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If shes willing !! doesn't make it right, might get yourself in a sticky situation.. which would be best avoided.. but if you dont, the next man will. #Facts

.. be careful young bro, you know right from wrong. Make your own decisions.. You alone have to deal with the consequences..

- Much luv, Stay freshhhh
Koudie dropping knowledge
OP take it from someone who could have possibly lost his life for dealing with another man's woman.


No ***** is worth your life... Unless your life sucks and/or you're ugly.
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Shawty was gone let u beat RAW and she married... hmm sound like she a JUMPOFF on the cool. I mean most married women would say strap up on the strength they have to go back home to their man and don't wanna bring them anything or have another child.... im jus sayin all yambs aint good yambs..

you probably should of knocked it down and switched gyms and kept it movin because in the end you are going to keep seeing her and sumn will pop off... ima jus wait for the update story..

be EZ fam!!!


A lot of people are in here quoting morals and it'll come back to haunt you and whatever else. I've read the nt confessions thread, theres a bunch of pots calling the kettle black in here.

OP all you need to do is look at yourself in the mirror, list out the possible consequences and make sure you wanna do this. If yes then do it. Obviously if she's stepping out on her husband and child then she'll easily step out on you, so don't throw on the cape. Hit it once and be done with it. You give her your phone number and thats it, if yall smang take her to a hotel NOT your place. After you hit it once then let her know your uncomfortable and yadda yadda yadda and it's best if we don't see each other anymore. Since she's married you she be cautious and don't make it a regular thing because the fallout from the husband could be bad.

If she tries to get clingy and hit you up and wants more then change gyms and since she'll only have your phone number then when she texts you, send her this message:

"Sprint Error Automated Message #2317390 This Sprint user has blocked your number. If this is a mistake, please call 1-800-Sprint"

Just change "Sprint" to whatever carrier you have, the girl thinks you blocked her and you'll never see her again. Like I said before, if she gets caught up it's her fault. Her family will be better off technically if she does but thats not your role. What's better a family that is divorced but happy or a marriage full of secrets and lies?

Im not gonna tell you to NOT do more with her OP. But i'll tell you my dirty deed when I was 21.

Met this girl in my dorm when we were freshman, we had sex every week for 3 years all while she was in a long distance relationship with her BF in another state.
They got engaged 2years into us smashing weekly.
I last had sex with her a week before she got married.....and then I went to the wedding :smh:

Would I change anything? No. Would I ever mess with any chick who says she's in a committed relationship ever again? HELL NO


Look, honestly

You probably shouldn't do it. But...So what man. Honestly, just live man. You aren't going to die. He isn't going to show up at the gym or your doorstep and blow your head off. To me, as a 21 year old myself, I know what's right and what's wrong. I know what good morals are. But one day, i'm going to be 35, and 40 years old. I'm going to look back at my 20's and not have any wild experiences to look back on because I was too scared of bad Karma or too busy trying to live right by my morals.

What I'm saying is life is all about memories and experiences. This seems like the biggest thing in the world right now, but this kind of stuff is the stuff you share with your boys when you're looking 35, 40 in the eye and wanting to settle down. You will never be able to say "Man, we was wild back then! Remember when I had ol girl in the backseat and she was married?! Crazy!" you will never be able to say things like that. You won't ever have any fun living right, or morally 100% of the time.

:lol: Young cats man. I envy your naivety.
Coming from a dude who used to live that scumbag life and knocked down quite a few married women or women in relationships, it's a move that you don't want to make. I never got caught, never knocked one up and back then didn't give a damn, but I look at how warped my mentality was back then and feel like I shaved years off of my life being reckless. I feel like for a while my spirit suffered too, if that makes sense. I was selfish and made poor decisions because I felt untouchable.

