Originally Posted by KneeNoh

Locke with the Coldblooded Pro perk

I thought Jin/Sun were going to get fried too

Dodging Predator Missiles like a boss.

I had a feeling like the two of them were about to get blown backwards. Like we'd hear "Wait! Dont cross the-" and then BOOM Sun and Jin get blasted back like 15 feet from the fence. I mean, I knew it wouldnt happen, but it's still one of those situations where, if it were a comedy, there'd be some physical pain.
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

So wait is it 4 left after tonight?.........3 and then the one on Sunday right? or 4 and then the one on Sunday?

Three and then a 2 hour finale on sunday
Making another assumption: Dez makes so much since as the next Jacob, before Sayid killed him, he probably talked him out of it. And, he wears suits in the real world like Jacob. Also, like Jacob he is going around and touching everybody. 
Call me crazy?? But could david be MIB???
Originally Posted by CaptainCrown

Making another assumption: Dez makes so much since as the next Jacob, before Sayid killed him, he probably talked him out of it. And, he wears suits in the real world like Jacob. Also, like Jacob he is going around and touching everybody. 
Call me crazy?? But could david be MIB???
Its more like he's doing his work, but I dont think Jacob himself ever forced situations as hard as Dez is...
I don't see why this episode was rated so bad... it was pretty intense with a lot of action.

I will resist spoilers for the next episode, but I do know that it's supposed to be one of the best episodes of Lost ever... and there will be the need for a lot of tissues. Stay away from spoilers and if you come across any, TAG THEM!!
Did anyone else catch the cut on Jack's neck at the end of the episode as was in the flash sideways when Jack looked in the mirror on the plane.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Alternate reality Dez is rounding them all up at the hospital. Gotta be a reason.

If Juliette isn't that kid's mom, I will suck my own #%+#. She's the only one we haven't seen yet in the flash sideways.

Prepare yourself for gottagitdemj's obvious revelation of the week......

you ready?

I don't think Yid killed Dez.

People are about to start dropping like flies. You can see it coming.

Where the hell are Alpert and Ben? I still say Ben is going to sacrifice himself to save.....somebody (I don't know who).

Jack is going to leave the island, but he's gonna kill Flocke first. That's the part of him that can't leave.

hospital has MRI machines....

high amount of electromagnetism needed for something?
is there any not to long explanations on this whole dam show season 1-6 its like im so confused my little brother watch's it and i get pissed
Damnit, a tear-jerker in 2 weeks. i'm tempted to read spoilers for the first time this season... but I shall not.
Des talked to Sayid when he offed Widmore's people too? So wouldn't that would of worked then? I don't know, I doubt Desmond is the new Jacob.
Alright, so I'm thinking Des=the new Jacob, and that maybe he turned Sayid good again. Remember what MIB says to Ricardo when asking him to kill Jacob? "Don't talk to him because then it's too late." And what does Sayid do? Talks to Desmond, and then we can assume doesn't kill him, as they won't kill Des off screen.
Maybe its the general rule with Jacob/MIB not to let em speak to you or else they talk you out of your mission.
Anybody thinks Richard makes an appearance in the sideway flash??? I know you guys want to see Walt, but I like to see these guys pop up too like Klugh, Goodwin, Mr. Friendly, Naomi, Abbadon, Locke's dad, Danielle, and sarah, jack's first wife. 
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Am I the only one who thought Widmore was gonna kill Sawyer, Jin, Sun, Lapidus, and Kate all at the same time?!??!

That would have been CRAZY!!!!!

Originally Posted by PltcsAsUsual

isthere any not to long explanations on this whole dam show season 1-6its like im so confused my little brother watch's it and i get pissed
About the best short explanation out there..... http://en.wikipedia.org/w..._.282004.E2.80.932005.29

-For some reason I have a feeling Ben and Richard are up to something epic. They both know too much about the island to be "pawns" to me.
-No doubt Jack helps Locke walk.
-I really like the MIB was Christian answer but.... Why is there 2 Locke's and only 1 Christian body on the island?
-And I don't know why, but the flash-sideways are really starting to fry my brain. I need them explained ASAP.
Let's recap!

Jack (to Locke): "I don't have any idea what you are."
Locke: "Sure you do."

Jack is fine with this answer.

The Smoke Monster says he appeared to Jack as his father. Why? Because Jack needed to find water. I hope that's good enough of an explanation for you because that's as good as it gets on Lost.

The Smoke Monster to Jack: "John Locke wasn't a believer Jack. He was a sucker." Man, do I know that feeling.

Claire has a heart to heart with big brother Jack. Strangely, she's not acting crazy anymore. Locke must have slapped the crazy out of her a few episodes ago... or maybe the actors really have no clue how to play these characters because even they have no clue what's going on.

Locke, Jack, and Claire return to camp from their chats in the jungle. It's now daylight. Wow. Those were some long chats.

Sawyer is in the police station with Kate. Kate tells Sawyer that he let her go previously because he went to Australia and didn't want anyone to know he was there. Kate is a runner, an expert tracker, and a psychic.

Poor man's Tina Fey who previously proclaimed she was a geophysicist not a mercenary, is now a tough as nails negotiator. Apparently Widmore now thinks he can kill the Smoke Monster with a mortar round... although previously Desmond was the only answer to save the world.

