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Is drafting another young player the answer, though?

BARRING ANY TRADE, we will have:

Kyrie entering 4th year
Tristan entering 4th year
Dion entering 3rd year
Zeller entering 3rd year
Bennett entering 2nd year
Karasev entering 2nd year

it's a weird situation.
Three ball dominant players in the lineup wont be fun, and anderson does not have the athleticism, he played my cities school in the state championship back to back years, and they won by the skin of their teeth because anderson ball distribution skills were locked down.


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Can't really say I'm happy. Mike wasn't effective in his coaching, but here we are again in the same position we've been in 3 times in the last 4 years.

I'm tired of the vicious cycle of change amongst Cleveland sports teams.

Coaches I'd want here:

-Marc Jackson
-Kevin Ollie

That's really it. Any other coach wouldn't please me.
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I've never liked Marc Jackson. The others would be decent choices though - especially Ollie but that's maybe just because of this year. Could be worth a shot though.
I'm glad Brown is gone. His coaching style just wasn't going to fit with the young Cavs. I definitely want an offensive-minded coach like George Karl.
Adrian Griffin has emerged as the top candidate to become the next Head Coach of the Cavs.

He is an assistant coach with the Bulls.

That would be EXTREMELY anti-climatic and I would be furious.
Draft lottery is tonight!

If it plays out correctly, the Cavs will pick #9.

However if it gets to 9 and the Cavs haven't been picked then get pumped.

Don't expect fireworks tonight, though.

#9 - projected

Those are the Cavs only options.

1 2, 3, 10, 11, 12 are slim but possible.

Let's see what happens.
Gotta be either Wiggins or Embiid. If they go for Embiid, they better figure out a way to flip Varejao for something
Wow, I don't want Embid, he has back problems, can't risk that with a big man.......Take wiggins or parker, land Bron or Melo....Trade Tristan/Dion/Andy for K love and it's on......Thank you Johnny Football for bringing us this luck....#TOPSZN

Johhny Manziel....A Wiggins.....see everyone out at W 6th for drinks, Drake gonna be here a lot lol
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