The whole mention of purgatory/hell in the last episode was clearly a shot from the producers to those who still believed in that theory that they had shot down way back in season 2. How anyone still actually believes the Losties are in hell is beyond me. Jacob explained what the island was!! Take it for what it is and nothing more....its not that deep. I love my fellow LOST fans but some of us are looking for things that just are not there.
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

The whole mention of purgatory/hell in the last episode was clearly a shot from the producers to those who still believed in that theory that they had shot down way back in season 2. How anyone still actually believes the Losties are in hell is beyond me. Jacob explained what the island was!! Take it for what it is and nothing more....its not that deep. I love my fellow LOST fans but some of us are looking for things that just are not there.
Yeah, why do people keep bringing up Hell?? MIB was using that as a trick on Richard trying to make him believe that.

It's not what the island is people.
I'm not saying it's hell... but I think it definitely has something to do with the afterlife.

I could be completely wrong, but I honestly thinks it makes a lot of sense. I rather see this be the case then it just be some random island with magical powers that magically moves and goes back in time
Hurley's been doin work lately. He convinced the temple others using the Ankh, brought Jack to his moment of self-realization at the lighthouse, and stopped Richard from defecting. 
Add this to a few other moments of leadership such as the food rationing way back when, and it leads me to think that Hurley IS the candidate. I mean, he was linked to the candidate numbers from the jump, and he is arguably the most pure person left out of the main players. He's been pulling the strings for Jacob's side in this game like he's the surrogate already anyway.

Not to mention that he was able to see Jacob's cabin. 

But really, it's probably gonna be Jack...He's the main protagonist, and he seems like he's the only one in the sideflashes who realizes something is a little off. (The cut on his neck, and him not remembering his appendix being taken out)

Before it all ends though, I think one of the main things I want answered is why Richard said that he saw them all die to Sun in season 5. Literally, I could see them not ever explaining something like Walt or the Hurley Bird and not be too upset because that was so long ago, before the show had its final direction per say. But that line from Richard was relatively recent, and I believe that anything they showed us after they decided on wrapping up after 6 seasons should be addressed. 

That, and we better see the canoe shootout again. I hope Juliet blasted a headshot on future Kate.
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Ok so I came up with this theory... it made sense in my head... and when I tried to type it out, I got confused, and LOST ha ha but check it out

Alright, so I just came up with this theory that I think makes the most sense. I also think I'd be okay if this happens.

So based on the last episode Ab Aeterno, we pretty much found out many things. Some clear, some not so clear. The man in black tells Richard that they are in hell, Richard tells the other Losties they are in hell... now I don't think they are in hell, but are they that far off?

Basically all series long we were shown flashbacks of a past life for the characters. With the exception of Hurley, everyone had a troubled past or could be seen as sinners. The Island is more or less a chance for them to redeem themselves. Jacob tells us this in the most current episode. He says something along the lines of, "I bring them here to prove him wrong, regardless of their past, they can do good, learn the difference between right and wrong." Yet he doesn't intervene, it is up to the person to choose between right and wrong, and distinguish between the two. So where am I going with this?

There have been several times through the series we see the Smoke Monster AKA Smokey AKA Man in Black somewhat pass over someone. In some instances they are saved, and in some instances they are killed. In season 5 Ben says he needs to be judged by Smokey. Although Smokey had an ulterior motive, Ben appears to have been judged, and passes the test. In the latest episode, after the slave ship crashes on the Island, smokey kills basically everyone but Richard. Yet it kind of passes over Richard, and lets him live. Richard killed a man off the Island in an accident, and was trying to save his wife, smokey saw he was good natured and sparred his life.

Is the Island the final step before the afterlife? One last chance to redeem yourself? And if you fail on the Island, you are killed and go to hell. If you redeem yourself, or are seen as good natured, you get a second chance? Or are able to pass on too heaven? This is where it gets murky as we have seen people get off the Island, and obviously some people discovered the Island. Any ideas?

I started thinking back to the season 4 episode, "The Constant." In this episode, Desmond's mind is jumping back in forth between his life off the Island, and his life on the Island. He is somehow able to change his past, and salvage things with Penny. Eventually Desmond gets off the Island, and has his happily ever after, or so it seems. He reunites with his wife, has a family, and as far as we know, is done with the Island.

It almost seems like Jacob and Man in Black have jobs on the Island. Why did Man in Black let Richard live? Why did he originally let Eko live, but then killed him later on? Is the Island a final place of judgement. Is it even a real physical place? Or do people go there mentally when they are more or less about to meet the light at the end of the tunnel? The more I think about this, the more it makes zero sense. Yet at the same time it makes tons of sense.

