Originally Posted by Crook

Question: If MIB can't get off the island (and the whole point of all what he's orchestrating right now is so that he can), AND if it really was him that appeared as christian, then how does he appear as christian in front of michael on the freighter before it explodes? That thing was way off the island

I honestly believe he only played as Christian to Jack to find the water and to Claire. Why would he appear as Christian to John Locke who has NO CLUE who he was makes no sense. Why not appear as Charlie or some other thing that Locke has an connection to? Oh well. Just wish these episodes pick up
Originally Posted by Crook

Question: If MIB can't get off the island (and the whole point of all what he's orchestrating right now is so that he can), AND if it really was him that appeared as christian, then how does he appear as christian in front of michael on the freighter before it explodes? That thing was way off the island

Well leaving the island is not as simple as just jumping on a boat or swimming away.  Remember what hawking told Jack, Ben, and the others about getting back...I think the whole area ( the island and the water surrounding it ) can be traveled within, but when you try and leave special conditions must be in place before you can.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by Crook

Question: If MIB can't get off the island (and the whole point of all what he's orchestrating right now is so that he can), AND if it really was him that appeared as christian, then how does he appear as christian in front of michael on the freighter before it explodes? That thing was way off the island

I'm pretty sure that the freighter was within the "radius" of the island that Daniel explained for the flashes to start and them be within it on the boat. That's what I figure.

The fact that MIB says he took over Christian body still doesn't explain why Walt was seen in two places. We'll get that answer though.

christian also appeared in front of jack in the hospital lobby AFTER he got of the island
Locke can be mad but he cant kill them.
THANK YOU!  this is what I have been screaming the last few eps.  Why are y'all followin this dudes orders, MIB needs you far more than you need him.  If he truly is capable of doing stuff like givin sayid the woman he loves, why can't the "candidates" man up on this cat like..ok you want to get off this rock, when we get home we need to all be millionaires, be with the people we love...

Unless dude wants to kill them all, start all over again and find other candidates to bring to the island so he can get off they got him.  With how close he is to getting off (finally killing jacob...) I doubt he'd do that.
Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by Crook

Question: If MIB can't get off the island (and the whole point of all what he's orchestrating right now is so that he can), AND if it really was him that appeared as christian, then how does he appear as christian in front of michael on the freighter before it explodes? That thing was way off the island

I'm pretty sure that the freighter was within the "radius" of the island that Daniel explained for the flashes to start and them be within it on the boat. That's what I figure.

The fact that MIB says he took over Christian body still doesn't explain why Walt was seen in two places. We'll get that answer though.

christian also appeared in front of jack in the hospital lobby AFTER he got of the island

Jack was also hopped up on painkillers...so we aren't sure if that was him or a hallucination.  Even if it was him, Jacob and MIB are yin and yang so I am sure their "powers" are equal.  If jacob can apper to others off the island I am sure MIB can to, so maybe they can appear to others but not physically leave.
Originally Posted by FallenGodofWar

Originally Posted by Crook

Question: If MIB can't get off the island (and the whole point of all what he's orchestrating right now is so that he can), AND if it really was him that appeared as christian, then how does he appear as christian in front of michael on the freighter before it explodes? That thing was way off the island

I honestly believe he only played as Christian to Jack to find the water and to Claire. Why would he appear as Christian to John Locke who has NO CLUE who he was makes no sense. Why not appear as Charlie or some other thing that Locke has an connection to? Oh well. Just wish these episodes pick up

well whatever the mechanism is for taking on different people's forms, remember when he became john locke they said "he's stuck like that now." maybe he was stuck like christian til they brought lockes body back?
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by FallenGodofWar

Originally Posted by Crook

Question: If MIB can't get off the island (and the whole point of all what he's orchestrating right now is so that he can), AND if it really was him that appeared as christian, then how does he appear as christian in front of michael on the freighter before it explodes? That thing was way off the island

I honestly believe he only played as Christian to Jack to find the water and to Claire. Why would he appear as Christian to John Locke who has NO CLUE who he was makes no sense. Why not appear as Charlie or some other thing that Locke has an connection to? Oh well. Just wish these episodes pick up

well whatever the mechanism is for taking on different people's forms, remember when he became john locke they said "he's stuck like that now." maybe he was stuck like christian til they brought lockes body back?

I just think there's an Undead Christian running loose on that island.
Originally Posted by FallenGodofWar

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by FallenGodofWar

Originally Posted by Crook

Question: If MIB can't get off the island (and the whole point of all what he's orchestrating right now is so that he can), AND if it really was him that appeared as christian, then how does he appear as christian in front of michael on the freighter before it explodes? That thing was way off the island

I honestly believe he only played as Christian to Jack to find the water and to Claire. Why would he appear as Christian to John Locke who has NO CLUE who he was makes no sense. Why not appear as Charlie or some other thing that Locke has an connection to? Oh well. Just wish these episodes pick up

well whatever the mechanism is for taking on different people's forms, remember when he became john locke they said "he's stuck like that now." maybe he was stuck like christian til they brought lockes body back?

I just think there's an Undead Christian running loose on that island.

