This %+%%% Ben stay getting beaten. They trying to get the most beatings in on him til the end

Rousseau! Nice surprise I thought they said she couldn't make it for the final season.
Flocke was straight ruthless with Zoey.

Was I the only one that had a thing for her?

Jacob about to reveal everything, the end is near.
I really thought Ben was going to lead FLocke in there and blow up the house. I'm still not sold that he's following FLocke though.

Richard isn't dead right? Just got knocked the *@%+ out right? If he's dead that's the worse way to kill homey.

So Miles was the only one that left? Who has the C4?

So many questions

If Jacob really tells them(us) everything like when that KFC dude told Neo everything about the Matrix
Originally Posted by Master Zik

I really thought Ben was going to lead FLocke in there and blow up the house. I'm still not sold that he's following FLocke though.

Richard isn't dead right? Just got knocked the *@%+ out right? If he's dead that's the worse way to kill homey.

So Miles was the only one that left? Who has the C4?

So many questions

If Jacob really tells them(us) everything like when that KFC dude told Neo everything about the Matrix
Good ol' Ben Linus

Jack's neck cut again. Hmmmm

Ana Lucia!!!

What the !!#% is Desmond doing in the Sideways though? I have no clue what the hell is going to happen.
lol first time watching an episode with commercials... wth happened to richard? i hope thats not how they end his character.
im still trying to figure out how the whole desmond/electomagnetism/failsafe plan will work out.
great episode though... cant wait for sunday and jimmy kimmel with the alternate endings, thats gonna be nuts!
good episode, better than last weeks garbo.

I really thought Ben was gonna get killed by Flocke and the way Flocke killed Zoey...damn.

looks like Jack is LeBron...the chosen one.

Sunday is going to be nuts.
VERY VERY good episode. I was just a little disappointed if thats how they end Richard. I kind of feel like they should have just killed Miles... he seems completely irrelevant now.

Was anyone else upset Widmore died?
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