Condoms are what, 85% effective? Mistakes happen

I honestly don't know how I feel about abortions yet. Who am I to judge someone else's decisions when I've never been put in that position.

Ultimately it's the females decision and you must respect it.
your sperm that died... they never fertilized an egg. they didn't create something with a heartbeat and could hear ya know? and the laws.. don'tforget, this is the country you live in.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

anyone hear about the school in Chicago that has 150 out of like 800 girls pregnant right now...ALL AT THE SAME DAMN TIME...SMH

Na but
. So what is your thoughts on what the problem is?

Personally, I think its accountability on us all to be honest. For example how many of those girls suffer from bad decision making? Maybe all of them. Butwhere does bad decision making come from? From what they see around them. Sex and lack of moral value is everywhere.
Is it fair that a baby is going to be born with fetal alcohol syndrome? Is it fair that a woman should have to be reminded of being raped every time she sees her child? Is it fair that a baby will be raised by a crackhead mom with a deadbeat dad only to become a crackhead mom or a deadbeat dad? No, it's not.

Accountability, Responsibility and ownership. I know this world isn't perfect, I wont judge a woman or man for making their decision. I won't condemnthem to hell. Its not my place to judge but I can have a opinion. IMO I'm pro-life/pro-choice. I believe in pro life but I also believe in free will.
Originally Posted by seventh letter

I honestly don't know how I feel about abortions yet. Who am I to judge someone else's decisions when I've never been put in that position.
I have a ton of other ways to look at it, but I'd be happiest if people just looked at it this way. Same with gay marriage.. but that'sfor another thread at another time.Some !%+$ should just be kept legal due to the fact that no one person has the right to tell another person what theycan't do unless one of them is named God. whether God exists or not, one thing's for certain, way too many people impersonate Him.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

anyone hear about the school in Chicago that has 150 out of like 800 girls pregnant right now...ALL AT THE SAME DAMN TIME...SMH

Na but
. So what is your thoughts on what the problem is?

Personally, I think its accountability on us all to be honest. For example how many of those girls suffer from bad decision making? Maybe all of them. But where does bad decision making come from? From what they see around them. Sex and lack of moral value is everywhere.
lack of parents in the home whether its cuz they dont care or are out working...lack of education about sex and risks involved...beingirresponsible...
I could believe that Chicago statistic. I just think that times are changing and so are people's values. Hell, even 20 years ago kids weren't runningwild like this because people held them accountable. They were judged by different standards that are so watered down now. There's a way out of everythingbecause there's a 'reason' for everything. Not that we should work backwards but... eh. Sucks.
Originally Posted by mjbetch

your sperm that died... they never fertilized an egg. they didn't create something with a heartbeat and could hear ya know? and the laws.. don't forget, this is the country you live in.
... I get it...You have no idea how many fertilized eggs get naturally aborted, do you? Lifeisn't precious.. that's just what they tell you as a kid. And if it is precious, isn't it a little henious to rank which type of life is the mostvaluable? Life starts and stops all the time without us ever taking a moments' notice. Stop being so self centerd. You probably killed 100 living thingslast week from ants to bed mites.. I'm sure more than 100 species of plants and animals have died in TOTALITY since you were born and here we are, arguingabout people that don't even exist yet. No, not people in a population sense, but persons. Individuals. Are humans so fragile in the cerebral cortex that theyactual value minute quantities of hypothetical life over real living creatures....like...other humans for example? Come on man.. for real? "What if" has taken precedence over reality.. wow..

There's several heroes in The Watchmen. The most noble of them all made the biggest sacrifice when he allowed New York to fall for the better of theglobe.. I get that.
Originally Posted by CB94

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

anyone hear about the school in Chicago that has 150 out of like 800 girls pregnant right now...ALL AT THE SAME DAMN TIME...SMH
Damn shame...

YEa, they had to open up a nursery center in a former crack house of course the street. Good thing those girls are having those babies though, teach them tokeep there legs closed and not be so irresponsible.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

anyone hear about the school in Chicago that has 150 out of like 800 girls pregnant right now...ALL AT THE SAME DAMN TIME...SMH

Na but
. So what is your thoughts on what the problem is?

Personally, I think its accountability on us all to be honest. For example how many of those girls suffer from bad decision making? Maybe all of them. But where does bad decision making come from? From what they see around them. Sex and lack of moral value is everywhere.
lack of parents in the home whether its cuz they dont care or are out working...lack of education about sex and risks involved...being irresponsible...

Exactly. Dudes made life hard and now every house hold pretty much needs both parents at work.
It sucks but you have to feed your babies and provide for them. As for notcaring. I don't really have an explanation to it. I don't understand it. Being a parent is pretty much the greatest responsibility on this planet. Itshard at times but how anyone can not care or love their child is beyond me.

