Longest youve stayed awake?

Originally Posted by bkmac

Originally Posted by JD214

Around 74 hours, Could've done more if I wanted.

Yes I'm cereal.

Why though?

This was Summer of 09, Had 3 of my cousins come over,

2 of them didn't make it, the oldest one and I stayed awake those 3 days, just on the computer and playing video games at night.

Really wasn't hard to stay awake.
40-50 hours basically friday night through sun
when i hit that 40 hr mark is when my eyes start to hurt and i gotta be doing something to stay awake
like 30 hours doing stupid stuff for school
preparing for homecoming

Bout to do it one more time this year...
Mine was close to 3 days too.. it was because I had to finish my community service in time soo..

Tuesday wake up at noon, get ready for work, I get off work at 1am (now Wednesday) I had to wake up for community service at 5am, but I know myself if I fall asleep I'm not waking up, so I just stay up. I'm at community service from 6am-3pm , then I go home take a shower, lay down, and then go to work, again, from 5am-12:30 I get home, fall asleep around 4am, but its not over, wake up at 5am (now Thursday) and again, community service from 6am-3pm

I got home Thursday evening. And passed the hell out.

I was dead . My community service consisted of labor. Never again man.

Camped out all night for cool greys then had school at 7:30 the next morning

Felt like I was seeing things. Like everything wasn't real
About 40 hrs then everything started feeling like a dream i knew it was time to go to sleep
Originally Posted by CasperJr

About 40 hrs then everything started feeling like a dream i knew it was time to go to sleep

everything felt like a movie to me but yeah I know what you mean. I had like 4 days under my belt and I started to have like mini episodes where i just blanked out for like 2-3 seconds. No energy drinks or drugs where used tho.
I think around 36. Sometimes I stay up real late and I'm like, "%%@% it, I'm going straight to work with no sleep." That first hour at work with no sleep the night before feels like 4 hours.
a little more than 30. i had to work a double shift and tried to stay up the next day. i had a major headache and felt like i needed to throw up though
Around 30 hrs...freshman year of college cramming for my Chem Final. I started to black out during the exam, and I didn't remember much from what I studied the night before.
I've stayed up for about 3 days before, so around 72 hours. The last time I did it was in May for my final pinup for my thesis for architecture. We all had to stand by our project for 4 hours and talk to whoever came up to look at it too, I was HURTING
After that some professors got everybody together and talked about the work for like 30 mins. Almost everybody else was still standing but I was so tired that I couldn't keep my balance so I had to just sit on the floor 
 Then after about 5 minutes of that I couldn't even stay awake or keep my balance to sit upright so I had to sit up against the wall. It was awful. 
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