Just finished watching "The Last Recruit".

Damn, so there's still no way in telling who's good who's evil? Or have I just not been paying enough attention?
Just to be clear on some things. Do yall think MIB can switch from dead body to dead body when he's impersonating ppl? I know Ilana implied that he can't change from Locke's body but I don't know how true that is.

My main thing is when Christian showed up for all 5 seasons and then those few times Eko saw his brother Yemi and when he eventually died. I'm just trying to distinguish the illusions from the actual ppl there. I'd also like to know where the phantom Walt appearances lie in from those two categories.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Just to be clear on some things. Do yall think MIB can switch from dead body to dead body when he's impersonating ppl? I know Ilana implied that he can't change from Locke's body but I don't know how true that is.

My main thing is when Christian showed up for all 5 seasons and then those few times Eko saw his brother Yemi and when he eventually died. I'm just trying to distinguish the illusions from the actual ppl there. I'd also like to know where the phantom Walt appearances lie in from those two categories.
Good question.  I do believe that he cant change from Lockes body and is now stuck my guess is that is an effect of using the body of one of the people on Jacobs lists which Locke was.  
Not sure if he can switch from dead body to dead body when he is impersonating people but I believe that will be explained (hopefully lol). Zik I also wonder if Walt was used by MIB...very interesting.  I have always believed that part of Walts special ability was to be two places at one time but who knows.  
Originally Posted by Master Zik

My main thing is when Christian showed up for all 5 seasons and then those few times Eko saw his brother Yemi and when he eventually died. I'm just trying to distinguish the illusions from the actual ppl there. I'd also like to know where the phantom Walt appearances lie in from those two categories.

yeah good luck with that. i already stopped trying and realized that the writers didn't have all of this mapped out from the beginning. anything crazy you ask will most likely be answered with jacob did it. MIB did it or the Island did it or "the writers didn't have time to explain that"

why is walt special? Jacob touched him.
why can't the candidates kill themselves? oh well jacob touched them
why can't richard age? jacob touched him dummy

 they never explained boone's visions, charlies visions, or ecko's visions.
the only thing i can see about all the illusions is that somehow MIB planted them to get the losties to do certain things. that's what i hope at least. i still want everything to fit.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Master Zik

My main thing is when Christian showed up for all 5 seasons and then those few times Eko saw his brother Yemi and when he eventually died. I'm just trying to distinguish the illusions from the actual ppl there. I'd also like to know where the phantom Walt appearances lie in from those two categories.

yeah good luck with that. i already stopped trying and realized that the writers didn't have all of this mapped out from the beginning. anything crazy you ask will most likely be answered with jacob did it. MIB did it or the Island did it or "the writers didn't have time to explain that"

why is walt special? Jacob touched him.
why can't the candidates kill themselves? oh well jacob touched them
why can't richard age? jacob touched him dummy

 they never explained boone's visions, charlies visions, or ecko's visions.
the only thing i can see about all the illusions is that somehow MIB planted them to get the losties to do certain things. that's what i hope at least. i still want everything to fit.
I remember after that 3rd season crack finale where they flipped it on us...slowly people started getting it. It's over. They done with the past, so anything they didn't answer that doesn't affect what's about to happen, probably ain't gonna get answered.
Originally Posted by DubA169

yeah good luck with that. i already stopped trying and realized that the writers didn't have all of this mapped out from the beginning.
Yeah I know this. I always had the feeling they were actually going to make Christian a separate entity and explain why he came back to life. Even though I probably won't get an answer I still am compelled to wonder. For the most part I've been laying back all season. I might as well let the season come to me and see what they do answer.
 they never explained boone's visions, charlies visions

You mean when Locke tied him, hit him in the head and drugged him with the island's essence? I throw that in the specific category of a regular old hallucination like with Hugo and Dave.

or ecko's visions

If you're talking about his dreams when he took Locke and found the other DHARMA station I figure all of that is help from the island guiding you where it wants you to go. Maybe Jacob but I don't think so.
the only thing i can see about all the illusions is that somehow MIB planted them to get the losties to do certain things. that's what i hope at least. i still want everything to fit.
I'm questioning whether the illusions were set up by MIB since he's seeing them too now(the two kids that only he and other candidates can see). I figure that's Jacob's ghost at work or just the island.
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Good question.  I do believe that he cant change from Lockes body and is now stuck my guess is that is an effect of using the body of one of the people on Jacobs lists which Locke was.  
Yeah I think he can't switch now for w/e reason but it's the stuff that happened on the island before that I question. I'd assume he could've switched from body to body then cuz Yemi showed up trying to persuade Eko he said no and then Yemi is gone and Smokey thrashes him. That's identical to some of the stuff FLocke has been doing this season.

The more I think about the Walt stuff the more unclear it is. So hopefully atleast his powers are explained.
Zik the Dave situation rubs me wrong. Idk y but it does. That couldn't have been just any ol day dreaming but no one saw him but Hurley so it could be...
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by FallenGodofWar

Zik the Dave situation rubs me wrong. Idk y but it does. That couldn't have been just any ol day dreaming but no one saw him but Hurley so it could be...
I believe it was a hallucination due to Hurley's previous mental instability but what may have caused it probably was MIB or the island. There's been a long going theory that Hugo isn't suppose to be on the island at all and MIB/the island has been trying to get rid of him. It's died down a bit now since he left, came back and hasn't done much but somebody or something wanted him dead at a point in time.

