Originally Posted by Master Zik

Why can't it be that every time Jacob brought a group of ppl to the island he had a few ppl in that group as potential candidates just in case MIB succeeded in killing him before now?

The way Jacob and MIB talked about it they've been doing this for quite some time and for Jacob it hasn't ended because he didn't die yet. Looking back on it the Others were just glorified pawns to stall and preoccupy MIB.
so Jacob killed thousands of people just in case MIB killed him one day? seriously?

what game were they playing before MIB tried to kill Jacob for the first time? he looked shocked that MIB would ever try to kill him, so he obviously wasn't preparing to find a candidate.
Originally Posted by copped

have these questions been answered:

-why and how is richard immortal (i know he was touched by jacob) but why/how is jacob able to make people immortal?
-why/how has jacob not aged...and why is MIB when he is in jacob's brothers form not aged either? also how come they aged to a certain point then just stopped?

I just don't think they explained the whole immortality/not aging thing as much as I would like...

maybe i am forgetting something from some of the shows...but anyone got answers to these?
Richard drank the wine and was touched by Jacob similar to how Jacob got his immortality from his fake mom. 

How? Magic. It's pointless for them to tell us how because there are no possible scientific explanation for that just like how a human being going down into a tunnel of light can turn you into smoke.  It just does.  Jacob can heal, can make people immortal so just take it for what it is.. the island's magic.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

How? Magic. It's pointless for them to tell us how because there are no possible scientific explanation for that just like how a human being going down into a tunnel of light can turn you into smoke.  It just does.  Jacob can heal, can make people immortal so just take it for what it is.. the island's magic.

ding. ding. ding. We have a winner!!
There is a reason Miles is still alive. We didn't hear what Widmore was telling Flocke and there is someone still alive that can communicate with dead people.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

There is a reason Miles is still alive. We didn't hear what Widmore was telling Flocke and there is someone still alive that can communicate with dead people.

So hyped that Miles has made it this far. My dude can do it. This is the home stretch COME ON MILES!!!!

Originally Posted by Crook

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by hymen man

*waits for Dub to chime in*

the whole jacob/numbers/bring people to the island stuff is very inconsistent.

I went from believing it was a game being played about free will and the nature of man to just Jacob needing to protect light from the bad guy. why was Jacob bringing all the thousands of other people to the island? He just needed one guy with daddy issues and nothing to live for to protect the island. How does he even bring people to the island? what is the island?
Yeah I've been extremely confused about that too...which one is it then? jacob bringing people to the island to prove his theory of the game, or bringing them here to find a candidate for him? To me it seems like the most recent batch (oceanic 815) was for replacement candidates, whereas in the past it was to use people to play the game with smokey Mc smoke.

I don't know what's so confusing about this.

Jack made a CHOICE to be the one. Jacob can bring all the people in the world to do it, but I thought they made it clear that Jack CHOSE to be the one, and they emphasize it by having Hurley mention that he WOULDN'T do it.
one quick question regarding this whole Desmond thing...

does he actually know what is going on in the alternate timeline?...like, does he know who these people are (i.e Locke, Linus)...and why is he after them?? Is he trying to give them "near" death experiences so that they can remember the Island as well?? Can someone please explain where Desmond fits in during the alternate timeline, and why he is doing wht he is doing
^ Happily Ever After explained all that...


He is doing certain things to trigger their memories of their island life and somehow the finale will probably show the connection between the two time lines.

Charlie snapped Desmond's memory in the alt time line. Because Widmore's team did that electromagnetic experiment, Island Des seems to know about the alt time line because he was all cooperative with Widmore after and able to turn evil Sayid back to normal.
I think that's what a lot of the finale is gonna be about.... What Des is up to. He knows he has 2 "lives". And he knows what people were on the island with him. He's rounding them up for something. What for....we don't know yet.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by copped

have these questions been answered:

-why and how is richard immortal (i know he was touched by jacob) but why/how is jacob able to make people immortal?
-why/how has jacob not aged...and why is MIB when he is in jacob's brothers form not aged either? also how come they aged to a certain point then just stopped?

I just don't think they explained the whole immortality/not aging thing as much as I would like...

maybe i am forgetting something from some of the shows...but anyone got answers to these?
Richard drank the wine and was touched by Jacob similar to how Jacob got his immortality from his fake mom. 

