Lil' Debbie Appreciation

Little Debbie snakces Oatmeal Creme Pies gotta be in the top 3 greatest snacks ever
man, idgaf what anyone says Lil Debbie 
(she talks at 2:54)
i seriously thought this thread was about lil debbie that 1 asian female niketalker that posted on wydyt and dudes be on her joc about her shoe game
i thought that was kreyshawn for a minute
os it
wait is it her
im lost
I figured it was probably one of the @$**% that she's smashing. BTW it seems her and Kreayshawn are beefing when did this happen? Its a shame they were great together.
Them eyebrows 

9 times out of 10 these hipster chicks have no body, no mass. No bueno. I would still smash tho 
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