Yea I've been following that theory and I actually like it.
Originally Posted by FallenGodofWar

Zik the Dave situation rubs me wrong. Idk y but it does. That couldn't have been just any ol day dreaming but no one saw him but Hurley so it could be...
I believe it was a hallucination due to Hurley's previous mental instability but what may have caused it probably was MIB or the island. There's been a long going theory that Hugo isn't suppose to be on the island at all and MIB/the island has been trying to get rid of him. It's died down a bit now since he left, came back and hasn't done much but somebody or something wanted him dead at a point in time.
Originally Posted by Luong1209

Just finished watching "The Last Recruit".

Damn, so there's still no way in telling who's good who's evil? Or have I just not been paying enough attention?
I Think the way MIB has been trying to manipulate people into doing evil things, that we safely assume that he's evil now. Such as promising Sayid his love if he kills an un armed man, allowing Claire to kill Kate once everyone is on the plane.
Master Zik wrote:
 they never explained boone's visions, charlies visions

You mean when Locke tied him, hit him in the head and drugged him with the island's essence? I throw that in the specific category of a regular old hallucination like with Hugo and Dave.

or ecko's visions

If you're talking about his dreams when he took Locke and found the other DHARMA station I figure all of that is help from the island guiding you where it wants you to go. Maybe Jacob but I don't think so.

okay but eventually "help from the island" needs to be explained or it's meaningless

charlies and boones visions are the ones that piss me off the most. charlie was getting religious visions of claire. and charlies vivid visions of the fact that he has to "save" arron.

boone... well why the hell did boone have a vision of shannon getting killed?
Originally Posted by FallenGodofWar

Zik the Dave situation rubs me wrong. Idk y but it does. That couldn't have been just any ol day dreaming but no one saw him but Hurley so it could be...

wow...just thinkin of Dave made me realize dude is Runkle from Californation. That changes everything. Hurley was just mad the island didn't have pay-cable.
Managed to get my hands yesterday on a pair of tickets for this:


LOST LIVE: The Final Celebration
Oscar[emoji]174[/emoji] winning composer Michael Giacchino will conduct a liveorchestral performance, featuring the iconic music of "Lost," at UCLA'sRoyce Hall on Thursday, May 13, to celebrate the upcoming seriesfinale. The concert will also feature appearances by LOST cast members,including Nestor Carbonell, Michael Emerson, and Jorge Garcia. Inaddition, a special preview of the penultimate episode will be screenedimmediately after the concert.


Tickets are probably sold out by now. But there are few left going for double the price on eBay.
inb4 cool story bro

You wanna know the worst #*+% that happened the other day.

I seen all of West Wing. Loved that show, so I figured, lemme check out Sports Night. It's pretty good.

I go to wikipedia to see who else from West Wing was gonna show up in Sports Night. I find out one of them is about to be a big %%%*!*! character on Lost.

In 5 years I never messed with spoilers. FML
Originally Posted by MrONegative

inb4 cool story bro

You wanna know the worst #*+% that happened the other day.

I seen all of West Wing. Loved that show, so I figured, lemme check out Sports Night. It's pretty good.

I go to wikipedia to see who else from West Wing was gonna show up in Sports Night. I find out one of them is about to be a big %%%*!*! character on Lost.

In 5 years I never messed with spoilers. FML

Damn getting spoiled by looking at info about another show...

I'm watching The Man Behind The Curtain and the scene where Ben takes Locke to the cabin is so hilarious after what we know now. Locke is so pissed off until %@%% start getting wild. I was actually shook and glued to the tv when I first saw this ep but knowing Ben was just winged the whole discussion had me thinking Jacob was the invisible man.

So wild, dude is talking to nobody.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

man...no show this week...part of my life is missing. Is this how empty it's going to feel when the show is over?
Sorta. It hit me earlier tonight. I don't think the END of the show will be really feel like it's over for a while. The finale is going to shock us all and make us re-think a bunch of stuff so going back will hopefully be as amazing as it was the first go round. Then the winter will come, TV shows coming back, new TV shows, SPORTS, Holidays and LOST will be forgotten for the most part.

I'll still be trying to put people on to the show though. Real talk, there hasn't been too many things in my life on this surface i've enjoyed as much as this show. No TV show has made me think, do research, and connect dots like this one has.
Random LOST thought/question of the week but does anyone else think that Ben really thought he was following Jacobs orders the whole time but really was following the MIB's orders (unware of who he was exactly) the entire time?!

A friend of mine and me were discussing this and talking about how we know that Ben at least appeared to summon the smoke monster to kill Keamy and his men, also it is safe to assume that he really thought the cabin was where Jacob was, we don't know who ordered Ben to kill Locke but its not crazy to assume it came from the MIB because who else would Locke's death had benefited; and MIB has appeared as dead people on the island and one dead person we saw was Ben's mom (who could have been the MIB).

I am intrigued to hear others thoughts...discuss.
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