What do you guys think?
@ all of this typing just to say the island is purgatory. PPL have been saying that since S2 and Matthew Fox has been saying it's not since then. The creators were just mocking the ppl who were hell bent on that then.


Around the 2:53 mark and this was 3 years ago

My guess is Hurley is the candidate and Jack will sacrifice himself for the cause (one of the skeletons in the cave will be his).
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

My guess is Hurley is the candidate and Jack will sacrifice himself for the cause (one of the skeletons in the cave will be his).
I think Sawyer will sacrifice himself.
I could see them not ever explaining something like Walt or the Hurley Bird and not be too upset because that was so long ago,
Not that long ago considering he appeared as grown up Walt in season 5 when he met Locke so they better explain Walt.

These are the answers I want explained...

Why was Jack in the jungle and not by the crash site in the pilot of Season 1? 

Where is Jack's fathers body?

How did Locke get cured from his paralysis right after the crash?  Jacob touched him?

Who was Adam and Eve?

How did the Dharma people know of this island?

Kate's horse?

How did Desmond get those powers after the implosion? Why is he special?

Why do pregnant women die?

Who was that figure in Jacob's cabin and why did it say "HELP ME" to Locke?

What are these RULES that Ben and Widmore talked about? Who gave them these rules?

Origin of this frozen wheel? How did it move the Island? How/Why did Ben get teleported to the desert?  Why did it cause them to time travel?

How did the US Army find this island to conduct nuclear tests?

Who invented this sonar fence and how did they know it would defend them against smokey?

Why did Ben lose his memory of the time traveling Losties after being cured at the temple?

Richard said he saw the Losties die in 1977... what does that mean?

Who was that little boy that Flocke was running after and told him about the rules?  What are these rules?

Well I could probably think of a few dozen more questions but seriously if they don't provide answers to the above questions I would feel really empty about this series. 
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

According to wikipedia:

April 6, 2010 Episode 11
"Happily Ever After"
Featured character: Desmond

That's my born day!

And I'm glad the title for the last episode didn't really give anything away.

Me too!
One thing I found interesting was how in season 5 Walt tells Locke

"I've been having dreams about you John, your on the Island and people are trying to hurt you"

Which more or less is coming true. They need to explain walt!
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

I could see them not ever explaining something like Walt or the Hurley Bird and not be too upset because that was so long ago,
Not that long ago considering he appeared as grown up Walt in season 5 when he met Locke so they better explain Walt.

I kinda saw that as the writers saying that they probably weren't going to bring Walt back up again. Locke said something like "he's been through enough" about Walt, and it seemed like a crappy excuse to wrap his story up.
Either way, IIRC they said that they'd address the "specialness" with or without him there.
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

I'm not saying it's hell... but I think it definitely has something to do with the afterlife.

I could be completely wrong, but I honestly thinks it makes a lot of sense. I rather see this be the case then it just be some random island with magical powers that magically moves and goes back in time
But I don't get what you are trying to question.  It has already been explained by Jacob what the island is.  I don't get why we are looking for something more that is not there.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

How did the Dharma people know of this island?

Dharma possibly knew of the island because they are being funded by Alvar Hanso, whose great-grandfather was the captain of the Black Rock.

That's about all I can answer....
Originally Posted by bonafide125

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

According to wikipedia:

April 6, 2010 Episode 11
"Happily Ever After"
Featured character: Desmond

That's my born day!

And I'm glad the title for the last episode didn't really give anything away.

Me too!

My born day is April 11th. I wish that was a tuesday so I can watch Everyone Loves Hugo...oh well the 13th will do
FlatbushFiyah23 wrote:
But I don't get what you are trying to question.  It has already been explained by Jacob what the island is.  I don't get why we are looking for something more that is not there.

dude that is not the final answer to "what the island is". the whole show has been leading us up to the point where the island is a cork metaphor? that's it? i want something tangible.

we still don't know who jacob and smokey or the rules are so we don't know what the island is IMO.
so far we just got a broad idea of what it's purpose is. or jacob isn;t being entirely truthful.

as  i said a while ago. books will probably come out after this show is done. too much money to be made and too many pissed off people when they don't answer half of the questions.

i don't like that BS that they want everything to be ambiguous. you can't have major plot points be "whatever you want" over and over again.  that's just throwing +%$% at the fan and hoping your audience will fill in the blanks. i still think they will answer walt and why the mothers can't have babys.

more importantly i think that the visions that charlie had were the MIB manipulating him. i think all those visions of boone and eckoa nd charlie were MIB. that is him influencing people on teh island like richard told jacob he would
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Ok so I came up with this theory... it made sense in my head... and when I tried to type it out, I got confused, and LOST ha ha but check it out

Alright, so I just came up with this theory that I think makes the most sense. I also think I'd be okay if this happens.

