*** LIGHT SKIN vs. DARK SKIN.. ***

Originally Posted by enlightenedespot

Originally Posted by WILLINC


I'm a redbone... lol as people would say..and my sister is darker. Same mom and dad.
It's really not a big deal to me. People can have their owns preferences....
but me? If you're attractive then that's that...skin color doesn't make you attractive IMO.

My last boyfriend had dark brown skin and my current boyfriend is half Irish half cuban so as you can see, I don't discriminate

Skin color is highly overrated..people don't seem to care about intelligence or personality anymore.

Whats the use of dating somebody who is attractive but really unintelligent and really boring?
, + 1 for you

but for real thats real talk,

honestly if I found someone who is pretty, smart, got common sense and is a dark brown/ caramel and i would be just as happy as being with a red bone.

You and people like you disgust me. By the way your last statement is damn lie.

Sucks that people can't get past this bs but I guess I can't blame them. Its innate.

Wait, was this comment directed toward me also?
its a slave mentality dark skinned slaves were viewed more less human (if that makes any sense
excuse my grammar) than light skinned slaves so the darker ones were put in the fields to do the gruesome labor. the lighter skinned slaves were more accepted by the white master's family because they felt more comfortable around those that had some of the same qualities as them and therefore light skinned slaves were usually the mammies and took other main house-hold jobs.

this hierarchy caused jealousy amongst the slaves and allowed the master to have more power over his "property". this jealousy kept the slave in check. the house negroes didnt want to lose their good jobs so they reported any insurrections of any kind going on in the slave quarters. thats what made it impossible for any successful north american slave rebellion

the same attitude passed down generation to generation and now the lighter complexion, wavier hair, smaller noses, etc are desired traits because that mentality of "master will accept us if we resemble him" is still stamped in the psyche of african americans

end of discussion. it's sad that some of you say the things yall do.
Caramel gurls > all other gurls.... lol JK NO !%!+.

btw why are the dudes in the thread that prefer lightskinned women get the "smh" everyone has there preferences. I know alot of dudes that only likedark skinned gurls big deal, no one should feel bad because they are attracted to certain type of female.
you mean to tell me some of you dudes wouldnt bag cuz shes not light skinned?!
...gotta be out ya damn mind
Originally Posted by A Stunting GoTRILLa

a lot black chicks have told me that they didn't even think men of different ethnicities were even attracted to them in the first place.

on strenght---when I first got legitimate play from white dudes I ain't even realize what was happenin'....I was thinking "oh shoot--this dude is tryna get down
" I was really thrown aback cuz I had my afro goin,' my hair wasn't even straightened and I am NOT light skin in the least bit.

Yeah I know what you mean. The first time that happened to me I was like oh snap pointing to my self like "me?". Speaking of hair my mostmemorable observation was when I went bald to re-grow my hair, I was like shunned from the black community
, but I got serious play from all thesewhite/hispanic/asian dudes. That was a REALLY weird experience.
Its sad that you put the two against eachother as if they are opponents.... it shouldnt be that way smh. Like Q-tip says- "Black is Black." I mean Idont know how other peoples familys are, but i have both ls and ds people in my family. And for me to say i like one better than the other, would be like mesaying I dont think my aunts,grandmas, or mom are beautiful women. But thats how the man wants it. They want us to hate eachother, so they can keep us down. Imean you can see how they do it when you turn the tv on and go to any pop culture station. It really makes me mad.
But like mentioned it was all set up to be like this. about 200 or so years ago by this slave master named willie lynch. he created a method to keep slavesdown for atleast 200 years, and then sent it to all of the slave owners in america.......
Originally Posted by FinesseSosa

you mean to tell me some of you dudes wouldnt bag cuz shes not light skinned?!
...gotta be out ya damn mind
Thank you..

Will smash with the quickness..
Originally Posted by FinesseSosa

you mean to tell me some of you dudes wouldnt bag cuz shes not light skinned?!
...gotta be out ya damn mind

I don't find her attractive.. If she was light skinned.. Probably..
honestly i love em both but if i had to pick i'll take a dark skin lady over a light skin lady anytime...something about dark skin tho...*%+$ drives mecrazy
Originally Posted by FlyDaily

Red Bones FTW......but a fine dark skin female is def a keeper....but the avg lightskin chick > avg dark skin chick

As mush as I hate to admit, that is the truth
Originally Posted by an66eon

its a slave mentality dark skinned slaves were viewed more less human (if that makes any sense
excuse my grammar) than light skinned slaves so the darker ones were put in the fields to do the gruesome labor. the lighter skinned slaves were more accepted by the white master's family because they felt more comfortable around those that had some of the same qualities as them and therefore light skinned slaves were usually the mammies and took other main house-hold jobs.

this hierarchy caused jealousy amongst the slaves and allowed the master to have more power over his "property". this jealousy kept the slave in check. the house negroes didnt want to lose their good jobs so they reported any insurrections of any kind going on in the slave quarters. thats what made it impossible for any successful north american slave rebellion

the same attitude passed down generation to generation and now the lighter complexion, wavier hair, smaller noses, etc are desired traits because that mentality of "master will accept us if we resemble him" is still stamped in the psyche of african americans

end of discussion. it's sad that some of you say the things yall do.

Thats basically what I am saying to Ill Will I am. Duke gave AJchick a plus 1 just for being redbone off the break. Doesn't even know what she lookslike. But I guess I can't blame dude.

And nah AJchick I wasn't speaking about you.
Originally Posted by TkTheGirl

I don't know some black women have this I have to be loyal to the black man only and have to keep black families alive thing going. Which isn't a bad thing, but they keep themselves cut off from other men on purpose. Given what the media portrays what is beautiful on regular basis which is not the average black woman a lot black chicks have told me that they didn't even think men of different ethnicities were even attracted to them in the first place.

thank you for the compliment.

i'm somewhat like that...i'm not against dating other races but IMO there is nothing better than a fine strong black man...a few white guys havehit on me but in my mind i'm just like ok
whatever...not eventaking them serious...
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