Given the actions of Claire and Sayid today, it looks like people who were converted by smoke monster can still show some signs of good.

I'm still in denial about Jack though. I'm not convinced he's been turned.

Anyway it's all gonna come back to Hurley and Desmond.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Yeah I kept asking myself if they took off the fence
That would've been hilarious if they just passed out.

i was thinking the same

sawyer "You ready to get wet" and " that pilot who looks like he stepped out of a Burt Reynolds movie"
All I have to say is Desmond better not be dead....

Do you guys think Sayid really killed him? And what happened to the scene in last weeks preview of him shooting the gun?

Who else thinks is shaping up that Jack will be the new Jacob... and Sawyer will be the new Man in Black?

All Sawyer wants is to get off the Island... kind of like the man in black.. and they have always been enemies... IDK it seems to obvious though.
Alternate reality Dez is rounding them all up at the hospital. Gotta be a reason.

If Juliette isn't that kid's mom, I will suck my own #%+#. She's the only one we haven't seen yet in the flash sideways.

Prepare yourself for gottagitdemj's obvious revelation of the week......

you ready?

I don't think Yid killed Dez.

People are about to start dropping like flies. You can see it coming.

Where the hell are Alpert and Ben? I still say Ben is going to sacrifice himself to save.....somebody (I don't know who).

Jack is going to leave the island, but he's gonna kill Flocke first. That's the part of him that can't leave.
Hol a minute...wasn't the whole point of having an 8-month hiatus, that they could show the whole season without interruption.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Alternate reality Dez is rounding them all up at the hospital. Gotta be a reason.

If Juliette isn't that kid's mom, I will suck my own #%+#. She's the only one we haven't seen yet in the flash sideways.

I don't think Yid killed Dez.

Juliette was in the first flash sideways. She was on the plane.

I don't think anyone does.
Crag, Im with you after tonight. Still holding out hope that they at least say SOMETHING about Walt.

I think Ben is to G to die on the island.

2 week break?!?!? Its gonna take a lot of will power to not check for spoilers.
Crag, Im with you after tonight. Still holding out hope that they at least say SOMETHING about Walt.

I think Ben is to G to die on the island.

2 week break?!?!? Its gonna take a lot of will power to not check for spoilers.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by Cragmatic

PS I've accepted the fact that we will never see Walt again

I really can't even begin to think of how they would bring him into the story at this point. Maybe i'll be surprised... we shall see....

I guess I'm okay with a two week break, that means its one more week longer until there will never be a new Lost again
New theory: Lost is real. In the series finale, smoke monster will come through our televisions and destroy us all.
Des isn't dead. No way in hell they kill that character off screen.

I still believe Walt will be talked about and be included in the story.

Like I said when Des hit Locke with the car it's pretty obvious he;ll be able to walk after Jack fixes him.

Claire is probably gonna betray those on the ship when FLocke shows up to kill them all.

I'm not sold on Jack being the new Jacob but it could be the case if he feels he has nothing in the real world.

I think James(Sawyer) is gonna die. I hope Kate will.

I highly doubt there's going to be a new M.I.B./Smokey. He'll either die or continue to be stuck and there'll be a scene mirroring the new Jacob and Smokey as another ship/plane/spaceship comes to the island.

I still wanna smash Claire.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

New theory: Lost is real. In the series finale, smoke monster will come through our televisions and destroy us all.
I can get one sonic pylon before the finale
Am I the only one who thought Widmore was gonna kill Sawyer, Jin, Sun, Lapidus, and Kate all at the same time?!??!
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Am I the only one who thought Widmore was gonna kill Sawyer, Jin, Sun, Lapidus, and Kate all at the same time?!??!

It did cross my mind quickly but I was like nnnaaaahhhh.

But the episode was
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