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Op minus whale smash now at this point.

Personally to me getting bop is worse then smashing if the chicks in a relationship/married. She drinks your babies then goes home and kisses hubby with the same mouth that tasted your DNA less then an hour ago.

To me if given the choice between the two. Bop or smashing. Id be more mad at my wife bopping another dude then smashing him.
Op after all these long *** post at least give us pictures of this broad.. It's the least you can do you have her email and give no dambs about her.
I just watched City of God today. the part after the lady gets the advice about the banana :smh:
Why OP even make this thread.
#Stealth #Lowkey #HumbleBrag :smokin

Op after all these long *** post at least give us pictures of this broad.. It's the least you can do you have her email and give no dambs about her.
Chill, reading posts in here and my memory form past threads I know there's some butt hurt vindictive NTers (or lurkers) that'll get on their detective grind and contact the husband and expose OP all in name of some bs they believe.

Op just throw up a pic of another chick, another random that can't be connected to you or a chick that looks like the one that gave you the knowledge.
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Brolic kicking knowledge way passed what a lot of NTers can possibly comprehend...wasting your time bro...lol
Brolic kicking knowledge way passed what a lot of NTers can possibly comprehend...wasting your time bro...lol

I think Brolic Scholar and Master Zik are both making really good points. Your bias in being a married man might be making it hard for you to comprehend fully. I get what both of them are saying they have logical and rational point of views. They aren't attacking each other either. It's a good discussion.
As a 21 yr old the pros are : Older Yambs

As a 21 yr old the cons are:  Shorty has child bearing hips, you will help raise a kid that's not yours, half your age and will give you that  light work on 2K, and just because you could potentially hit while she's still married, Tyrone will be creeping into her walls while you think you're the only one.

By looking at the decision chart, it's clear that you have nothing to gain by being a slimeball b.

This response is GOLD :rofl: :lol: :rofl:
Brolic kicking knowledge way passed what a lot of NTers can possibly comprehend...wasting your time bro...lol

I think Brolic Scholar and Master Zik are both making really good points. Your bias in being a married man might be making it hard for you to comprehend fully. I get what both of them are saying they have logical and rational point of views. They aren't attacking each other either. It's a good discussion.

I think Brolic Scholar and Master Zik are both making really good points. Your bias in being a married man might be making it hard for you to comprehend fully. I get what both of them are saying they have logical and rational point of views. They aren't attacking each other either. It's a good discussion.

I wasn't born married bro...


Marriage is a choice.
By the same logic you guys being single will also make your opinion bias as well, and IRC Brolic is also married, no?
Brolic for president.

Coming from a dude who used to live that scumbag life and knocked down quite a few married women or women in relationships, it's a move that you don't want to make. I never got caught, never knocked one up and back then didn't give a damn, but I look at how warped my mentality was back then and feel like I shaved years off of my life being reckless. I feel like for a while my spirit suffered too, if that makes sense. I was selfish and made poor decisions because I felt untouchable.

I'm not on that holier than thou soapbox. You're going to do what you want to do anyway. But if you want some real advice from someone who did it, don't. My current gf asked me a question a while back when we were just friends that is still stuck in my head. "Do you feel it was worth sharing your soul with all of those women that gave you nothing in return?" It's a real question. I never tricked, but I got used. They had what they wanted at home: a family, kids, a seemingly stable life and all I was to them was D. A work horse. At the end the woman gets to go home and fake the funk, while kissing her man with the same mouth she slurped you up with and you go home lonely, thinking you came up. Actually she came up and you helped her be the type of woman you would NEVER want to have in your home.

When you get older you don't always get wiser. I see dudes way older than me still being "players" and looking dusty and desperate as hell. But if you're lucky, one day you take a hard look in the mirror and see how stupid you were and make some changes. Hopefully you won't waste too much of your time before you get there OP. Use that energy on yourself and let a quality woman get caught up in your gravitational pull instead of chasing the same sluts that are always gonna be available to any man with decent convo, looks and a stroke.

after getting domed read his message again OP.......
do you feel good about messing wit a married chick HONESTLY?
You said he was wasting his time. What was he wasting his time on? Seemed like a good conversation to me. I'm not single but I'm not married. I don't have any bias both were making compelling arguments.
You said he was wasting his time. What was he wasting his time on? Seemed like a good conversation to me. I'm not single but I'm not married. I don't have any bias both were making compelling arguments.

Why do you think I was directing my post at you?....tell you this much, seems like he's wasting his time trying to give OP some advice because from the looks of it OP is still gonna go through with it.
Why do you think I was directing my post at you?....tell you this much, seems like he's wasting his time trying to give OP some advice because from the looks of it OP is still gonna go through with it.

I think you were directing your post at Brolic Scholars exchange with Master Zik like I already pointed out in my previous posts. As in saying Brolic Scholar was wasting his time replying to Master Zik because they were definitely having an exchange between them two on the last page.

I could be wrong. But I stand by my statement those two were having a great discussion that was really thought provoking if you are unbiased.

Just saying.
I think you were directing your post at Brolic Scholars exchange with Master Zik like I already pointed out in my previous posts. As in saying Brolic Scholar was wasting his time replying to Master Zik because they were definitely having an exchange between them two on the last page.

I could be wrong. But I stand by my statement those two were having a great discussion that was really thought provoking if you are unbiased.

Just saying.

I haven't even read Ziks posts tbh.

My reply was in reference to Brolics advice and OP obviously going through with it.

To me it just seems like a desperate move on a dudes end to fool around with a married woman...we are literally out numbered globally by women, plenty of single yambs out...why get involved in te BS of a marriage?..
How do you guys feel about Swingers? Is that considered cheating?

I don't agree with it, but I don't consider it cheating.

IMO you only cheat when you lie and deceive one another, if you are in an open relationship type of marriage it defeats te whole idea of marriage IMO but you are not cheating one another because everything is out in the open and both parties understand and agreed to it.
I haven't even read Ziks posts tbh.

My reply was in reference to Brolics advice and OP obviously going through with it.

To me it just seems like a desperate move on a dudes end to fool around with a married woman...we are literally out numbered globally by women, plenty of single yambs out...why get involved in te BS of a marriage?..

It doesn't seem like a desperate move to me because I've been there before (not a married woman; but girl in relationship). It's just a move.

Dude is probably getting yambs right now besides this woman but they were both feeling eachother and something happened. It's not like this married woman was the only girl he could find.

You should read Zik posts man I was all the way on Brolic Scholar's side until he came through. Real thought provoking IMO.

I personally don't think I'd ever do it....especially at 21. Probably never ever. But...I dunno...it's an interesting topic.
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Watch the husband will hire a PI and have his wife followed to the gym. Watch your back OP, theres a lot of crazy people out there...esp. when you're messing with someone's family...I know the wife is equally as responsible for this too, but just hope the husband sees it that way if/when he ever finds out...:lol:
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I was in an almost identical situation. Shorty from work was feeling me - around the same age as well. Lightskin was mad fly, and kept on insinuating she wanted it. Long story short, I couldn't do it. It wasn't the husband though, I could care less about the "sanctity" of marriage, for me it was the kids. OP being from a divorced family should know better, you could change the life of that 10 year old forever, for what? 
Feel sorry for the hubby. She's going to cheat on him regardless of whether it's wiith OP or some other dude
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