Longest youve stayed awake?

Originally Posted by HankMoody

Around 55 hours. I remember walking somewhere to eat and it felt like my brain shifted and then my legs turned to jello and my vision blurred.


i remember getting an airsick-type feeling & throwing up from staying up for 2.5 days..
Don't know much about weed but I smoked it twice. The first time it didnt work and the second time I smoked so much because it didn't work the first time and I was up for about 36 hours. Never again
Back in 2007 before Hydroxycut changed their ingredients ... those pills had me up for 37 hours. I couldn't sleep for nothing.
The most easily was when I almost did 100 hours when Final Fantasy VII dropped, I was about that life, so was my cousins 
 runner-up was every year when weinput names for NCAA Football rosters before Online gaming was the norm...

The recoup tho 
 wake up drained.
Started off a day, 30 hours,  mostly on adderall. Tried sleeping the next night and I physically couldn't. So in total did about 42-46 hours, never took that mess again.
5 days. when i would binge on thizz id go 4 or 5 days. by then id usually have a sore canker sore(s) from bitin my tongue n cheeks, popped and hungry.did that for a month or 2
Just under 48 hrs. The next day I was sick as a dog. I was "straight" BTW. I had serious insomnia. I would go through this spell almost every week. It was draining.
about 40 hrs on a vegas trip. I already have a hard time sleeping naturally, and a 5 hour energy drink put me over the edge. I only had 3 hours of sleep the night before. Woke up gambled the entire day, partied all night. Around 3 oclock I said F it lets leave now to avoid traffic. Popped a 5 hour energy. After the drive at home I tried to sleep and couldnt. Finally fell asleep at 2am that night. Felt like garbage
Just under 4 days.

Slept for 24 hours straight when I finally went to sleep.

Weirdest feeling in the world waking up thinking its Monday and its actually Tuesday.
I'm going on to almost 20 hours now. SMH @ this damn internet/router issue I'm working on at the office... Don't know when I'll be done. =(
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