I'm not on that holier than thou soapbox. You're going to do what you want to do anyway. But if you want some real advice from someone who did it, don't. My current gf asked me a question a while back when we were just friends that is still stuck in my head. "Do you feel it was worth sharing your soul with all of those women that gave you nothing in return?" It's a real question. I never tricked, but I got used. They had what they wanted at home: a family, kids, a seemingly stable life and all I was to them was D. A work horse. At the end the woman gets to go home and fake the funk, while kissing her man with the same mouth she slurped you up with and you go home lonely, thinking you came up. Actually she came up and you helped her be the type of woman you would NEVER want to have in your home.

When you get older you don't always get wiser. I see dudes way older than me still being "players" and looking dusty and desperate as hell. But if you're lucky, one day you take a hard look in the mirror and see how stupid you were and make some changes. Hopefully you won't waste too much of your time before you get there OP. Use that energy on yourself and let a quality woman get caught up in your gravitational pull instead of chasing the same sluts that are always gonna be available to any man with decent convo, looks and a stroke.
If someone smashed my wife best believe i would want to be informed. OP may the man above watch over you with a surveillance team of Angels because if you get got by the husband I will not be on NT giving out an RIP to you due the fact that you could have simply brushed her off and told her to keep it moving once you found out she was married w kid(s).
Sorry to say but I got a BJ from her in backseat of her car.

I'm weak willed sorry, I regretted it right after, she kept saying how she never does this and that she liked me the day she saw me renew my gym subscription.

There's the update.

it seems like you've slightly cracked open that box of pandora...its up to you to close it or fully open it up,,,,

Im not gonna tell you to NOT do more with her OP. But i'll tell you my dirty deed when I was 21.

Met this girl in my dorm when we were freshman, we had sex every week for 3 years all while she was in a long distance relationship with her BF in another state.

They got engaged 2years into us smashing weekly.

I last had sex with her a week before she got married.....and then I went to the wedding :smh:

Would I change anything? No. Would I ever mess with any chick who says she's in a committed relationship ever again? HELL NO

How do you sleep at night.

Why did you go to the wedding :x

free food and liquor

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Yea I was pretty much lol...bottom b for 3yrs
Hold on man, this happened a decade ago, read up until my last statement where I say I wouldn't mess with someone in a relationship again.

The naive part of my post wasn't directed at you my dude.
Coming from a dude who used to live that scumbag life and knocked down quite a few married women or women in relationships, it's a move that you don't want to make. I never got caught, never knocked one up and back then didn't give a damn, but I look at how warped my mentality was back then and feel like I shaved years off of my life being reckless. I feel like for a while my spirit suffered too, if that makes sense. I was selfish and made poor decisions because I felt untouchable.

I'm not on that holier than thou soapbox. You're going to do what you want to do anyway. But if you want some real advice from someone who did it, don't. My current gf asked me a question a while back when we were just friends that is still stuck in my head. "Do you feel it was worth sharing your soul with all of those women that gave you nothing in return?" It's a real question. I never tricked, but I got used. They had what they wanted at home: a family, kids, a seemingly stable life and all I was to them was D. A work horse. At the end the woman gets to go home and fake the funk, while kissing her man with the same mouth she slurped you up with and you go home lonely, thinking you came up. Actually she came up and you helped her be the type of woman you would NEVER want to have in your home.

When you get older you don't always get wiser. I see dudes way older than me still being "players" and looking dusty and desperate as hell. But if you're lucky, one day you take a hard look in the mirror and see how stupid you were and make some changes. Hopefully you won't waste too much of your time before you get there OP. Use that energy on yourself and let a quality woman get caught up in your gravitational pull instead of chasing the same sluts that are always gonna be available to any man with decent convo, looks and a stroke.

So much truth in this. :smh:
Coming from a dude who used to live that scumbag life and knocked down quite a few married women or women in relationships, it's a move that you don't want to make. I never got caught, never knocked one up and back then didn't give a damn, but I look at how warped my mentality was back then and feel like I shaved years off of my life being reckless. I feel like for a while my spirit suffered too, if that makes sense. I was selfish and made poor decisions because I felt untouchable.