I remember someone saying they thought there were 3 different Christians. One was MIB pretending to be Christian in his suit. One was Jacob pretending to be Christian in white tennis shoes and one was the real Christian trying to connect to Jack. They dropped details that made me think, they're not too off...
It would make sense if there was another Christian, because it would explain his missing body(because there are 2 Locke's).
the island's perimeter does extend out into the water. jin flashed with sawyer, kate, juliet, daniel, and miles when he was in the ocean.
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by FallenGodofWar

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by FallenGodofWar

Originally Posted by Crook

Question: If MIB can't get off the island (and the whole point of all what he's orchestrating right now is so that he can), AND if it really was him that appeared as christian, then how does he appear as christian in front of michael on the freighter before it explodes? That thing was way off the island

I honestly believe he only played as Christian to Jack to find the water and to Claire. Why would he appear as Christian to John Locke who has NO CLUE who he was makes no sense. Why not appear as Charlie or some other thing that Locke has an connection to? Oh well. Just wish these episodes pick up

well whatever the mechanism is for taking on different people's forms, remember when he became john locke they said "he's stuck like that now." maybe he was stuck like christian til they brought lockes body back?

I just think there's an Undead Christian running loose on that island.

I remember someone saying they thought there were 3 different Christians. One was MIB pretending to be Christian in his suit. One was Jacob pretending to be Christian in white tennis shoes and one was the real Christian trying to connect to Jack. They dropped details that made me think, they're not too off...

I agree cause the one in the suit was just off compared to the Christian we've seen. I also wonder why if MIB was always Christian why would he address his self as so TO VINCENT! In one of those V-Cast video before Jack wakes up in the Pilot pt 1, Christian tells Vincent to awaken his son cause he has a lot to do...or something to that effect. *+@* isn't adding up!
Originally Posted by FallenGodofWar

Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by FallenGodofWar

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by FallenGodofWar

Originally Posted by Crook

I agree cause the one in the suit was just off compared to the Christian we've seen. I also wonder why if MIB was always Christian why would he address his self as so TO VINCENT! In one of those V-Cast video before Jack wakes up in the Pilot pt 1, Christian tells Vincent to awaken his son cause he has a lot to do...or something to that effect. *+@* isn't adding up!
Don't they always say that stuff doesn't count as canon or wateva?
Jin and Sun reunion was cute and all but I mean that's it?  After 3 seasons of being apart they just conveniently see each other?  

Widmore firing missiles at MIB does what exactly?  A few episodes ago they attacked Locke's group.  So if they wanted to kill Locke's people, couldn't they have done that then?  

Des just sitting in that well was just stupid.  A 10 foot deep well? Come on now!

Jack asking Locke if he was his dead father and he just answered YES.  Well next question Jack.  I am sure there are tons of questions to ask MIB since you all are 'catching up'... right?  I mean don't you want to know how he did that?  Where the body is at now?  Was that him that appeared in the hospital lobby?  

What happen to crazy Claire?  Hugging Hurley?  Listening to Kate?  Whatever.

After all these years of mysteries and questions... we're being fed all the answers just so conveniently which just doesn't flow well.  Instead of wasting all this time on this stupid sideways story, couldn't they just stick to the story on the island? 

Now we gotta wait 2 weeks?  Someone said earlier.. .just go with it.  Which unfortunately is exactly what he have to do. 
It's terrible, Lost has a monopoly on Lost...

Anyway, not sure if it's been said, but Locke can't kill Desmond so the next best thing he could do is throw him in a well and hope Sayid would do the dirty work.
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

I think this should be called "LOST SEASON 6 OFFICIAL COMPLAINT THREAD"

but seriously it isn't just niketalk being niketalk. the same stuff is being said on lostpedia

some people just feel that the answers have very little to do with what we have seen in the past. it doesn't connect and fit well. it seems forced.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

I think this should be called "LOST SEASON 6 OFFICIAL COMPLAINT THREAD"

but seriously it isn't just niketalk being niketalk. the same stuff is being said on lostpedia

some people just feel that the answers have very little to do with what we have seen in the past. it doesn't connect and fit well. it seems forced.

Originally Posted by JinKazama

but Locke can't kill Desmond
why not I missed this?

Oh, I don't know if it's been said explicitly or if it's even true. But I think much in the same way the smoke monster can't kill Jacob or whatever, he also can't kill certain other people (candidates, Desmond?, etc.). Anyone have a more solid answer?
I don't worry about people whining anymore. It's not going to change anything and the show is still going on so it IS what it IS.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

I think this should be called "LOST SEASON 6 OFFICIAL COMPLAINT THREAD"

but seriously it isn't just niketalk being niketalk. the same stuff is being said on lostpedia

some people just feel that the answers have very little to do with what we have seen in the past. it doesn't connect and fit well. it seems forced.

- hmmm........

- and  
 @ 'just go with it'.......yeah, im sure
- im just sitting back waiting on the massive let down, followed by a fan backlash the size of a nuclear blast with a white ear piercing flash
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Originally Posted by JinKazama

but Locke can't kill Desmond
why not I missed this?
Oh, I don't know if it's been said explicitly or if it's even true. But I think much in the same way the smoke monster can't kill Jacob or whatever, he also can't kill certain other people (candidates, Desmond?, etc.). Anyone have a more solid answer?

That is simply the answer.

I thought this was a solid episode although a bit of a weak ending IMO.  I am shocked about the amount of people that do not like it at all.

I was happy that they confirmed the MIB being Christian Sheppard  even though most of us knew this awhile ago. I do not think that Jack is now possesed by Flocke; I just simply think he is a man of faith and like he has been saying he realizes that he was brought here for a purpose and is just following his intuition and finding out what that purpose is.
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