Li-Ning Thread

Storm Shadows shipped last night. And copped Iceman and Announcements now. Might as well get two so the other ships free then I can chill until the 3s. Maybe get the Lavas or the black lows if they go on sale.
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Any know why website charging tax (outside of FL)?  I'm thinking dispute w/ CSR to waive the tax.  As much as my understood the tax law, you can't tax buyer outside of state or as if you can't tax unless you have actual brick and mortar store within that state.
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Any know why website charging tax (outside of FL)?  I'm thinking dispute w/ CSR to waive the tax.  As much as my understood the tax law, you can't tax buyer outside of state or as if you can't tax unless you have actual brick and mortar store within that state.
They can also tax you if there's a warehouse in your state. Doesn't matter if that's not where the shoes ship from. Fanatics has a warehouse in almost every state.
Any know why website charging tax (outside of FL)?  I'm thinking dispute w/ CSR to waive the tax.  As much as my understood the tax law, you can't tax buyer outside of state or as if you can't tax unless you have actual brick and mortar store within that state.

They can also tax you if there's a warehouse in your state. Doesn't matter if that's not where the shoes ship from. Fanatics has a warehouse in almost every state.


I originally thought that as well. But then I remembered they are Fanatics and they are much larger than the WOW brand.
^ Yikes! I think you're right @Turnon  . I forgot those guys are Fanatics, not WoW.  =(   There go 9% tax CA. 
  Welps, at least the 15% coupon helps a bit.
Pretty sure it has to do with State law, not warehouses, as like Skep, I pay no tax in NJ either, which is clutch! GR, Lava, Storm shadow shipped with 15% was $504.
^^^ That discount is nice. I gotta sell some shoes within the next week... Trying to get the Gold Rush, Announcement, Iceman, and Storm Shadow.

The search for WOW 2 Team No Sleep is finally complete! Took forever to find them, should be here by the weekend (hopefully).
$59.43 for tax and $24.97 for shipping from 4 pairs :x :smh: The coupon helped ease the pain a little. |I No rebates sucks. Hope the 3s don't drop on the site for awhile.
Diablos ($163), Gold Rush ($200), and Iceman ($130) are now available from the Members Only section of Sunlight Station.

If you put in my IG name 'TURNONATL' in the Order Instructions/Comments box when paying, you'll get free socks, wristband, and keychain.

Man, tough decision between the Gold Rushes and Iceman lows for me. Shame I don't have the budget for both.

Edit: Decided on the Iceman lows, if anyone cares :lol:
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$59.43 for tax and $24.97 for shipping from 4 pairs :x :smh: The coupon helped ease the pain a little. |I No rebates sucks. Hope the 3s don't drop on the site for awhile.

Why did you pay so much shipping? I thought it was 8.99 once and everything after that was free. Did you place a separate order for each?

And honestly, if you wanted to, I could order for you, have em ship to me then I ship to you. Shipping would cost way less than that $59 tax
Man, tough decision between the Gold Rushes and Iceman lows for me. Shame I don't have the budget for both.

Edit: Decided on the Iceman lows, if anyone cares
I think you made a good decision. With the price of them and them sitting, I am sure a sale will happen eventually and hopefully at that time, the 15% off code still works. 
I haven't had any issue with my encores chipping even the sample pair had nothing
^^^ That discount is nice. I gotta sell some shoes within the next week... Trying to get the Gold Rush, Announcement, Iceman, and Storm Shadow.

The search for WOW 2 Team No Sleep is finally complete! Took forever to find them, should be here by the weekend (hopefully).
sooo now i know who made the guy pull his listing off ebay ...... =/ 
Why did you pay so much shipping? I thought it was 8.99 once and everything after that was free. Did you place a separate order for each?

And honestly, if you wanted to, I could order for you, have em ship to me then I ship to you. Shipping would cost way less than that $59 tax

Yeah it was for 4 separate orders. I wanted to be sure the 2.5 fits perfectly hence one pair, conviently a code with free shipping was valid. Then came the Storm Shadow, after loving how they felt compared to the 2.0 I had to get them right away. Didn't know the Iceman would drop so soon after so that's when I included a second pair since I doubt there is anything else to come out.

I'll be patient next time and wait for everything to release then get them unless there is a discount code with free shipping included. Would suck though if I waited and the 10134 code doesn't work any more.*knock on wood* And thanks for the offer, I might take you up on it when I have a big order.
No prob man, just let me know. Especially if it's on a release I'm getting myself, we can save shipping costs even more lol. This no tax on shoes thing is the best thing that's happened to me since collecting
Those gold rushes are so sick... What's the cheapest site to order them from right now? Shipped to NY. Sorry, don't have time to read through the thread for how or what 15% codes u guys are using and on which site.
Those gold rushes are so sick... What's the cheapest site to order them from right now? Shipped to NY. Sorry, don't have time to read through the thread for how or what 15% codes u guys are using and on which site.

sunlightstation, but you have to sign up to become a member to purchase.

I say Sunlight as well...GoldRushes are $200 and $19 flat rate shipping on orders over $160.

On WoW site GR's are $250 and a 15% off code brings you to $212.50 plus $8.99 shipping.

$219 (Sunlight) vs $221.49 (WoW)...such a little difference, but you'll get freebies from Sunlight AND when you review online they'll give you $5 store credit on future purchases. Still salty I didn't wait for Sunlight. I copped on WoW with 15% discount, but I have about $20 in credit from Sunlight. So they would have been $200 shipped. Oh well...
I know the TNS were just about the last model to release for the ones, I'm still hopeful that they'll release in some capacity, but it's not looking too great. :/ Maybe I have to settle for paying rape prices for one of the sample pairs
Can anyone give insight on how the sweatsuit way of wade 2's fit in comparison to the regular way of wade 2? I know the construction of the upper is a bit different as well as the material being a little unusual. Are they any more forgiving / wide in the forefoot?
Those gold rushes are so sick... What's the cheapest site to order them from right now? Shipped to NY. Sorry, don't have time to read through the thread for how or what 15% codes u guys are using and on which site.

sunlightstation, but you have to sign up to become a member to purchase.

I say Sunlight as well...GoldRushes are $200 and $19 flat rate shipping on orders over $160.

On WoW site GR's are $250 and a 15% off code brings you to $212.50 plus $8.99 shipping.

$219 (Sunlight) vs $221.49 (WoW)...such a little difference, but you'll get freebies from Sunlight AND when you review online they'll give you $5 store credit on future purchases. Still salty I didn't wait for Sunlight. I copped on WoW with 15% discount, but I have about $20 in credit from Sunlight. So they would have been $200 shipped. Oh well...

Big difference for us in CA or in his case, NY with the tax. $240 vs $218(weird the total is $218 but shipping is $17) and you get a pair of socks and other goodies as you mentioned and turnon turnon posted. Thought about caving in and picking up a pair lol.
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