I'm not on that holier than thou soapbox. You're going to do what you want to do anyway. But if you want some real advice from someone who did it, don't. My current gf asked me a question a while back when we were just friends that is still stuck in my head. "Do you feel it was worth sharing your soul with all of those women that gave you nothing in return?" It's a real question. I never tricked, but I got used. They had what they wanted at home: a family, kids, a seemingly stable life and all I was to them was D. A work horse. At the end the woman gets to go home and fake the funk, while kissing her man with the same mouth she slurped you up with and you go home lonely, thinking you came up. Actually she came up and you helped her be the type of woman you would NEVER want to have in your home.

When you get older you don't always get wiser. I see dudes way older than me still being "players" and looking dusty and desperate as hell. But if you're lucky, one day you take a hard look in the mirror and see how stupid you were and make some changes. Hopefully you won't waste too much of your time before you get there OP. Use that energy on yourself and let a quality woman get caught up in your gravitational pull instead of chasing the same sluts that are always gonna be available to any man with decent convo, looks and a stroke.

Repped. You know Brolic, you consantly drop knowledge in a way that's functional and doesn't come off as preachy. Probably the soundest voice of reason in this thread. Like I said prior, OP can do whatever he likes but he has to make sure he's ready for those consequences.

That bit about giving part of your soul was all the way real and true.
Coming from a dude who used to live that scumbag life and knocked down quite a few married women or women in relationships, it's a move that you don't want to make. I never got caught, never knocked one up and back then didn't give a damn, but I look at how warped my mentality was back then and feel like I shaved years off of my life being reckless. I feel like for a while my spirit suffered too, if that makes sense. I was selfish and made poor decisions because I felt untouchable.

I'm not on that holier than thou soapbox. You're going to do what you want to do anyway. But if you want some real advice from someone who did it, don't. My current gf asked me a question a while back when we were just friends that is still stuck in my head. "Do you feel it was worth sharing your soul with all of those women that gave you nothing in return?" It's a real question. I never tricked, but I got used. They had what they wanted at home: a family, kids, a seemingly stable life and all I was to them was D. A work horse. At the end the woman gets to go home and fake the funk, while kissing her man with the same mouth she slurped you up with and you go home lonely, thinking you came up. Actually she came up and you helped her be the type of woman you would NEVER want to have in your home.

When you get older you don't always get wiser. I see dudes way older than me still being "players" and looking dusty and desperate as hell. But if you're lucky, one day you take a hard look in the mirror and see how stupid you were and make some changes. Hopefully you won't waste too much of your time before you get there OP. Use that energy on yourself and let a quality woman get caught up in your gravitational pull instead of chasing the same sluts that are always gonna be available to any man with decent convo, looks and a stroke.

Coming from a dude who used to live that scumbag life and knocked down quite a few married women or women in relationships, it's a move that you don't want to make. I never got caught, never knocked one up and back then didn't give a damn, but I look at how warped my mentality was back then and feel like I shaved years off of my life being reckless. I feel like for a while my spirit suffered too, if that makes sense. I was selfish and made poor decisions because I felt untouchable.

I'm not on that holier than thou soapbox. You're going to do what you want to do anyway. But if you want some real advice from someone who did it, don't. My current gf asked me a question a while back when we were just friends that is still stuck in my head. "Do you feel it was worth sharing your soul with all of those women that gave you nothing in return?" It's a real question. I never tricked, but I got used. They had what they wanted at home: a family, kids, a seemingly stable life and all I was to them was D. A work horse. At the end the woman gets to go home and fake the funk, while kissing her man with the same mouth she slurped you up with and you go home lonely, thinking you came up. Actually she came up and you helped her be the type of woman you would NEVER want to have in your home.

When you get older you don't always get wiser. I see dudes way older than me still being "players" and looking dusty and desperate as hell. But if you're lucky, one day you take a hard look in the mirror and see how stupid you were and make some changes. Hopefully you won't waste too much of your time before you get there OP. Use that energy on yourself and let a quality woman get caught up in your gravitational pull instead of chasing the same sluts that are always gonna be available to any man with decent convo, looks and a stroke.
It took 9 pages to get a real answer. Repped.
Was the feeling mutual...did she love you? i mean she did mess with you until a week before getting married...

