Originally Posted by truestt

They basically waited till the last 20 mins to answer some serious questions. COME ON!


Great episode. What a shocker, Jack taking the Island's keeper job. I think something else will happen and someone else will have to be put in charge. I can't wait til Sunday... well maybe I can. =/
Benjamin Linus is back! I was tired of him actin like a lil wuss after he killed Jacob. Looks like the Ben that we knew from previous seasons is now back.

Im liking where the sideways flash is going...Desmond putting in work.

Great episode though. Cant wait for the finale. Been watching this show for almost 6 years and now its coming down to what I know will be a great ending. Dont really post to much in this thread but I do read almost everything that is posted. Imma miss reading the theories
I starting to wonder if Jacob meant Aaron with Kate. Cause I still have a feeling she got knocked up by Jack the night before they left on 316. If I remember right, I think it was implied that they slept together that night. She had just given up Aaron and knew about the island problems with Sun and was about to go back. Maybe shes pregnant now with Jacks kid?
I love Desmond. What a great guy.

Looks like there will be a reunion at the concert. Jack's baby's momma will be there... Juliet?

I was a little disappointed (again) that Jacob had to sit down and explain things so directly. Then again we always complain that we don't get answers... I guess that's what we've been saying for a while -- everyone brought to the island had deep issues. Now Jacob gave a concrete explanation for why it's the case -- he needed people who would be willing to let go of everything in their past life. A big part of that is that they can't have loving parents. Then again, that means Hugo is not the greatest candidate.

We still need one big reveal -- what is the significance of the alternate timeline? And then we need to see how things play out with Jack, Desmond, etc. vs. Locke on the island. And there's also probably some big twist left.
i think the alternate timeline will have them getting back onto an airplane and it crashing and the whole series will end with the scene that started the whole show off, jack in the jungle.....

i dont think rich died like that remember hes immortal
Just rewatched it. 2 things stuck out....


And then Locke telling Ben he can have the island if he helps him, then later he tells Ben he was gonna destroy the island using Des.
My dude Ben is back on his grizzy.

Loved what Desmond was doing in the flash sideways too. It's definitely going to come down to an EPIC ending in the finale. Also I thought the interaction between Hurley and Ana Lucia was interesting and also when Hurley asked Des if she was coming with them and he was like she's not ready yet.

If Alpert really is dead, I hate the way they killed his character. He deserved better than that.

I was never really a big fan of Jack in the beginning of the series because his stance with science vs fate and Locke, but his character progression from the first season to now has been awesome. The moment he got "it" as to why he came back to the island was sick.

Overall, I really enjoyed this episode. Sunday will be bittersweet, but I know that it's going to be a sick ending.
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

And then Locke telling Ben he can have the island if he helps him, then later he tells Ben he was gonna destroy the island using Des.
good catch.. not much incentive for ben now huh

and just noticed ur sig, edited by jacob
Originally Posted by hymen man

Great episode. What a shocker, Jack taking the Island's keeper job. I think something else will happen and someone else will have to be put in charge. I can't wait til Sunday... well maybe I can. =/

Yup....when it comes down to the end, Sawyer will take his spot so Jack can be with Kate.
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

And then Locke telling Ben he can have the island if he helps him, then later he tells Ben he was gonna destroy the island using Des.

i think ben has something up his sleeve....he knew he needed to get rid of widmore, now he has flocke thinking he's on his side.....
i never liked ben though 
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Just rewatched it. 2 things stuck out....


And then Locke telling Ben he can have the island if he helps him, then later he tells Ben he was gonna destroy the island using Des.
where are you rewatching it?
whoa whoa whoa..

does anyone remember the episode where ben and widmore are in widmore's bedroom?

doesn't widmore say something along the lines of neither of them could kill the other?!? (hence the reason ben was going after penny?!??!)
Originally Posted by hymen man

*waits for Dub to chime in*

it was alright. had some good moments. had some duds. i don't understand Ben's motivation in the least bit. He probably has a trick up his sleeve though. i don't totally understand why MIB wants to blow up the island or why it's so bad if he leaves.

desmond about to hit locke was

zoe finally dying was great
the acting was VERY good.
we all knew Jack was the candidate.

the whole jacob/numbers/bring people to the island stuff is very inconsistent.

I went from believing it was a game being played about free will and the nature of man to just Jacob needing to protect light from the bad guy. why was Jacob bringing all the thousands of other people to the island? He just needed one guy with daddy issues and nothing to live for to protect the island. How does he even bring people to the island? what is the island?

i haven't been shocked many times this season. i've only said "oh %%+!" at the end screen a couple of times. in the prior episodes i was never able see where the show was heading.

they have set it up for it to be a great finale though. i am sure @!** will hit the fan. they are probably gonna throw in 40 old cast members for sentimental value. Even if it's bad people will be too happy seeing the old actors to care. (which is what season 6 has been like as a whole)
Originally Posted by itsaboutthattime

whoa whoa whoa..

does anyone remember the episode where ben and widmore are in widmore's bedroom?

doesn't widmore say something along the lines of neither of them could kill the other?!? (hence the reason ben was going after penny?!??!)
Yeah I remember and he does. The main reason he didn't kill Widmore then and there is cuz he said he couldn't break the rules and that's why he was going to kill Penny. So he either broke the rules or w/e was stopping them from killing each other no longer is in effect since Widmore is on the island.

Only loop hole is if Widmore had on a  bullet proof vest when he got shot. I am still not sold on Ben siding with FLocke completely. Think he just trying to avoid death for now. Yeah it seems like typical Ben but that whole ep with Ilana makes no sense. I think he's pretending to be willing to kill ppl for FLocke. It's not like FLocke gave him anymore incentive, he promised Ben the island way back when he asked him to kill Jacob. I think Ben has figured out that "You can have the island" is just code for I'm going to kill you after you kill these ppl for me. Plus he just told him he wants to destroy it so I think even FLocke knows Ben isn't completely on his side.

Still want to know Richard's fate.

I'm hoping for a twist in the end. We all knew Jack is the one but it'd be great if he died. IMO there seems to be just too much self-entitlement going on. Jack right now is only doing it because he thinks he's suppose to and that's too reminiscent of Locke's naivety and blind faith in the island. I'd like it if whoever takes over is more confident and self-assured in their choices and reasoning like Jacob (yeah I know he wasn't always that way in the beginning but it makes no sense if Jack makes the same mistakes Jacob made) was throughout this whole game and the way he felt justified in playing GOD. So either it's not Jack or Jack goes through another change to really be qualified for the position.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Originally Posted by hymen man

Great episode. What a shocker, Jack taking the Island's keeper job. I think something else will happen and someone else will have to be put in charge. I can't wait til Sunday... well maybe I can. =/

Yup....when it comes down to the end, Sawyer will take his spot so Jack can be with Kate.

I dont know about that one. Hurely seems like the second choice imo. I think Sawyer's gonna die....
(doing something 
though). Kate might too (
) (not in any
way though).

But I just want Miles to live. Cant afford to lose another Asian.
Am I the only one who wants MIB to get off the island? I know he most likely won't, but after last weeks episode...i mean none of this @#$% is his fault. the fake mom and Jacob screwed him over 
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