I could believe that Chicago statistic. I just think that times are changing and so are people's values. Hell, even 20 years ago kids weren't running wild like this because people held them accountable. They were judged by different standards that are so watered down now. There's a way out of everything because there's a 'reason' for everything. Not that we should work backwards but... eh. Sucks.
I feel you. Too many people use the "Don't judge me" when in fact someone may just be expressing opinion over right and wrong.People are so SOFTTTT nowadays.

I have a question for everyone. Is it judging if I call a male friend a garden tool if sleeps around or am I telling the truth?
I personally am against Abortions because if my mom decided to perform one, i wouldn't be here.

I mean we basically all have our arguments into place, nothing we say will change our thoughts...but just look at it this way.

Its taking a life away from someone who didn't have a say on whether they will live or die.
Who says just because the kid grows up in a household that is not financially stable and without two parents is going to make him/her a bad kid?

Just because statistics prove this and that doesn't mean its OK for abortions. A human life is human life, you gotta adapt to change...you can't justopt out if your scared of change.
Originally Posted by CB94

Originally Posted by mjbetch

your sperm that died... they never fertilized an egg. they didn't create something with a heartbeat and could hear ya know? and the laws.. don't forget, this is the country you live in.
... I get it...You have no idea how many fertilized eggs get naturally aborted, do you? Life isn't precious.. that's just what they tell you as a kid. And if it is precious, isn't it a little henious to rank which type of life is the most valuable? Life starts and stops all the time without us ever taking a moments' notice. Stop being so self centerd. You probably killed 100 living things last week from ants to bed mites.. I'm sure more than 10 species 0 of plants and animals have died in TOTALITY since you were born and here we are, arguing about people that don't even exist yet. Are humans so fragile in the cerebral cortex that they actual vale hypothetical life over real living creatures....like...other humans for example? Come on man.. for real? "What if" has taken precedence over reality.. wow..

so.. you're saying an accidental miscarriage or something of that nature is a "natural abortion?" if i killed 100 living things in the past week,at least i didn't do it on purpose for my own self benefit. why are humans they way they are being considered highly as "humans"and nothing elseput up on a pedestal like humans are? there are reasons why we don't have laws on killing plants and bet mites. again, you want abortions to save theplanet and our country. comparing humans to plants. smh.

i believe something may have happened to you in your lifetime to not value life as others do.

self centered? please back up your statement.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by CB94

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

anyone hear about the school in Chicago that has 150 out of like 800 girls pregnant right now...ALL AT THE SAME DAMN TIME...SMH
Damn shame...

YEa, they had to open up a nursery center in a former crack house of course the street. Good thing those girls are having those babies though, teach them to keep there legs closed and not be so irresponsible.

those girls are probably more likely to have another child than 'learn from their mistake' what about the men keeping it in their pants?
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by CB94

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

anyone hear about the school in Chicago that has 150 out of like 800 girls pregnant right now...ALL AT THE SAME DAMN TIME...SMH
Damn shame...

YEa, they had to open up a nursery center in a former crack house of course the street. Good thing those girls are having those babies though, teach them to keep there legs closed and not be so irresponsible.
... Right cuz that's what's important... not the 450 underprivileged lives -- parents included, but the lesson the mothers will learnfrom them.....
..... People just like punishing other people, that's all. It's almost like it's fun to think "I'm a better person thanhim and it's my duty to enforce my ethics!" If given a chance to teach or punish, people pick punish 9 out of 10 times. I love it.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by CB94

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

anyone hear about the school in Chicago that has 150 out of like 800 girls pregnant right now...ALL AT THE SAME DAMN TIME...SMH
Damn shame...

YEa, they had to open up a nursery center in a former crack house of course the street. Good thing those girls are having those babies though, teach them to keep there legs closed and not be so irresponsible.

those girls are probably more likely to have another child than 'learn from their mistake' what about the men keeping it in their pants?

I don't even feel sorry for the girls because they opened there legs and knew the risk. . I feel sorry for the kids that are born into a possibly crappychildhood and raised by a child themselves. . . All this creates is another cycle of poor, and unprivileged children.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by CB94

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

anyone hear about the school in Chicago that has 150 out of like 800 girls pregnant right now...ALL AT THE SAME DAMN TIME...SMH
Damn shame...

YEa, they had to open up a nursery center in a former crack house of course the street. Good thing those girls are having those babies though, teach them to keep there legs closed and not be so irresponsible.

those girls are probably more likely to have another child than 'learn from their mistake' what about the men keeping it in their pants?


You girls have to be the ones to say no. No knock on us guys but we can't think straight when its straight.

I mean we got self control but I know as a male that females are probably stronger in that area.
Originally Posted by YouMadYouBad

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by CB94

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

anyone hear about the school in Chicago that has 150 out of like 800 girls pregnant right now...ALL AT THE SAME DAMN TIME...SMH
Damn shame...