I truly believe she did, we've spoke since the marriage and follow each other on social media and she and her husband have two sons, we haven't seen each other side 2008 and that's probably for the best

A lot of people are in here quoting morals and it'll come back to haunt you and whatever else. I've read the nt confessions thread, theres a bunch of pots calling the kettle black in here.

OP all you need to do is look at yourself in the mirror, list out the possible consequences and make sure you wanna do this. If yes then do it. Obviously if she's stepping out on her husband and child then she'll easily step out on you, so don't throw on the cape. Hit it once and be done with it. You give her your phone number and thats it, if yall smang take her to a hotel NOT your place. After you hit it once then let her know your uncomfortable and yadda yadda yadda and it's best if we don't see each other anymore. Since she's married you she be cautious and don't make it a regular thing because the fallout from the husband could be bad.

If she tries to get clingy and hit you up and wants more then change gyms and since she'll only have your phone number then when she texts you, send her this message:

"Sprint Error Automated Message #2317390 This Sprint user has blocked your number. If this is a mistake, please call 1-800-Sprint"

Just change "Sprint" to whatever carrier you have, the girl thinks you blocked her and you'll never see her again. Like I said before, if she gets caught up it's her fault. Her family will be better off technically if she does but thats not your role. What's better a family that is divorced but happy or a marriage full of secrets and lies?

Lol at the text. Genuinely made me smile.

She didn't give me her phone number, all I've got is her email, and she has mine. It's a shopping email.

I'm not going to get caught up, this is going to be a month long thing max. I'm transferring out to another uni next semester, so it will be impossible to meet her again unless I'm in town. She doesn't know where I live. I'm talking to other women as well, but damn she just knows how to treat a man, which threw me off, it's a complete different ball game compared to college girls.

Also I don't think I'll get beat down or anything like that, I'm not about that life I'll take the L and keep it moving. It does worry me though, not going to lie. I can handle myself but if the guy uses a weapon I probably will be in deep water.

As for the play by play, well she wanted to meet me Saturday but I didn't go. Monday she sort of ignored me, I think she was mad I didn't come in on Saturday. So I just did my routine and then left. Tuesday/today came she was different, she immediately made a B line to where I was and asked why I left without saying bye. I asked what are you doing after, made some small talk and then I said I'll see you outside, she smiled. Probably an hour passes by and she leaves. I leave bout the same time. She's waiting for me on the 2nd floor in her car.

And then it happened, I'm not going into explicit details, but the BJ was amazing.

She's white if someone asked, I think I recall seeing someone ask at least.
Coming from a dude who used to live that scumbag life and knocked down quite a few married women or women in relationships, it's a move that you don't want to make. I never got caught, never knocked one up and back then didn't give a damn, but I look at how warped my mentality was back then and feel like I shaved years off of my life being reckless. I feel like for a while my spirit suffered too, if that makes sense. I was selfish and made poor decisions because I felt untouchable.

I'm not on that holier than thou soapbox. You're going to do what you want to do anyway. But if you want some real advice from someone who did it, don't. My current gf asked me a question a while back when we were just friends that is still stuck in my head. "Do you feel it was worth sharing your soul with all of those women that gave you nothing in return?" It's a real question. I never tricked, but I got used. They had what they wanted at home: a family, kids, a seemingly stable life and all I was to them was D. A work horse. At the end the woman gets to go home and fake the funk, while kissing her man with the same mouth she slurped you up with and you go home lonely, thinking you came up. Actually she came up and you helped her be the type of woman you would NEVER want to have in your home.

When you get older you don't always get wiser. I see dudes way older than me still being "players" and looking dusty and desperate as hell. But if you're lucky, one day you take a hard look in the mirror and see how stupid you were and make some changes. Hopefully you won't waste too much of your time before you get there OP. Use that energy on yourself and let a quality woman get caught up in your gravitational pull instead of chasing the same sluts that are always gonna be available to any man with decent convo, looks and a stroke.

Brolic for president.
Cherry you loved her and she loved you why wasn't it your wedding?

Stay away from her though.
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