LOCK IT UP - College Football - 2009 Season/2010 Off-Season

[h1]For Chuck Amato, cancer status looks good[/h1]
By Brian Landman, Times Staff Writer
Posted: May 18, 2010 04:32 PM

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For former longtime Florida State assistant coach Chuck Amato, themilestones on the road to his recovery from throat cancer have beenanything but mundane.

He's back at his local Gold's Gym workingout for about an hour in the mornings. He's no longer living on BOOSTPlus and Ensure drinks. He's eating solid foods again, like a westernomelet for breakfast and pasta — his favorite — for dinner, andregaining some of the weight he lost.

Best of all, his checkupsare showing no evidence of the small cancerous tumor on a tonsil thatnecessitated six weeks of radiation and chemotherapy at Shands inGainesville.

"Things are going well," Amato said Tuesday, thefirst time he's publicly discussed a situation he shockingly announcedin a statement FSU released for him in mid January. "I got a CAT Scanabout a month ago and everything was good. I had another checkup lastFriday. I'm fortunate. I'm just totally fortunate that the type ofcancer I had was a curable cancer."

Not that he wasn't initiallytaken aback by something that began innocently enough as a slightlysore throat. Back in late November, the flu was going aroundTallahassee and he figured he might be coming down with a case, too. Ashe strolled through the Seminoles' training room, he asked a teamphysician if he could take a look at his throat. He didn't see anythingalarming and, not being a fan of pills, he passed on a prescription foran antibiotic.

A month later, as the Seminoles were preparing fortheir Jan. 1 matchup against West Virginia in the Gator Bowl, Amato'sthroat still was scratchy and asked the team doctor to look at him.Again. Nothing. Again.

"Why I asked the next question only the good Lord knows," Amato said. "I said, 'Should I have a specialist look at it?' "

Justbefore Christmas, he did and, viewing his throat through a scopeinserted through his nose, something was spotted. On Jan. 5, he got thediagnosis, one similar to what Denver Nuggets coach George Karlreceived about the same time, that he had a cancer and that it wastreatable in the vast majority of cases.

"When I heard that, Iwas not afraid one bit," Amato said, adding there's no history of thecancer in his family and he neither smokes nor chews tobacco.

Hedecided to go to Gainesville and see renowned specialist, Dr. WilliamMendenhall. During the next six weeks (he rented a place there), he had36 treatments of radiation — twice a day, five days a week — and sixtreatments of chemo — once a week.

Although many patients lose20, 30 pounds during that regimen (many need a feed tube), Amato saidhe only lost about seven pounds thanks to six bottles of the360-calorie energy drinks a day. He was still working out three times aweek. But less than a week after he completed the treatment andreturned to Tallahassee, he got sick with a virus and lost another 14pounds in a six days.

He then went about three weeks withoutworking out and, by then, the cumulative effect of the radiation, madehim so tired he couldn't sit and read a book without dozing off, afrustrating but necessary part of the recovery. On April 15, he got thegood news in a CAT Scan.

"I'll never be afraid of income tax dayagain," he said in his same old gravelly voice. "It's a day ofcelebration when they tell you everything looks great."

Amato,63, said he will have another test in June and undoubtedly periodicchecks for the rest of his life. But life is returning to normalcy,except for the first time in years, he's not involved in football.

"Iwant to coach. I'm going nuts right now," he said. "My whole goal wasto get healthy and that has happened. Next fall. There'll be jobs openand I'll go get a job."


Been critical of him football wise, but glad to see he is doing better
Originally Posted by zs05wc

My scout script is up, debating on whether or not I should renew it. Maybe I'll wait during the dead period.

I cancelled mine other day. Pointless paying $10 a month during these months where there isn't #!%* happening. I'll probably renew again in August when camp starts like I did last year.
[h2]Nu’Keese And Jarvis Byrd Enjoy Priceless Moment[/h2]
Posted by Brooks on May. 21, 2010, 6:57pm

You may remember former Tennessee Volunteer football Nu’Keese Richardson. The freshman wide receiver was kicked off the team after police arrested him last November for attempted armed robbery.

Though he was given a three-year prison sentence for his crime, if he violates his court-ordered probation he will likely go to prison. No longer a student at Tennessee, Richardson has since transferred to I-AA Hampton (VA) University to try to reclaim his once-promising football career.

(Jarvis Byrd)

Richardson played high school ball with current N.C. State defensive back Jarvis Byrd, who was generally regarded as the Wolfpack’s top high school recruit in 2009. It turns out the two are still friends, if video linked today from Richardson’s personal Twitter account is any indication.

(Nu’Keese Richardson)

Richardson, Byrd and former Pahokee high school classmate Kaalum Williams are all shown on that video making an apparent late-night visit to Wal-Mart. There’s no indication when the video was originally shot.

(Kaalum Williams)

I’ve transcribed a portion of their comments while they shopped for t-shirts. The video audio is extremely not safe for work and is riddled with homosexual slurs by Richardson, so be warned.
Kaluum Williams: “Yo, we’re in the store man ...
I feel like I need to read a book after listening to those guys.

Michigan is having their BBQ at the Big House today. Hopefully Anthony Zettel commits because we need some beef on the front line. Kid is a good one.
May 22, 2010
SEC expansion list has six teams on it

As has been mentioned on several occassions by SEC Commissioner Mike Slive, the SEC will not stand pat if the Big 10 Conference elects to expand beyond twelve member schools.

