Lil Wayne Takin L's... vol. Cheapskate

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

son said in the history of music though. 

solarius49 wrote:
shoeking2101 wrote:
Taking sports way too serious. So what if he wants to root for multiple people/teams? What's the big deal?

Does that make you or any other sports fan better than him as a sports fan because you all are "loyal" and stick to one team? That's stupid to me. If someone wants to root for multiple teams or like multiple teams then so be it, it's not that big of a deal.


what movie/video is this from? or did someone make this?
Originally Posted by howyouwhat

^ Like I said in my other post, they could've easily accommodated him by adding a few extra seats (like they do in the big city's) and charged him whatever they wanted. They just didn't want someone like him ruining their whiteout.
Well, OKC's not one of those big cities and maybe they didn't want to crowd the courtside area with extra seats.  If he insisted on sitting courtside so he could be seen and not somewhere else then that's his problem.
He is upset that they didnt go the extra mile for him. All in all, its not like he wasnt afforded the same privileges of any other basketball fan. Did OKC go above and beyond for him? No they didnt, but that shouldnt be expected, only an added bonus. I applaud OKC in this situation, for not giving away FREE seats to a millionaire
This clown/troll dosent deserve special treatment, for what?!? He wants to be there for the attention, point blank. He thought he was above everyone else and cried when he didn't get what he wanted the way a 4 year old girl would. Again, bring that steez to bum beach where you still get clowned by the players, according to him.
Originally Posted by howyouwhat

The hate for Wayne is so strong.

Dude didn't want the tickets for free, he just wanted to be able to sit court side. And don't act like the extra security/private entrance and exit isn't necessary for on of the biggest names in the history of music.
this will suffice...
Can the Wayne stan be banned from here permanently. His posts are irritating
Originally Posted by solarius49

He is upset that they didnt go the extra mile for him. All in all, its not like he wasnt afforded the same privileges of any other basketball fan. Did OKC go above and beyond for him? No they didnt, but that shouldnt be expected, only an added bonus. I applaud OKC in this situation, for not giving away FREE seats to a millionaire

Again, who said ANYTHING about free???

And because I see the situation from both sides and decide to side with Wayne that makes me a Stan? Lulz.

I'm sure if it was Biebs they would've had absolutely no problem accommodating the request.

And ced/rex ryan, weren't you the poster that was owned for thinking he was being brought up for that "epic" debate? Go sit down Kevin.
Originally Posted by zmoney3

can this clown shut his mouth already...he sounds dumber by the minute...
[h1]Lil Wayne feels 'unwanted' at arena[/h1]

Updated: June 2, 2012, 4:02 PM ET
Associated Press
  • PRINTLOS ANGELES -- Lil Wayne said that after a recent NBA playoffs ticket dispute, he felt unwelcome and "unwanted" at the Oklahoma City arena and isn't planning to return.

The rapper said two Thunder players -- Kevin Durant and James Harden -- had reached out to offer him tickets to Saturday's fourth game of the Western Conference finals.

"That's not the point, though," he told The Associated Press in an interview Friday night. "It's the players stepping up but of course the players aren't white. I don't want to be sitting there on behalf of you and I'm sitting next to a (person) that's like, 'I don't want this (guy) sitting next to me.' (Forget) you ... I'm in Forbes," he said, laughing.

Lil Wayne said in a tweet Thursday night that he had been "denied by the team to be in their arena." The team responded by saying the seats he wanted were already taken.

But the Grammy-winning rapper, during an appearance in Los Angeles, described a more complicated scenario.

He said he typically procures tickets for such games "from this guy named Mike." Lil Wayne said Mike had requested special security, parking and entrance for the rapper, but Mike said the team responded that it would sell the seats only for Mike's personal use.

Lil Wayne said a manager had advised him not to return to the city's arena for sports events or concerts, but "I never say never."

He said he felt welcome at other arenas including Miami and likes being able to energize players -- many of whom are fans of his music -- on their home court.

"That's like me going on stage and ... seeing LeBron (James) in the crowd with his hand up. I'm going to perform a little bit harder," he said.

But in Oklahoma, he said, while "the players want me there, I don't want to feel -- I'm going to still feel unwanted."

A team spokesman has said Lil Wayne's representatives insisted that he sit in the front row, and none of those seats were available. Oklahoma City sold out every home game during the regular season and playoffs.

I wonder if he really thinks he's among the elite because he's in Forbes.  There's a reason you don't see the Rothschilds and Rockefellers listed in Forbes, and you rarely, if ever, see places like Greenwich, Connecticut listed among the wealthiest cities.  I use to like Wayne (nh), but now he's just annoying
.  If Drake ever leaves YM, which I doubt, they'll cease to be relevant...
Originally Posted by Degenerate423

If Drake ever leaves YM, which I doubt, they'll cease to be relevant...


I actually agree that OKC wanted nothing to do with Lil Wayne sitting courtside. It doesn't seem like he's the type of people that they wanted shown prominently at their games... Take that however you want it.
As long as Wayne has a pulse and Birdman & Slim are still alive, YM will never "cease to be relevant"
Mr. Carter please stop acting like your Jimi, Bob, Michael, Etc. You have done nothing to shape the world in any way let alone positive. You are who we thought you were a fugazi.

Shout out to Meth.
Originally Posted by FlipNLu

Mr. Carter please stop acting like your Jimi, Bob, Michael, Etc. You have done nothing to shape the world in any way let alone positive. You are who we thought you were a fugazi.

Shout out to Meth.

If the internet, social media, & TMZ was around in the 60s and beyond... you would be saying the same thing about Jimi, Bob, Michael, etc.
That is far from an accurate statement Mr. MoonMan. The following people i listed had a message and meaning in there music. Let alone it was music not a digital beat and vulgar nursery rhymes. Any more insight needed feel free to inbox me or leave a message.

Nobody would ever call Jimi, Bob or Michael fugazi even if the social media existed during their era. The fact that you think Lil Wayne should even be mentioned in the same breath as real artist says enough.
Originally Posted by Winged Wheel

Nobody would ever call Jimi, Bob or Michael fugazi even if the social media existed during their era. The fact that you think Lil Wayne should even be mentioned in the same breath as real artist says enough.

There is hope! Didn't think we still exist on NT.
Yea Weezy will never be on the level of any of the music icons listed. He's not even one of the best in his own genre and he doesn't talk about anything important. Popularity =/= Quality,effect on people
seriously, what does okc gain by being affiliated with little wayne? it's their org, they can do whatever they want. who cares. he shouldnt have been so hurt by it and complained like a baby. but whatever, this the same guy who wonders why miami players dont show him love? i bet he hasnt heard NO in awhile. asked for tickets, didnt get it. deal with it and move on.
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