Look at who I met at OccupyLA...

Met him at Fiasco Friday... Really chill.
Dude is cool though...he was at a wal-mart next to my job buying school supplies for kids going back to school. He was talking to everybody.

Lupe is wack though?
Wilroc wrote:
This is like my first few times I'm ever hearing dudes say Lupe's music is wack 
. I'm so taken aback right now 
. I understand if you dont mess with Lasers but his first two albums were fantastic and I hardly ever see opinions disagreeing.

....its how these clown !#* dudes think. ive heard this same "wack, corny, cornball" bs since the early 90's with the native tongues movement.
- to some people lofty ideas and intelligence has no place in the music they like to listen to, they just dont have enough brain power to be able to articulate it well enough past a "wack, corny, cornball"
....from Tribe to De La......Mos and Talib to The Roots.......Lupe to whoever chooses to have substance within their music. these types of artists/groups will always garner these superficial titles from these low IQ types that find thinking to be a chore. i truly feel sorry for them.

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Wilroc wrote:
This is like my first few times I'm ever hearing dudes say Lupe's music is wack 
. I'm so taken aback right now 
. I understand if you dont mess with Lasers but his first two albums were fantastic and I hardly ever see opinions disagreeing.
....its how these clown !#* dudes think. ive heard this same "wack, corny, cornball" bs since the early 90's with the native tongues movement.
- to some people lofty ideas and intelligence has no place in the music they like to listen to, they just dont have enough brain power to be able to articulate it well enough past a "wack, corny, cornball"
....from Tribe to De La......Mos and Talib to The Roots.......Lupe to whoever chooses to have substance within their music. these types of artists/groups will always garner these superficial titles from these low IQ types that find thinking to be a chore. i truly feel sorry for them.

dudes actually think they're saying something to.
..+*$+ outta here...Lupes Fahrenheit mixtapes are better than most rap albums

thats not to say I love his record label $%%...which does sound kind of forced sometimes but thats understandable because labels want strict formatted songs they can sell.

instead of being open minded people want you to be as mindless as they are these days.

Him being out at this crap makes me like him less.

you like wrestling though...your opinion sucks...nobody cares what you think
Kendrick Lamar >

I thought it was gonna be Kendrick. You live in LA

thats all i gotta say.

Im a fan of Lupe...... Not a fan of Lasers. But Lasers... we all know why that album was the way it was. FnL2
Dope story, but Lupe is VASTLY overrated. Some of you dudes put him in your top 10
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Wilroc wrote:
This is like my first few times I'm ever hearing dudes say Lupe's music is wack 
. I'm so taken aback right now 
. I understand if you dont mess with Lasers but his first two albums were fantastic and I hardly ever see opinions disagreeing.
....its how these clown !#* dudes think. ive heard this same "wack, corny, cornball" bs since the early 90's with the native tongues movement.
- to some people lofty ideas and intelligence has no place in the music they like to listen to, they just dont have enough brain power to be able to articulate it well enough past a "wack, corny, cornball"
....from Tribe to De La......Mos and Talib to The Roots.......Lupe to whoever chooses to have substance within their music. these types of artists/groups will always garner these superficial titles from these low IQ types that find thinking to be a chore. i truly feel sorry for them.

dudes actually think they're saying something to.
..!*%$ outta here...Lupes Fahrenheit mixtapes are better than most rap albums

people want you to be as mindless as they are these days.

......im just glad i didnt give in to peer pressure as a teen, and still listened to my 'cornball rap' regardless of what 'they' had to say. through it i learned that 'they' dont know +%@# about real music. 
- not too long ago i cousin said to me:
HIM: man!, i hated riding with you back in HS
ME: why was that?
HIM: you was always listening to that Gangstarr bs. dont nobody wanna hear that +%@#! (my HS years? 93-97)
....like i said, this aint nothing new.
ive literally heard the same comments about Tribe and every other artist i listed above plus more. we even had a thread on conscience hiphop in Music....and like clockwork the fools came in with the cornball comments.
....its aiiight though. ill take my cornball rap over whatever pop nonsense yall call rap anyday
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Wilroc wrote:
This is like my first few times I'm ever hearing dudes say Lupe's music is wack 
. I'm so taken aback right now 
. I understand if you dont mess with Lasers but his first two albums were fantastic and I hardly ever see opinions disagreeing.
....its how these clown !#* dudes think. ive heard this same "wack, corny, cornball" bs since the early 90's with the native tongues movement.
- to some people lofty ideas and intelligence has no place in the music they like to listen to, they just dont have enough brain power to be able to articulate it well enough past a "wack, corny, cornball"
....from Tribe to De La......Mos and Talib to The Roots.......Lupe to whoever chooses to have substance within their music. these types of artists/groups will always garner these superficial titles from these low IQ types that find thinking to be a chore. i truly feel sorry for them.

dudes actually think they're saying something to.
..+*$+ outta here...Lupes Fahrenheit mixtapes are better than most rap albums

thats not to say I love his record label $%%...which does sound kind of forced sometimes but thats understandable because labels want strict formatted songs they can sell.

instead of being open minded people want you to be as mindless as they are these days.

Him being out at this crap makes me like him less.

you like wrestling though...your opinion sucks...nobody cares what you think

This caught me off guard for some reason....im dying right now
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