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So is the Ashoka series focusing on Ezra or will that also take place in Mando S3?
probably since sabine has been confirmed and cast and wasnt she searching for ezra with ahsoka or at least thats one of their missions?
probably since sabine has been confirmed and cast and wasnt she searching for ezra with ahsoka or at least thats one of their missions?
Yeah at the end of Rebels. I’m curious what S3 of Mando will focus on.
They ever gonna talk about how Boba survived getting eaten in ROTJ? Maybe he got pooped out intact like a piece of corn.
I read an article about that upcoming Star Wars Galactic Cruiser resort received so much negative comments that Disney took down the video? Yikes lol.
i mean it started out sold out for the first 4-5 months and then after they showed it, people started cancelling and now reservations are available for the first month :lol:
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