Longest youve stayed awake?

Damn some of you guys can go days without sleep?

Longest I've stayed awake was like 20 hours
I think it's like 27-30 hours or so. Brutal.

Everything feels like a dream and my reactions were horrible.
Close to 72 hours. NBA All Star Weekend in Vegas. The magic show was that Mon-Wed and Wednesday all the Major parties started jumping off. Cocaine, Pills, Liquor and Women. I crashed and slept for an entire day afterward. 
23 hours. Damb, what's up with the two days and damb near 3 days though??? Ain't nothin ever THAT serious, and that's
with exams and everything.
45 hours on the last days of our 10 day hiking excursion. Slept for about 17 hours straight that night lol
Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

40 hours. Anybody who's ever been through heartbreak can probably relate

That's the worse. Feels like somebody died. Can't eat or sleep. The only thing you CAN do is call her over and over trying to figure out WHY???
It was close to 40 hours..I had to get a 20 page paper done.

I was lightheaded..and seeing things..I felt so weak but I kept going.

@*+@ was cray.
I've stayed awake for more than 72 hours...

Hallucinations were getting to me around that point in time.

It's definitely not cool and isn't something I would encourage.
like 45 hours from a layover flight... never again, I only book direct flights now.

Had to fly from Hong Kong to Osaka, Osaka to Honolulu, then Honolulu to Vancouver. Spent an average of 6 hours at each airport waiting to board the plane.
I don't remember exactly how long I've stayed awake before, but I'm sure it's no more than 30 hours.

Does anybody else's arms and shoulders get sore when they don't get enough/any sleep?
4 days but I had alot of help from chemicals..I would have tried to get to sleep but the trip just kept gettin better the longer I stayed up 
..never try it again though I slept almost 30 hours after that
Around 55 hours. I remember walking somewhere to eat and it felt like my brain shifted and then my legs turned to jello and my vision blurred.
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