Llana is a lawyer of course. Desmond knows Llana somehow and somehow has been following Claire and somehow gets Claire and Jack together for the reading of their father's will. Don't ask any questions. Just go with it.

Locke tells Sawyer to go get the sail boat. Sawyer asks why they aren't all going together. Locke says, "The bigger the group, the slower it moves." I guess gravity has a greater effect on a large object thus slowing down the time that it takes it to move from point A to point B.

Sawyer decides he's going to skip out on Locke and take the sail boat to Hydra island. He asks Kate if she knows how to sail the boat. Surprisingly she does. Runner, expert tracker, psychic, and sail boat captain. That's our Kate.

Meanwhile, over in the Flash Sideways... Sawyer and Miles go to arrest Sayid. Somehow they figure out that Sayid is at his brother's house. Hey, these guys are good. Sayid almost gets away but Sawyer tricks him with the old garden hose trip routine because it's much cooler than just yelling freeze when Sayid walks through the back door.

Here's where things get interesting... and by interesting I mean really dumb. Sawyer pulls Jack aside and actually says the line, "Listen up because I'm only going to say this once." I would make an Allo Allo reference here but only a couple people in the UK would get it. So Sawyer easily convinces Jack to not go with Locke... just as easily as Hurley convinced Jack they should go see Locke... just as easily as Jacob convinced Hurley to leave the temple because Locke was coming to kill them.... just as easily as Michael convinced Hurley to get Jack to go see Locke. Don't think about any of this too much or your head will hurt and you'll start speaking Korean. Sawyer says he has a deal with Widmore and all this is good enough for Jack. Sawyer tells Jack to round up all the cool kids and sneak away from Locke.

Sayid goes to the well to kill Desmond. Locke can't do it because there are some vague island "rules" that help hide the fact that Lindelof and Cuse have no rules. The depth of the well has descreased quite a bit. Desmond asks Sayid what he's going to tell Nadia he did to see her again. Desmond words seem to touch the tiny zombified heart of Sayid- a complete rip off of How the Grinch Stole Christmas. We're left wondering if Sayid really killed Desmond. The tension is killing me. Really.

Claire, who has a major abandonment issues, is abandoned by the cool kids but makes a crazy face and follows them through the jungle to the sail boat. Claire confronts them, Kate tries to do some dramatic acting, unfortunately is not shot in the heart, and everything is cool before you know it... or is it? Jack ruins everything when he decides to start thinking. Jack thinks maybe they should stay on the island because Locke wants them to leave the island. I'm reminded of a certain incident involving the detonation of a nuke. We're not going to help detonate the nuke, we're getting on the sub, now we're going to help so we're getting off the sub, now we're not helping, now we are because I saw you look at her, hey maybe we shouldn't do this because it could be the thing that caused the incident.

The three major players in this drama are Locke/MIB, Widmore, and Jacob. No one has tried asking any of them any pertinent questions about what is going on. Our band of merry morons are in a life and death situation, have been told the fate of humanity is at risk, and they make decisions based on... what? It's all contrived silliness to try and create tension and delay moving the plot anywhere. The characters are morons.

The sail boat crew arrives at Hydra island and are met by Widmore's all-purpose geophysicist/mercenary/Sayid's nurse/negotiator/gun toting guard. She tells Sawyer the deal is off. Imagine that. Widmore is backing out of the deal. Sawyer should have made him pinky swear. Bad move con man.

And now the big moment no one has been waiting for. Jin pops up on the beach (because he's apparently able to roam around freely) and is finally reunited with Sun. Years of "Where's Jin" and "I must find my wife" have finally paid off. Oh, and Sun can conveniently speak English again. I'm glad that plot line paid off well. Lindelof and Cuse are geniuses.

Jack is back on the beach with Locke. Widmore starts firing mortar rounds one at a time from 2 miles away. Jack goes down but Locke carries Bubba to safety Forrest Gump style. This gives him the chance to delvier the line, "It's OK. You're with me now" while dramatic music lets me know the plot is really heating up. No really, this time they mean it.
i agree with most of the article but it doesn't stop me from enjoying the show so whatever.

and yeah i sincerely thought whidmore was gonna kill all of them at once. or at the very least kate would get killed by claire.
Question: If MIB can't get off the island (and the whole point of all what he's orchestrating right now is so that he can), AND if it really was him that appeared as christian, then how does he appear as christian in front of michael on the freighter before it explodes? That thing was way off the island
Originally Posted by Crook

Question: If MIB can't get off the island (and the whole point of all what he's orchestrating right now is so that he can), AND if it really was him that appeared as christian, then how does he appear as christian in front of michael on the freighter before it explodes? That thing was way off the island

I'm pretty sure that the freighter was within the "radius" of the island that Daniel explained for the flashes to start and them be within it on the boat. That's what I figure.

The fact that MIB says he took over Christian body still doesn't explain why Walt was seen in two places. We'll get that answer though.
Originally Posted by DubA169

i agree with most of the article but it doesn't stop me from enjoying the show so whatever.

and yeah i sincerely thought whidmore was gonna kill all of them at once. or at the very least kate would get killed by claire.

It's turning into a joke how much I want someone to cap Kate.

But yeah that article...at first I was like.


and then

But none of it's really wrong, because I'm not at that Lost is my crack dissect every episode phase anymore.

So it's more like the last few days of high school. Don't really care, just gimme my damn diploma.
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