Losing That Baby Weight

Dec 2, 2009
I don't know how many (or few) NTers can answer this but I have a q.  My girl gave birth on Jan 27th.  Right before the birth she weighed 140 and now she's down to 116.  She wants to lose the weight by the summer and I told her to I'll help her out and lose my annual winter beer *insulation* weight as well.  Any tips from the ladies or men with gf's or wives who had kids??  How long did it take to lose that and be back to normal?  I told her she is recovering pretty quickly, but of course whatever I say about her weight she just hears a loud beeeeeeeeep.
Good luck man. I would put this question in the Get in Shape thread. You will get some good answers.

Did her body change that much after giving birth?
Originally Posted by OctobersFinest

I don't know how many (or few) NTers can answer this but I have a q.  My girl gave birth on Jan 27th.  Right before the birth she weighed 140 and now she's down to 116.  She wants to lose the weight by the summer and I told her to I'll help her out and lose my annual winter beer *insulation* weight as well.  Any tips from the ladies or men with gf's or wives who had kids??  How long did it take to lose that and be back to normal?  I told her she is recovering pretty quickly, but of course whatever I say about her weight she just hears a loud beeeeeeeeep.

what weight is she trying to reach? Gosh I feel fat now.
Depends on the female...my wife gained a grand total of 16 pounds while she was pregnant and her doc said that was just fine. (she worked out, ate right, and exercised, before and during the pregnancy). I'd say she was back to her old self about 6 months after. According to her though the second kid is when females get outta hand because the body doesn't bounce back as easy.
Damn what was she doing to lose all of that weight so quickly? That is a lot of weight loss already
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Did her body change that much after giving birth?

She still had that belly pretty much the week/2 weeks after birth which, I learned recently, most women still have.  It looked weird, like she was 5 months preggo again.  Boobs got bigger.  That's bittersweet though for obvious reasons.
Do the hooters shrink though?

Was she a small hootered female beforehand?

I always wondered if a woman with small hooters beforehand got some nice sized ones after birth, and ehr man starts showing THEM more attention, how she would feel. Does she get mad at him because he didnt "pay attention to them before." LOL
Originally Posted by prokid404

How big was the baby?

   6 lb 5 oz.

She wasn't that big before, 34b.  But they got gigantor I don't even know what she is now.  But she recently fell out of breastfeeding so they're returning.  I have started showing them more attention and have told her that I like them bigger, she isn't the kind of girl that would get mad at me for that.  She wants them bigger, hopefully that'll happen in a few years.
LOL You TOLD her you like the new ones better. Hhahahahahahah I wouldn't even do anything like that.

I have been around females with small ones that CONSTANTLY talk about how small they are. I guess they are trying to provoke some sort of response from me, but I NEVER budge. I just ignore the statement
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by OctobersFinest

I don't know how many (or few) NTers can answer this but I have a q.  My girl gave birth on Jan 27th.  Right before the birth she weighed 140 and now she's down to 116.  She wants to lose the weight by the summer and I told her to I'll help her out and lose my annual winter beer *insulation* weight as well.  Any tips from the ladies or men with gf's or wives who had kids??  How long did it take to lose that and be back to normal?  I told her she is recovering pretty quickly, but of course whatever I say about her weight she just hears a loud beeeeeeeeep.

what weight is she trying to reach? Gosh I feel fat now.
I would recommend staying away from that soda.
Do it now before its too late.

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by OctobersFinest

I don't know how many (or few) NTers can answer this but I have a q.  My girl gave birth on Jan 27th.  Right before the birth she weighed 140 and now she's down to 116.  She wants to lose the weight by the summer and I told her to I'll help her out and lose my annual winter beer *insulation* weight as well.  Any tips from the ladies or men with gf's or wives who had kids??  How long did it take to lose that and be back to normal?  I told her she is recovering pretty quickly, but of course whatever I say about her weight she just hears a loud beeeeeeeeep.

what weight is she trying to reach? Gosh I feel fat now.
I would recommend staying away from that soda.
Do it now before its too late.
She's actually a recovering Coke(a-cola) addict.  She got a kidney infection during the pregnancy.  She's giving it up for Lent, unless it's in alcohol.  That should be a huge help, I hate soda anyway.

Unless it's that fountain orange jumpoff.....it's crack.

If she's breastfeeding she might drop below her pre baby weight.

She might never get back to normal though. Especially if she is breastfeeding and then stops when the kid weens. Breastfeeding KILLS the baby weight.

Oops just read that she stopped. Her weight my plateau now, but I think summer is a good timeline, especially if it just 15 lbs or so.

Trust that.

A baby will suck all the fat off of your girl in about a month. I know this, twice.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Why'd she stop breastfeeding?...it's only been 3 weeks?

I know.  Long story short: First the baby only drank from the boobies.  Then she got used to bottles, and didn't really latch on to the funbag.  She got offended, then stopped for like 2 or 3 days since the formula is what really helped her sleep at night the most.  But I actually bought these pills called Fenugreek that has really helped with milk production.  And to DC, I read that this is also a natural breast enhancement.
Here's a tip from my friends who are new mom's...

have her drink a beer.....just one only though..
She'll up her milk production

if you're worried about the alcohol...jsut use non-alcoholic beer
I want a baby
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