So based on the last episode Ab Aeterno, we pretty much found out many things. Some clear, some not so clear. The man in black tells Richard that they are in hell, Richard tells the other Losties they are in hell... now I don't think they are in hell, but are they that far off?

Basically all series long we were shown flashbacks of a past life for the characters. With the exception of Hurley, everyone had a troubled past or could be seen as sinners. The Island is more or less a chance for them to redeem themselves. Jacob tells us this in the most current episode. He says something along the lines of, "I bring them here to prove him wrong, regardless of their past, they can do good, learn the difference between right and wrong." Yet he doesn't intervene, it is up to the person to choose between right and wrong, and distinguish between the two. So where am I going with this?

There have been several times through the series we see the Smoke Monster AKA Smokey AKA Man in Black somewhat pass over someone. In some instances they are saved, and in some instances they are killed. In season 5 Ben says he needs to be judged by Smokey. Although Smokey had an ulterior motive, Ben appears to have been judged, and passes the test. In the latest episode, after the slave ship crashes on the Island, smokey kills basically everyone but Richard. Yet it kind of passes over Richard, and lets him live. Richard killed a man off the Island in an accident, and was trying to save his wife, smokey saw he was good natured and sparred his life.

Is the Island the final step before the afterlife? One last chance to redeem yourself? And if you fail on the Island, you are killed and go to hell. If you redeem yourself, or are seen as good natured, you get a second chance? Or are able to pass on too heaven? This is where it gets murky as we have seen people get off the Island, and obviously some people discovered the Island. Any ideas?

I started thinking back to the season 4 episode, "The Constant." In this episode, Desmond's mind is jumping back in forth between his life off the Island, and his life on the Island. He is somehow able to change his past, and salvage things with Penny. Eventually Desmond gets off the Island, and has his happily ever after, or so it seems. He reunites with his wife, has a family, and as far as we know, is done with the Island.

It almost seems like Jacob and Man in Black have jobs on the Island. Why did Man in Black let Richard live? Why did he originally let Eko live, but then killed him later on? Is the Island a final place of judgement. Is it even a real physical place? Or do people go there mentally when they are more or less about to meet the light at the end of the tunnel? The more I think about this, the more it makes zero sense. Yet at the same time it makes tons of sense.

What do you guys think?
Wrong...smokey only spares people he knows he can potentially "use"

Ben...knew he could use him to kill Jacob
Locke...his faith for the island was enough for him to use him
Eko...again, faith for his religion, but once he didn't repent and go on the islands side, he got killed.

He kills everyone whom he decided wont be of use.

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

My guess is Hurley is the candidate and Jack will sacrifice himself for the cause (one of the skeletons in the cave will be his).
I think Sawyer will sacrifice himself.


Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

I could see them not ever explaining something like Walt or the Hurley Bird and not be too upset because that was so long ago,
Not that long ago considering he appeared as grown up Walt in season 5 when he met Locke so they better explain Walt.

These are the answers I want explained...

Why was Jack in the jungle and not by the crash site in the pilot of Season 1? 

Where is Jack's fathers body?

How did Locke get cured from his paralysis right after the crash?  Jacob touched him?

Who was Adam and Eve?

How did the Dharma people know of this island?

Kate's horse?

How did Desmond get those powers after the implosion? Why is he special?

Why do pregnant women die?

Who was that figure in Jacob's cabin and why did it say "HELP ME" to Locke?

What are these RULES that Ben and Widmore talked about? Who gave them these rules?

Origin of this frozen wheel? How did it move the Island? How/Why did Ben get teleported to the desert?  Why did it cause them to time travel?

How did the US Army find this island to conduct nuclear tests?

Who invented this sonar fence and how did they know it would defend them against smokey?

Why did Ben lose his memory of the time traveling Losties after being cured at the temple?

Richard said he saw the Losties die in 1977... what does that mean?

Who was that little boy that Flocke was running after and told him about the rules?  What are these rules?

Well I could probably think of a few dozen more questions but seriously if they don't provide answers to the above questions I would feel really empty about this series. 

All the ones in bold are the ones that will be answered.
Watching a Juliet centric episode on ABC right now. Brings back memories

edit: now they're playing the Desmond episode where he saves Claire from drowning.  This should be good.
why can desmond tell the future? how did he know she was drowning? how did he know charlie would die?

every time i watch an old episode i feel like i don't understand !!$# on this show. it's annoying already
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