Lindsey Lohan reveals the names of celebrities who have slept with her (big list)

you keep saying these things but you provide no source or scientific backing to your claims....

talks about black people being intellectually inferior... posts articles about kidney and obesity?

Yea people in here are providing sources galore for white women looking 35 at age 26. Plenty of sources. I posted the obesity and kidney as an aside, it had NOTHING to do with intellect. It was posted IN ADDITION to my intellect comment. Learn how to read.

A simple google search on race and intelligence should bring up tons of information. Whether you like to believe it or not it's something people think and it's something people have provided some evidence for. Someone provided their evidence of why "EVERY" white woman looks 35 at 26 but can't stomach when people say similar things about the black race?

i post sources to my claims... you cant because you know there is no scientific basis for the intelligence claim...

There is a scientific basis for the aging claim.... I'm just saying... i like to keep it factual kid
i post sources to my claims... you cant because you know there is no scientific basis for the intelligence claim...

There is a scientific basis for the aging claim.... I'm just saying... i like to keep it factual kid

You didn't post any sources about 26 year old white women looking 35. If you want sources just look up college stats, stop acting like you don't know what I'm talking about. The only thing we could argue is why. But the fact is some races do better than others academically. IT'S A FACT!!!!!

the 26 year old looking 35 was a joke rooted in a scientific fact... read the source i quoted and you'll see the point i was making..

you provided no there is no point to be seen
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(14) Levin, 1997. Why Race Matters (For a review, refer here:

(24) Schmitt and Quinn, 2009. Reduction in Measured Subgroup Mean Differences: What is possible?

(52) Roth, Huffcutt, Bobko, 2003. Ethnic Group Differences in Measures of Job Performance:

A New Meta-Analysis

(62) Lopez, et al., 2009. Genetic variation and recent positive selection in worldwide human populations: evidence from nearly 1 million SNPs.

KNOCK YOURSELF OUT. :\ Well I know you def don't support somebody funding that type of research, it's taboo. But the notion that studies and evidence doesn't exist is wishful thinking.

lets start with the linked sources

From their website: You have found the world center of the Austrian School of economics and libertarian political and social theory. If this is your first time here, sign up to receive Mises Daily in your inbox.

Not a school of accredited science....further research...

In an article written on Institute Chairman's Lew Rockwell's website, Jacob Huebert observes that socially liberal libertarians have often accused the Mises Institute of racism. He calls the charges erroneous and argues that they might stem from the support of some Institute scholars for immigration restrictions, its support of secession, or its uncompromising stand on libertarian issues.[37]
A January 2014 article in the New York Times critically examined the views of several Mises Institute scholars on race, religion, and the U.S. Civil War.

"some [Mises Institute] scholars combine dark biblical prophecy with apocalyptic warnings that the nation is plunging toward economic collapse and cultural ruin. Others have championed the Confederacy. One economist, while faulting slavery because it was involuntary, suggested in an interview that the daily life of the enslaved was “not so bad — you pick cotton and sing songs.”[38]
The Southern Poverty Law Center classifies the Mises Institute as a hard right organization, noting Rothbard's opposition to child labor laws and the anti-immigrant views of other Institute scholars.[39] The SPLC also criticized Rothbard's remarks that the "'Officially Oppressed' of American society", by which (according to SPLC) he referred to women, African Americans and other groups, were a "parasitic burden" on society.

The Catholic publication New Oxford Review reviewed Christopher Ferrara's book The Church and the Libertarian, in which Ferrara condemned the argument, made by Mises Institute Catholics Jeffrey Tucker and Thomas E. Woods,[40] that Catholicism is compatible with the principles of Rothbard.[41] The Review endorsed Ferrara's thesis, and criticized Mises scholars who advocate for the legal right to (though not the morality of) "selling children to the highest bidder, or starving them to death at the whim of their parents".

you just linked to a book that can't even be read online and without any references to material within...nor does the premise of the book in anyway define your view as scientifically correct.. you didn't even read this source

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you didn't even read this source because the pdf is not even hosted


this link does not didn't read the source because no source exists here

You are an embarrassment... how are you posting links you havn't even read? how are you proving your point by using information that you are not even sure supports your point?

The real question is what website did you copy that list from?
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Who on that list got to smash in this? :evil:

View media item 939000

all of them. Here's the sequel.
I don't even know what the last part of your sentence means but calm down. I don't think anyone "hopes" that you do, but I'm not whining but there's something pathetic about trying to smash Lindsay Lohan vicariously through another black dude. not even gonna respond to getting roasted..... stuffliberalshate as a copy paste source? :smh: :lol: not even gonna respond to getting roasted..... stuffliberalshate as a copy paste source? :smh: :lol:

Yea as opposed NIKETALK,  this very unbiased website right? :lol:

That information isn't any less valid than the opinions I get from this site. I don't even consider myself a conservative but that type of research has to be conducted with caution because it is taboo. I think it is worthwhile research, and I believe there is a lot of good information out there.

A lot of those studies are actually very informative, but I don't expect you to agree with it no matter how valid it is.

you didn't read any research you posted... you just copied a list from a website

I showed you how the links didn't even lead to a source :lol:

comparing your "sources" to random opinions on niketalk is a valid comparison....first correct thing you've posted

more lindsey

View media item 939547
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 (Am. J. Hum. Genet. 76:268–275, 2005):

Attention has recently focused on genetic structure in the human population. Some have argued that the amount of genetic variation within populations dwarfs the variation between populations, suggesting that discrete genetic categories are not useful (Lewontin 1972; Cooper et al. 2003; Haga and Venter 2003). On the other hand, several studies have shown that individuals tend to cluster genetically with others of the same ancestral geographic origins (Mountain and Cavalli-Sforza 1997; Stephens et al. 2001; Bamshad et al. 2003). Prior studies have generally been performed on a relatively small number of individuals and/or markers. A recent study (Rosenberg et al. 2002) examined 377 autosomal micro-satellite markers in 1,056 individuals from a global sample of 52 populations and found significant evidence of genetic clustering, largely along geographic (continental) lines. Consistent with prior studies, the major genetic clusters consisted of Europeans/West Asians (whites), sub-Saharan Africans, East Asians, Pacific Islanders, and Native Americans. ...  
This quote concludes that race is far from a social construct and is a varying continuum and based on biological processes. This plot nicely illustrates the clustering of genomes by ethnicity.

A genetic basis for intelligence and race seems plausible and is likely but needs further proof to support the claim. There is currently a lot of research being done in genomics. A noteworthy scholar that is part of the BGI and specializes in cognitive genomics is

We already know that athleticism and genetics are closely linked. If you haven't read it then you should read the "Sports Gene" by David Epstein. It's estimated that after decade or so, gene therapy can be used properly and at the same time a complete proof lending to the genetic basis of intelligence will be unraveled.
I already read some of those articles and they make perfect sense to me you can avoid it all you want. You know there is away to search for articles if provided with a name?  You can avoid it all you want but all those articles are in your face, you may not like what you read.

which articles and what part of the article are you referencing?

the point of linling to sources..... is that you are linking to sources

more lindsey

View media item 939565

27 years old!?!?!
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