Lil B trying out for the Warriors.... :rollin

Pahahaha! THis could only get better if they showed his tryout on tv
One of the comments on KSVW "Based God's the only reason I picked up a basketball." - Michael Jordan

Smack on the face of all the players who have bust their ***** in practice, games all through their life in hopes of one day getting to the NBA
No shots dude, but you always come off as judgmental and superlative.I lurk and don't call you on it, but a lot of your responses are riddled with fallacies. 
He's trying out for D-League, which means he too has to bust his *** in practice, in hopes of one day getting to the NBA...just like Jeremy Lin did.

Why wont they just let dude suit up even for a preseason game? Makes no sense!

He would get scorched badly by every player he would be matched up with. And with his severe height deficiency, he would probably play the point. It would be a turnover buffet.
Aye, at some point in time, yall gotta cut out the tired Based nonsense out. He has no place at that try out. Point blank.
Still don't know how to embed YT videos, but here's some more footage. Only like 5 seconds of him actually playing, had a putback and the rest is just him walking around.

^ the top comment on that video is

"Man...i'm camped outside Footlocker right now until Black Friday when those new "Air Basedgod's" come out" :lol:
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