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Wow, I don't want Embid, he has back problems, can't risk that with a big man.......Take wiggins or parker, land Bron or Melo....Trade Tristan/Dion/Andy for K love and it's on......Thank you Johnny Football for bringing us this luck....#TOPSZN

Johhny Manziel....A Wiggins.....see everyone out at W 6th for drinks, Drake gonna be here a lot lol
  I have about as good a chance as trading a pile of my poo for K. Love to become my permanent butler.
I wasnt opposed to trading for love if we had the 9th pick but no shot you give up the 1st pick in this draft.

I am no scouting experts so the only way they screw this one up is if they dont take one of the big 3 but if i had my choice I would put embid below parker and wiggins on the big board. back issue scares the **** out of me.

I legit didn't read a post in the draft thread. just posted some stuff all caps.

Don't care what any of them gotta say.

I am just shocked man.

I love this.

What do we do???


:smokin :smokin :smokin :smokin :smokin
Gotta be Wiggins, Griffin wants uptempo offense and a defense that forces bad shots early in the shot clock.

Also Wiggins problem is creating of the dribble we have to guards that can do that.
Well, is anyone that gets picked at no. 1, be it Wiggins, Parker or Embiid, going to be better than Love potentially? I guess that's the question we should ask when we talk about trading the pick for Love.

I personally don't want the pick to be traded. first, I don't think Minnesota will pull the trigger until trade deadline, and even if it does happen, Love and Irving in the lineup will be fun but D will suffer badly. If the aim of this team is truly to contend in future, they better draft Wiggins and build from there. Irving, Waiters, and Wiggins together running the fastbreak will be scary.
Am I the only one who doesnt think Love is worth the 1st overall pick?

No way. He BARELY plays defense, he has been injured ages a few times, and they also have never made the playoffs with him on the team.

Great player for an already established team, but for the Cavs - we lack that athletic slasher who you can facilitate the ball to. And can also play defense...

..and that's Wiggins all day. But you also need a leader on this team and you can't expect a young kid like Wiggins to provide that leadership right off the bat.

But still, go Wiggins or Parker in this draft. Period.
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I hope they don't let kyrie/waiters get in the way of drafting Wiggins or exum, assuming they grade those guys as their number 1. I wonder if they trade out
^ That's insane.

and yeah they gotta go Wiggins if the pick is kept.

Still beyond shocked this happened.

I was stunned last year.

This doesn't even compare.


If Embiids back checks out I don't see how he's not #1. Best player in the draft and he fits a huge need for the Cavs whiles he's not a great scorer now he'll develop more as a low post scorer down the road but he can come in now and provide an immediate impact to out defense around the rim which we desperately need.
Wiggins upside is extremely high, just like bennett's depending on bennett's shape and health by the time the pick rolls around is the deciding factor of wiggins or embiid, do you wanna roll the dice with bennetts upside, he proved himself to be able to shoot and rebound, but lacks defense and health. If they decide they go this way the will draft embiid, on the otherhand if they are done with the bennett project they will go with Wiggins, an off ball scorer who really cant create his own shot outside of the paint due to lack of ball handling skill, he also suffers from a streaky jumpshot unlike bennett's. But it seems as if wiggins has upside being taller, having more explosiveness and tenacious defense. Either pick is a good one
So I've been thinking about the pick for the last couple days now and came to the conclusion that I want the Cavs to draft Andrew Wiggins.

I know there are rumors out there like trading for Love then signing Bron and all that, but that's just such a fantasy I can't believe that to ever be true. Cleveland doesn't get that lucky.... unless were playing the lotto :lol:

Taking Parker wouldn't be bad and I do think that Jabari is the most NBA ready, but Wiggins just has the most potential IMO.

Taking Embid is the biggest ? mark because of his back. I know he is a freak and I do hope that he is one day the best C in the league, but I feel like the C in basketball is the RB in football.. it's losing it's luster a little bit.

Safest pick IMO is Wiggins unless they pull some kind of crazy trade off I think this will ultimately be the pick.
Latest news around is that Embiid seems to be 100% healthy and impressed the scouts and GMs who saw him work out. His range supposedly extends out to 3pt range...

I guess this puts him on the top of the list for No.1 pick? There have already been reports that Cavs prefer Embiid as their pick, and this seems to cement the notion.

What do ya'll think?

I personally think Embiid is riskier pick than even Wiggins, but if Embiid can fulfill his potential, it may even be greater than Wiggins. I think I"ll be content with either Wiggins or Embiid, as long as it's not Parker. Sorry Jabari!
First off, I don't think trading the pick for Love or whoever (unless it's LeBron, which is pipedream) is a good idea at all.

Now I'm kinda torn between Wiggins and Embiid with the report that Embiid is 100% healthy.

Of course, you can't just believe that report unless Cavs team doctors clear him, but if he is, he truly is a special talent who can impact both sides of basketball.
I know Wiggins does have potential to be a great 2 way player as well, but we all know that in general, a big man impacts defense a lot more than a wing player.

What's more is that I think Embiid might fit into this team more than Wiggins because both TT and Bennett are on the smaller sides among PFs. I have seen too many times guys like Aldridge shooting over Tristan. Cavs also has a gigantic hole at 3 spot, but I believe a team can live with a hole at the 3 spot more easily than a hole at 5 spot, which is the most important spot for defense overall. If Hawes were a better interior defender or Varejao were several years younger, I would lean toward Wiggins, but with the current state, Embiid might be a better fit.

Then again, recent history shows that wing players tend to pan out more frequently than big man. There is always a risk that Embiid might turn out to be just good enough while Wiggins becomes a superstar (MJ and Bowie, LeBron and Darko (lol), KD and Oden...). Wiggins doesn't really seem to have highly advanced ball skills or killer instinct, but so was LeBron when he first came into the L. Still, he has all the physical tools required for superstar so that if he puts his mind into it, he can truly become special.

I just can't decide between the two, and I'll be content with either of them. I wanna know what others think, though. Who do you want on Cavs? I guess if Wiggins is drafted, the lineup would be something like Kyrie - Dion - Wiggins - TT or Bennett - Hawes, and if Embiid is drafted it'd be Kyrie - Dion - CJ - TT or Bennett - Embiid. Which lineup is gonna be better in long-term?
Just based on history alone, give me a healthy wing over a big man that has injury issues, don't make this too complicated Cleveland.
Been hearing the same thing.

Seems like Embid or a trade at #1.

We shall see what happens.
Been hearing the same thing from multiple outlets.  I'm content with it based on all the reports of the LA workout I've seen.  Honestly, Wiggins is not NBA ready offensively at all.  He's hesitant, he has zero left hand, and when he does attack the basket he does so without a plan.  He just throws himself towards the hoop to see what happens.  If we're looking for another scoring option Parker is a much better fit than Wiggins, although Wiggins plays better defense.

Embiid is a work in progress, but I think offensively he has made leaps and bounds.  One scout said, "I've never seen someone improve as much month to month as Embiid."  He also added 15 pounds of muscle in the past month since he's been working out hard.  I think Embiid has to be the pick and gives Kyrie an elite big he's never had.
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