Looking Ahead To Next Season For A.Iverson...Who Wants Him ?

Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

I do not want Iverson on the Lakers.
why would anyone think that there is a possibility of the lakers front office even thinking about this?

by front office i mean KB24
Originally Posted by eight2one

he needs to go to a Team where he is free to roam...he ruined my season.
Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

Mavs or Clippers...

Clippers will do it just to try to sell tickets.

They may even trade BD because they know he doesnt come to play everynight.
good guess. I could really see both of those teams making a run at him

On a sidenote, I wouldnt mind having him coming off the bench for the Lakers next year
Originally Posted by nelly28

its a wrap for ai. a cancer to any team he goes
Iverson is not a cancer, a cancer is someone who disrupts the team with their attitude.

Iverson's problem is that he is only effective when he is the main offense other than that he can't really do anything else.

Age has caught up with him so best he can do is play backup.
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

My Mavs will take him.

i was just talking about this w/ my brother-in-law!

thats crazy!
anyways, starting line

they could pull off a celtics, bring together guys who are now chasing a ship.....
Iverson's problem is that he is only effective when he is the main offense other than that he can't really do anything else.
yup. i hope he could play as a 2nd or 3rd option on a team trying to win it all, but i really don't think he can.
Tons of teams would want him and I still feel as if hes worth atleast 10mill a yr. Hes avging 17ppg on the slowest paced team on low minutes. Dude can stilleasily average 20 ppg. Detroit fans srsly need to stop blaming it all on him go yell at the GM cause you guys weren't going anywhere.
^real detroit fans arn't complaining. detroits GM is smart, if anything. he knew that with billups, they werent going anywhere, so they might as well startnew with sheed and A.I.s contracts coming off the books.

Originally Posted by grittyman20

Originally Posted by BangDak

jesus, you guys are just throwing out team names out there.
Magics got Jameer and Alston for next season.
Iverson doesn't play the point.
i believe hes a shoot first mentality 1.
correct me if im wrong though...
allen iverson is a two guard

any team that signs him to play point is playing for ping pong balls.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

This loser tag NT has slapped on Iverson is just a joke.
His career win percentage is just above .500. All Iverson has to do is keep playing (as opposed to fakinganother extended back injury once he's told to come off the bench) to make it official.

Other than his '01 season, what ammunition do you have to continually support this guy? Oh yeah, he made it cool to rock corn rows. His crossover was mean.First step was incredible. Is he burnt out from carrying Philly on his back like no man has carried any franchise in sports history? Give me a break, word toNell Carter.

Can you seriously call Iverson a "winner?" If you can, then I think you might be delusional. If you can't, then don't act so offended whenpeople call him the opposite of one.
Toronto is a team that could use another big scorer like Iverson. Outside of Bosh, they don't have a reliable second scoring option. He could push Torontoto at least 100ppg( 97.8ppg currently) if he went there. He could actually start in Toronto but would be better off the bench no matter where he goes.

Miami could also look into signing Iverson for some scoring punch off the bench, if they are unable to land a big name free agent. There are many nights whereno one shows up offensively besides Wade. Miami has more of a need for big men.

Chicago could just replace Ben Gordon with Iverson, although, they would not have answered their most important need of a post player.

Dallas may show some interest with Kidd as a free agent but that would be a really small backcourt with Iverson and Terry/Barea.
Originally Posted by High Class Scum Bag

Mavs or Clippers...

Clippers will do it just to try to sell tickets.

They may even trade BD because they know he doesnt come to play everynight.
i hope so
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