How? Magic. It's pointless for them to tell us how because there are no possible scientific explanation for that just like how a human being going down into a tunnel of light can turn you into smoke.  It just does.  Jacob can heal, can make people immortal so just take it for what it is.. the island's magic.
Yeah makes sense now, and he drank it at the age that he is still now hence he stays at that age even til now...

get it. That is why richard is the same, and also why jack will always look like jack now.

so what is the 'special way' of killing these guys that MIB has figured out? is it being killed surprised without knowing?

is richard really dead then? because if MIB can do that to richard, why couldn't he do it to Jacob since they are essentially the same...

am i missing something?
Originally Posted by copped

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by copped

have these questions been answered:

-why and how is richard immortal (i know he was touched by jacob) but why/how is jacob able to make people immortal?
-why/how has jacob not aged...and why is MIB when he is in jacob's brothers form not aged either? also how come they aged to a certain point then just stopped?

I just don't think they explained the whole immortality/not aging thing as much as I would like...

maybe i am forgetting something from some of the shows...but anyone got answers to these?
Richard drank the wine and was touched by Jacob similar to how Jacob got his immortality from his fake mom. 

How? Magic. It's pointless for them to tell us how because there are no possible scientific explanation for that just like how a human being going down into a tunnel of light can turn you into smoke.  It just does.  Jacob can heal, can make people immortal so just take it for what it is.. the island's magic.
Yeah makes sense now, and he drank it at the age that he is still now hence he stays at that age even til now...

get it. That is why richard is the same, and also why jack will always look like jack now.

so what is the 'special way' of killing these guys that MIB has figured out? is it being killed surprised without knowing?

is richard really dead then? because if MIB can do that to richard, why couldn't he do it to Jacob since they are essentially the same...

am i missing something?

I think it has something to do with the "rules" fake mom has placed on them.

MIB can't kill Jacob or his candidates by himself because of the rules.  MIB tricked Ben to kill Jacob. MIB placed the bomb in Jack's bag but essentially Sawyer was the one that set of the bomb that destroyed the sub.

Richard wasn't a candidate so he is fair game. He just doesn't age but doesn't mean he can't die. He was beaten up by MIB and showed wounds so I think he can be killed but then again he or Jack didn't die when he wanted to blow himself up. The fuse just stop remember?  So I don't know but I hope Richard didn't die in that episode. 

Now some of the questions I have that hopefully will be answered are....

Donkey Wheel - Why does turning the donkey wheel move the island? Why does it go back and forth thru time? Who finished the donkey wheel since MIB was knocked out before completing it? Why does it transport the person turning the wheel to Tunisia? (Is Island Magic the answer to all this?)

Where is the body of Jack's dad on the island?

Why/how did the island heal Rose's cancer? Locke's paralysis? Why can't women have children on the island? (Island magic again?)

Explain to us in detail just exactly what is to happen if Flocke leaves the island.

How does Jacob leave the island? Submarine? Teleport?

Not too important but who built the temples? Who built the 4 toed statue?
I still kinda think the REAL protector or the island (if it even really needs it) is gonna need to BE the smoke monster.
They still haven't answered why Rose's cancer got cured and Locke can walk, but then Sawyer needed glasses.

Does this mean Lost is like Jumanji, where all this insane, amazing and terrible stuff happens to the town, the people in it and especially the players of the game, but once it's over everything just resets to the beginning so David Alan Grier can keep his lowtops?
this may have been answered a few pages back (I only read the last 3), but the concert that Des and Sayid and Kate and Hurley are going to is David's concert right? because Jack will be there...

Originally Posted by JBug88

this may have been answered a few pages back (I only read the last 3), but the concert that Des and Sayid and Kate and Hurley are going to is David's concert right? because Jack will be there...

Charlie isn't performing with his band right? Then I would guess you're right...
Originally Posted by Luong1209

Originally Posted by JBug88

this may have been answered a few pages back (I only read the last 3), but the concert that Des and Sayid and Kate and Hurley are going to is David's concert right? because Jack will be there...

Charlie isn't performing with his band right? Then I would guess you're right...

I thought about Farraday's concert, but when Des saw Farraday's mom, wasn't that the day of Farraday's concert?
and then ran over Locke and Locke wasn't in the hospital for one day right? 
i mean it would all make sense thought right?
Charlie (even though he freaked out at the hospital and said he wasn't going), Farraday, David, Jack, Des, etc. would all be there...
I'm saying it again.  One of the final scenes should be Sawyer walking into a coffee shop and having Juliet there.  and they can have their cup of coffee...

^ It's actually Jack's son David that is playing at the concert. It's being held by Mile's dad Pierre Chang's Museum. He's going to be there as well as Charlotte and I'm assuming Sawyer.
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