"I'm aware of all the interest and all that's being written, but given the success that we have experienced over the past decade, we're comfortable with the position in which we find ourselves," Slive told FLORIDA TODAY on Wednesday. "Now having said that, if there's going to be a significant shift in the conference paradigm, the SEC will be strategic and thoughtful in order to maintain its position as one of the nation's premier conferences. We are watching carefully what's going on and keeping our antenna up and our eyes open as to what's going on around us."

The Wiz, who's antenna is always up, caught this piece that says Slive is doing more than just watching. It's reported that the SEC has held talks with executives from CBS Sports and outlined the conferences plan to target six teams for conference expansion.

According to Hyams, Slive told CBS executives in a recent meeting that the league’s goal would be to keep pace with a 16-team Big Ten by pursuing Texas, Texas A&M, Florida State and Clemson.

If Texas and Texas A&M cannot be lured in, then Miami and Georgia Tech will join Florida State and Clemson on the SEC’s wish list.

The post is based upon the reporting of Jimmy Hyams of WNML-AM 990 in Knoxville. Hyams, who's covered SEC sports for more than 30 years, cites anonymous sources close to CBS. Given Hyams's stature in the broadcast community, I would tend to agree that this story has some legs to it.

In looking at the "plan", the discussion around Texas and Texas A&M wouldn't be shocking to anyone. Texas represents the premiere "get" in the country and the 'Horns won't be permitted to go anywhere by the Texas Legislature unless their take perennial rival with them. The Aggies may be the little brother in the mix, but they're the lynchpin to the entire deal.

The move to bring in Texas would cement the SEC's footprint into two of the country's top ten television markets: Dallas (#5) and Houston (#10). It's unclear to me if the conference would be able to go back to ESPN and ask for more television money right away, but the long-term benefit of adding the two schools would be substantial.

As far as adding Florida State and Clemson, I get the sense that the SEC is merely the SEC keeping up with the Joneses, so to speak. The Noles and Tigers add a little more color to the conference, but don't necessarily represent a blockbuster addition in terms of potential revenue. If anything, it would be a move against the ACC to limit the conferences marketability and - in turn - keep more money on the table for the SEC. Ditto for what appears to be the backup plan of pursuing Georgia Tech and Miami.

On the flip side of the equation, I'm not convinced that the SEC would be able to land all four ACC teams, especially given the extra $7.5 million per year that the teams will now be earning from the new ACC television agreement. The ACC teams still earn less than the SEC teams, but it's no longer such a wide margin.

For it's part, the SEC is denying that any meeting has taken place; however, Hyams is standing by his reporting.

Posted by Kevin Donahue
LaTwan Anderson is breaking a bunch of Robert Smith's 20 year old state of OH track records (and this kid is a football player first who just so happens to run track as well).
[table][tr][td]Spring Spotlight: Jadeveon Clowney 

By http:///search.scout.com/a.z?s=78&p=4&c=1&search=1&sskey=%22">http://search.scout.com/a...p;search=1&sskey="' + author + '%22&sssiteid=78&type=2';">Don Callahan

Inside Carolina
Posted May 24, 2010

http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php...e=RT @InsideCarolina {{title}} {{url}}&lng=enhttp://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php...ery other top school’s target as well.&lng=enhttp://www.blogger.com/blog_this.py...211.html&n=Spring Spotlight: Jadeveon Clowneyhttp://northcarolina.scout.com/2/972211.html#email-a-friend-windowhttp://northcarolina.scout.com/a.z?s=78&p=10&c=972211&refid=4781|More

ROCK HILL, S.C. --- It didn’t take long for the North Carolina coaches to identify Jadeveon Clowney as their top target for the 2011 class. And they’re certainly not alone, as he’s seemingly every other top school’s target as well.
Bobby Carroll has had several big time recruits come through his football program. However, none have been as big – figuratively and literally – as Clowney.
“This is my 28th year of coaching football and I’ve yet to ever see anything like this,
Michigan self imposes sanctions for practice hours. Reduced by 130 hours (same amount they were shown to go over the past 2 years) and drops quality control coaches by 40%. No schollie loses as ESPN's crack reporter Joe Schad was guaranteeing yesterday. What a big Dummy.
on Kelvin Benjamin:

... he sort of perked up when talking about the Canes and the former Glades Central players there, whatever it was, Canes always seemed to be the team to beat.

After Friday's talk, I just don't think Miami is at the top anymore. I don't know who exactly is (LSU & UF got some mentions from him), but I think it is safe to say it is no longer Miami. Maybe he is actually back to his line of "all even."

He is thought to be headed to Hargrave as soon as SPring is over at Glades ...
He will aslo be unable to play past his b day in the fall because he will be too old for HS in Florida.

Hargrave has courses outlined for him to graduate in December and ready to EE in January, wherever he goes.
Duke got alot of talent in those first 2 classes under Cutcliffe, and he established a nice little Miami pipeline with those 2 WRs
Texas A&M pulls an early commit from 2012 RB Dennis Smith... Great pickup if they can keep him.

Still unclear as to what they're doing in 2011 though.
Seems like Sherman is waiting things out hoping he can sway kids late with a big year in 2010.
Originally Posted by dreClark

Is there any way Aaron Green does not go to UT or Nebraska?
Depends on Malcolm Brown... He's everybody's top guy right now.
Latest out of Leftfield...

Bryce Brown has yet to leave knoxville, even tho school been over.
Dooley has said he will not re-recruit kids who arent sure if they wanna transfer (talkin indirectly to BB)

well today, supposedly, Dooley met with the Brown Clan and Bryce will remain a Vol and Arthur Brown will transfer to Tennessee...
Clemson's starting to pay good money to kids who'd been committed to other schools. Stepping their game up with that ACC TV deal dough.
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