YEa, they had to open up a nursery center in a former crack house of course the street. Good thing those girls are having those babies though, teach them to keep there legs closed and not be so irresponsible.

those girls are probably more likely to have another child than 'learn from their mistake' what about the men keeping it in their pants?

I don't even feel sorry for the girls because they opened there legs and knew the risk. . I feel sorry for the kids that are born into a possibly crappy childhood and raised by a child themselves. . . All this creates is another cycle of poor, and unprivileged children.
Did they though? Some of these kids are barely literate, they come from crap homes, crap neighborhoods, and they go to crap schools. So many ofthese kids are involuntarily ignorant and it's sad. It does keep the cycle going but it's really not their fault. They were damned from the jump...andthey really have no real help in sight. %*+# is rough for some of these kids.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by CB94

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

anyone hear about the school in Chicago that has 150 out of like 800 girls pregnant right now...ALL AT THE SAME DAMN TIME...SMH
Damn shame...

YEa, they had to open up a nursery center in a former crack house of course the street. Good thing those girls are having those babies though, teach them to keep there legs closed and not be so irresponsible.

those girls are probably more likely to have another child than 'learn from their mistake' what about the men keeping it in their pants?


You girls have to be the ones to say no. No knock on us guys but we can't think straight when its straight.

I mean we got self control but I know as a male that females are probably stronger in that area.

i'm just saying...he's say its gonna make them keep their legs closed...what about the guy who probably isn't gonna do to much to help her...whatdoes he learn?
What if the doctor told you that your pregnant wife cannot give birth to the baby due to some medical issues. If she took it to full term only one of themmight be saved or they would both die.

A woman is raped and gets pregnant. Would you judge her if she gets an abortion. Knowing that if the baby gets born. She would be looking at the likeness ofher attacker everyday of her life.

These are but hypothetical situations. However, these are the common rebuttals of pro-choice. But I think this thread is more about the other aspect ofabortion. So in fairness.

The United States has laws and societies protecting pets and animals but it does not have any laws against unborn children. So it is okay to abort a fetus butnot okay to kill a dog.

Think about what would have happened if you're parents decided not to have you. Oh wait you can't.
Originally Posted by Dylishis

Did they though? Some of these kids are barely literate, they come from crap homes, crap neighborhoods, and they go to crap schools. So many of these kids are involuntarily ignorant and it's sad. It does keep the cycle going but it's really not their fault. They were damned from the jump...and they really have no real help in sight. %*+# is rough for some of these kids.

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by CB94

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

anyone hear about the school in Chicago that has 150 out of like 800 girls pregnant right now...ALL AT THE SAME DAMN TIME...SMH
Damn shame...

YEa, they had to open up a nursery center in a former crack house of course the street. Good thing those girls are having those babies though, teach them to keep there legs closed and not be so irresponsible.

those girls are probably more likely to have another child than 'learn from their mistake' what about the men keeping it in their pants?


You girls have to be the ones to say no. No knock on us guys but we can't think straight when its straight.

I mean we got self control but I know as a male that females are probably stronger in that area.

i'm just saying...he's say its gonna make them keep their legs closed...what about the guy who probably isn't gonna do to much to help her...what does he learn?
Oh I was joking when you were asking a serious ?. My bad.

Well in that case, to be honest based on what I've seen. Neither in most cases learn anything. I had a friend who had an abortion but kept sleeping withthe guy unprotected. I honestly doubt sex ed would have helped in that situation because its common sense and decision making after a while. The parents aremajority at fault in certain aspects. But you can only load your kids with so much time and info. It comes down to them to make the choices.

Kids are just simply making bad choices nowadays. Everything is to blame. The system has crashed and no one is there to fix it
. Look at the "Real World"? How many idiots have you seen swappingspit with someone they just met? Marriage has been made into a joke (So many things to blame). Everything just has slid so far I don't know if it can befixed.

All we can do as individuals is educate those around us and drill good decision making into people heads by leafing by example.
Originally Posted by Ace3han

What if the doctor told you that your pregnant wife cannot give birth to the baby due to some medical issues. If she took it to full term only one of them might be saved or they would both die.

A woman is raped and gets pregnant. Would you judge her if she gets an abortion. Knowing that if the baby gets born. She would be looking at the likeness of her attacker everyday of her life.

These are but hypothetical situations. However, these are the common rebuttals of pro-choice. But I think this thread is more about the other aspect of abortion. So in fairness.

The United States has laws and societies protecting pets and animals but it does not have any laws against unborn children. So it is okay to abort a fetus but not okay to kill a dog.

Think about what would have happened if you're parents decided not to have you. Oh wait you can't.

you can't shoot a dog just like you can't beat a woman in her stomach to kill the baby

you can put a dog to sleep and you can abort a baby legally
MY statement was sarcasm for those who didn't catch it, I thought that would be obvious from my previous statement.
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