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I know this is sick of me to even say, but the Ultimate Disney troll would be if one day they decide to change each time someone says, "You dont know the Power of the Dark Side" or "Give yourself to the Power of the Dark Side" to "The Power of One, The Power of Two, The Power of MANY!"
To answer the part about being 20 feet away and invincible, it was all about the helmet. He made mention in another episode about how it blocks the force/Jedi being able to get in his head. She felt him immediately when he had the helmet off, then, he immediately put it back on when he recognized this and vanished.

but when osha had the helmet on, she was getting on qimirs head like her monther was doing to torbin that why both their eyes go all black

also, apparently this magneto helmet feat is brand new thing that the shows seems to only use because of convenience

so whats the next convenient explanation, that the helmet is like a one way mirror? :lol:
Am I the only one who thinks the Senator looks like Deion Sanders?

finale has some cool moments but writing is just inconsistent and all over the place

the show has a good concept but hindered by bad writing and dialogue

the lightsaber fight is awesome and bleeding the kyber crystals and osha turning is a nice visual but damn it doesnt overcome the bad finale

the sisters flipped and flopped like ten times and in the end, osha still seems super unsure about being evil but maybe she was mesmerized by his “lightsaber” from the pool scene

makes no sense why theyd leave mae and mae had a complete 180 from where she started and the flip isnt justified

blaming everything on sol is messed up but its kind of a shallow reasoning to keep mae safe, so she could find the stranger/her old padawan? and speaking of inconsistency, she felt qimir from miles away by stepping on the land but 20 feet away and he all of a suddens invicible?

i think the problem with this show is they made it thinking its going to get a second season instead of making one cohesive season that can stand on its own, i mean to tease another sith and then yoda in the end, ludicrous because now theres a chance theres no pay off

i dont believe the bs the creator said about her making this like theres no other seasons in mind, complete bs, also she said she saw manny jacinto and then added more of him? so his initial role was much smaller which would have made no sense at all

it was an eh ending but at least we are done with the show, i guess

Pretty much agreed with most of that.

The show wasn't great, but also wasn't "10/100" bad. The story/concept was interesting, but the execution wasn't great. Felt clunky and jarring at bits. Cool action scenes though. Bleeding Kyber crystal scene was pretty neat... seeing it in live action and all. Shoutout to Jedi Survivor.

I get wanting to do the Mae/Osha 180, but the transition didn't feel so naturally to me. And it felt really rushed towards the end when Mae just suddenly decided to sacrifice everything for Osha. Perhaps she was a bit guilty for setting the fire? 🤷‍♂️

Sol... thought he was doing the right thing, but later followed with mistake after mistake... and then trying to justify the mistake. SMH. Then having Vernestra throw him under the bus like that! 😬

The problem now is... I don't want to see an S2, but I'm curious to see where they go from there. 🤔
Surely that means more Plagueis and Yoda?

Oh, well. 🤷‍♂️
Finale was decent. I was surprised that they revealed Plagueis was on that planet the entire time. I thought he was the one messing with Osha when she had the helmet on, based on the expression Qimir had. Like he knew who was doing that.

Sol v. Qimir was good. I chuckled when he jumped back in slow motion. Sucks that he died.

Did Vanestra throw Sol under the bus to continue to cover the Jedis?

I was bummed Lucas films only allowed the show to use the back of Yoda lol.

I wouldn't mind a season 2 to further expand Plagueis story in this new canon, a follow-up on Venestra/Qimir, and what Yoda will say about the entire situation. Will it happen? Idk. But there is plenty of content for them to further expand and connect these eras.

Overall, the show was entertaining, but the story could've been better. I think I was looking forward to the show because I began re-reading Light of the Jedi and was able to see that era of Jedi in live-action. The show did a good job in portraying them from the book.

Interested in seeing what Skeleton Crew is all about and looking forward to Andor S2.
Did Vanestra throw Sol under the bus to continue to cover the Jedis?

Yeah, I thought so. After her convo with Senator David Estes, it seemed like the politicians were trying to make their move on the Jedi, to reduce their power and influence. Had the whole truth came out, the senators would have had more ammo to shut them down.
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