Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by hymen man

*waits for Dub to chime in*

the whole jacob/numbers/bring people to the island stuff is very inconsistent.

I went from believing it was a game being played about free will and the nature of man to just Jacob needing to protect light from the bad guy. why was Jacob bringing all the thousands of other people to the island? He just needed one guy with daddy issues and nothing to live for to protect the island. How does he even bring people to the island? what is the island?
Yeah I've been extremely confused about that too...which one is it then? jacob bringing people to the island to prove his theory of the game, or bringing them here to find a candidate for him? To me it seems like the most recent batch (oceanic 815) was for replacement candidates, whereas in the past it was to use people to play the game with smokey Mc smoke.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Originally Posted by hymen man

Great episode. What a shocker, Jack taking the Island's keeper job. I think something else will happen and someone else will have to be put in charge. I can't wait til Sunday... well maybe I can. =/

Yup....when it comes down to the end, Sawyer will take his spot so Jack can be with Kate.

btw, does anybody know where I can d/l the Smoke Monster Matterhorn sound effect?
loved the episode.

I hope we understand why the island was sunken in the season 6 premiere and I have a feeling that desmond is going to bring them all together and have them board a plane and the end is, like many of you say, a reset to them crashing on the island.

Jacob did make it a point to mention that Jack landed at the spot in this episode...maybe I'm reaching but thats weird that they'd crash so close to the "light"
my thoughts..

Well when it comes to Ben working for flocke, lets remember how Ben has always interacted with characters throughout the show in order to manipulate them. He’s always gotten their guard down, by pretending to want the same thing as them, and using their goals to achieve his own… Im not saying he has the power to manipulate the smoke monster but getting close to him during his plan is probably the best chance he has in stopping him and saving everyone, and finally doing something right..

wouldn’t it make sense to just have Richard guard the light IN ADDITION to Jacob… he’s been his right hand man for hundreds of years.. the way he has relayed his message to the others for years should show that the two are on the same level… hell if I was him I’d have a whole gang of dudes and bad broads on that island with the same mindset…

Isn’t a couple hundred thousand a little low to bribe to an officer to let go of three convicts?

How dare Jacob allow people to worship him…

Don’t you guys wonder what smoke monster will do if he gets off the island? I think he’s going to be very disappointed with the amount of hype he’s built up in his own head. Even if he will kill everyone on earth like they claim… and then what?? He’ll be all lonely
I say the island gets destroyed, some survive but others (including MiB) die somehow. Letting Jack stay there forever as the new guardian seems too easy and too much of a burden on him. He's the main character since the first episode, I think they will give him proper closure somehow instead of just ending the series with him alone on the island. And everything will be alright in the end
Watch this if you haven't already:
sundays episode will be epic beyond belief and i heard something about getting props from the show? anyone know anything?

Originally Posted by Crook

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by hymen man

*waits for Dub to chime in*
the whole jacob/numbers/bring people to the island stuff is very inconsistent.

I went from believing it was a game being played about free will and the nature of man to just Jacob needing to protect light from the bad guy. why was Jacob bringing all the thousands of other people to the island? He just needed one guy with daddy issues and nothing to live for to protect the island. How does he even bring people to the island? what is the island? 
Yeah I've been extremely confused about that too...which one is it then? jacob bringing people to the island to prove his theory of the game, or bringing them here to find a candidate for him? To me it seems like the most recent batch (oceanic 815) was for replacement candidates, whereas in the past it was to use people to play the game with smokey Mc smoke.
I guess one argument could be that, it's damn hard to find one person by himself in the middle of the ocean, so you'd have to take a group. And even though Desmond was already there, he couldn't be a candidate, because Penny was his constant. I think Jacob knew that one day MIB would figure out a way to kill him, and that there needed to be a new candidate in place while he could still give possession of the cave and the island away.
Spoiler [+]
I think the more important question is, why did it look like alt-Desmond was about to rape Ben on the hood of his car in front of a school?

Lost's inconsistencies fade into the background when you keep this in mind:


^ Someone somewhere would try to make this make sense. 
Why can't it be that every time Jacob brought a group of ppl to the island he had a few ppl in that group as potential candidates just in case MIB succeeded in killing him before now?

The way Jacob and MIB talked about it they've been doing this for quite some time and for Jacob it hasn't ended because he didn't die yet. Looking back on it the Others were just glorified pawns to stall and preoccupy MIB.
4 8 15 16 23 42

[h3]#23 Jack Shepard from LOST = Psalm 23 the writer (King David) describes God as his Shepherd. As the Shepherd, He will protect, provide, and guide us. If we are in danger of a strong enemy, He will protect us; if we are in danger of famine, He will provide us with enough food; He leads us and guides us where we will be safe, where there is abundant life.[/h3]
Originally Posted by CashMoney

4 8 15 16 23 42

[h3]#23 Jack Shepard from LOST = Psalm 23 the writer (King David) describes God as his Shepherd. As the Shepherd, He will protect, provide, and guide us. If we are in danger of a strong enemy, He will protect us; if we are in danger of famine, He will provide us with enough food; He leads us and guides us where we will be safe, where there is abundant life.[/h3]

Interesting. Looks like the writers are gonna stick to Jack being the new Jacob... maybe?
''Lost'' got me walkin' 'round these streets with the youtube rip of ''Jacob's Theme'' bumpin' in my ipod tappin' homeless dudes on the shoulder like, ''Do you want a job?''

