Little Things that are Devastating

Stubing your toe
My meat hitting the water when I sit on the toilet. Spilling tree from my grinder on carpet. Tripping up stairs in front of people
My meat hitting the water when I sit on the toilet. Spilling tree from my grinder on carpet. Tripping up stairs in front of people
The gas light, makes me very cautious

getting a bad grade on a test you thought you did well on.

cracked or messed up dutches.
The gas light, makes me very cautious

getting a bad grade on a test you thought you did well on.

cracked or messed up dutches.
When you realize you're stuck in the "friend zone"
When you are waiting for a text from someone... your phone goes off.. and its a text from someone else
When you finish a capri sun in 2 sips
When you sick and cant taste anything and your wife/gf/mother made ur favorite dish
Seeing someone wearing the same shirt as me
(for nyc transit riders) when the train is delayed for a "sick passenger"... and when someone falls asleep next to you and his or her head keeps leaning on you
when you get a small tear in ur contact lens
when there is nothing on tv
when you go to the gym and you ar waitin for a machine and someone is just sitting there talking
When you realize you're stuck in the "friend zone"
When you are waiting for a text from someone... your phone goes off.. and its a text from someone else
When you finish a capri sun in 2 sips
When you sick and cant taste anything and your wife/gf/mother made ur favorite dish
Seeing someone wearing the same shirt as me
(for nyc transit riders) when the train is delayed for a "sick passenger"... and when someone falls asleep next to you and his or her head keeps leaning on you
when you get a small tear in ur contact lens
when there is nothing on tv
when you go to the gym and you ar waitin for a machine and someone is just sitting there talking
-lebron on 2k
-out wanting a cigarette and find out you don't have a lighter
-when the lakers decided to play like dumbasses
-when you ask women advice on NT and the only response you get back is "pics"
-when you get a message from people telling you to call them
-"taylor gang or die" -this is for gay boys
-when girls all have to go to the bathroom together.
-when you miss a call and you call the person right back, but they tried calling you again so your call goes straight to voicemail
-when you forget to charge your phone overnight.
-when your friends borrow your clothes and you don't get it back
-when your relative from another country writes on you FB wall in another language. ruins the entire wall. and you can't delete it cause it would be rude.
-lebron on 2k
-out wanting a cigarette and find out you don't have a lighter
-when the lakers decided to play like dumbasses
-when you ask women advice on NT and the only response you get back is "pics"
-when you get a message from people telling you to call them
-"taylor gang or die" -this is for gay boys
-when girls all have to go to the bathroom together.
-when you miss a call and you call the person right back, but they tried calling you again so your call goes straight to voicemail
-when you forget to charge your phone overnight.
-when your friends borrow your clothes and you don't get it back
-when your relative from another country writes on you FB wall in another language. ruins the entire wall. and you can't delete it cause it would be rude.
When your on the train sleeping and you wake as soon as the doors close.

When you fall asleep with your arms hanging off the bed and you can't lift it.

When you take that first slip or hot chocolate and burn your tongue.
When your on the train sleeping and you wake as soon as the doors close.

When you fall asleep with your arms hanging off the bed and you can't lift it.

When you take that first slip or hot chocolate and burn your tongue.
- Finish taking a shower...Then gotta dookie
- Go to bed about to sleep all comfy and realize you forgot to take off your contacts
- Gotta fart so bad in class but can't because too many people
- Finish taking a shower...Then gotta dookie
- Go to bed about to sleep all comfy and realize you forgot to take off your contacts
- Gotta fart so bad in class but can't because too many people
I have really clear skin but eventually getting a pimple and trying to pop it right away and it gets HUGE!Running really late in the morning putting your contact on your finger, adding some solution and it falls to the floor or sink.
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