Can't believe it's about to be all over...

...can't wait to see how it all plays out.
yea...I was wondering about that. So season 4, Ben tells Widmore in Widmore's office, that he's gonna kill Penny and wants him to feel helpless. But now he kills Widmore, because he wants to make sure he can't save Penny. 

Maybe Ben thought there were rules that said he couldn't kill him, but now that Jacob's dead, the rules don't apply.

I'm just trying to understand who the slick writer was that figured, I want to hold onto Widmore's secret a bit longer, let's have him whisper it.

I guess the finale is gonna be on some Ocean's Eleven type plotting.
I feel Ben was being the good guy by trying to avoid Charles spilling the beans. How is Ben going to stay on Locke's side when he grants Ben control of the Island, but then decides he need to destroy the Island. I have a feeling Ben will somehow help Jack in the end.
have these questions been answered:

-why and how is richard immortal (i know he was touched by jacob) but why/how is jacob able to make people immortal?
-why/how has jacob not aged...and why is MIB when he is in jacob's brothers form not aged either? also how come they aged to a certain point then just stopped?

I just don't think they explained the whole immortality/not aging thing as much as I would like...

maybe i am forgetting something from some of the shows...but anyone got answers to these?
I think you just have to take it as it is, Science Fiction. The island's mysterious power has granted Jacob powers to help him protect the Island. It's like Star Wars. What's "The Force"? It's a special power given to special people. I don't think the writers will or want to explain everything. I think most people are not liking some of the answers given since they still see Lost as a mystery series, but it's shifted towards a total science fiction which requires some stretch of the imagination.
Originally Posted by andy206

Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Just rewatched it. 2 things stuck out....


And then Locke telling Ben he can have the island if he helps him, then later he tells Ben he was gonna destroy the island using Des.
where are you rewatching it?


And also they are saying Jacob needs a replacement to protect the island, but the Smoke monster came out of the "Urine Cave" so it seems to me HE is the REAL protector. Now, what Jacob/his replacements role would be then.... I don't know, for one they never really said what Jacob is "capable of". But, Smokie has more "powers" it seems to protect the island (for one he can turn into smoke and can kill anyone in sight). Now, one thing is for sure.... 4 DAYS FROM NOW IS GONNA BE EPIC/GREAT/SAD/AMAZING!!!!!!
The alternate timeline is the one where the island is at the bottom of the ocean, and this is what happened as a result of detonating the atomic bomb in the 1970's, hence creating a timeline from 1970's until today where the island does not play a role (i.e. Jacob is gone, no one is being brought to the island, Dharma gone).

This whole other aspect of Lost has not been explained by the past few episodes. They have shown us how Jacob, Richard, etc., came to be, i.e. how this directive to protect the island has been passed down. But we have not gotten an explanation for the time travel, multiple timelines, etc., unless the writers are just going to say it's a scifi thing where lots of electromagnetism can cause it. But that won't answer the question of why it's in the show and why it's part of the island. i.e. did they just throw it in there so that they could add a couple seasons even though it's not necessary for the main story?
Originally Posted by krazyg

I feel Ben was being the good guy by trying to avoid Charles spilling the beans. How is Ben going to stay on Locke's side when he grants Ben control of the Island, but then decides he need to destroy the Island. I have a feeling Ben will somehow help Jack in the end.

dont know if its been said but ben gave miles the walkie talkies. So im guessing Miles is hearing everything
Originally Posted by CashMoney

4 8 15 16 23 42

[h3]#23 Jack Shepard from LOST = Psalm 23 the writer (King David) describes God as his Shepherd. As the Shepherd, He will protect, provide, and guide us. If we are in danger of a strong enemy, He will protect us; if we are in danger of famine, He will provide us with enough food; He leads us and guides us where we will be safe, where there is abundant life.[/h3]

What was stupid about Widmore's death?
He was going to tell Locke the plan so that Locke wouldn't kill Penny. Ben didn't like the fact that Widmore had the chance to save his daughter so he killed him.
Stupid because all this time (how many episodes) Widmore was on an agenda to save the island per Jacob's request. Then all of a sudden Flocke tells him that he wont kill Penny so he just changes his mind and tells him about Desmond?

All this time I thought if Flockes escapes, everyone in this world would die... remember that's what he told Desmond and what he told Sawyer... so Penny would die anyways.
I have a feeling the finale is going to be a big let down. Its not going to answer any questions, and is going to leave us all hanging.
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