Originally Posted by hymen man

That's about right. It's really starting to hit me... this is the last night before the finale.

Tomorrow is going to be so full of LOST for me. I decided to wait to watch the Enhanced pilot until tomorrow.
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

why are Hugo, Kate and Sawyer considered special appearances for Kimmel tomorrow?

They either won't appear in studio or will be in short comedy skits throughout the show. Just a guess.
Really enjoyed the enhanced pilot.

Watching it made me more appreciative of Shannon getting killed early in the series.

That Lost Unnecessary Censorship clip was hilarious.

ok word is someone got their hands on the finale...

also someone on twitter has been going around and throwing words around idk if true or false about the finale

they did send me an @ of what happens but idk if its true or not...im not gonna look at it again just in case its true...this way i can forget it
I've been steer clear of what happens in the finale unless it's something about a certain dog.. which I hope I'm wrong about.
After re-watchin the pilot tonight... I have one conclusion... JACK. IS. THAT. DUDE. .... cant believe I ever doubted him. SMH at myself. And I think I might have a new favorite episode... "The Pilot". Episode was GREAT.
I think Vincent is going to play a pivotal role in the finale for some reason, the close up of him when Jack, Charlie, and Kate are walkin' towards the planes cockpit gave me a feeling maybe he's really important.
just watched the special edition pilot episode... seems like such a long time ago. totally forgot about locke and walt playing that board game on the beach (with the light and dark pieces).
Originally Posted by Div1LBC

I totally forgot about the pilot episode. What was enhanced about it?
they just gave it the "pop-up video" treatment.

explains things as they happen on the bottom of the screen, usually in a little more detail;  also connects certain things for you.

i cant believe its over. today will be an EPIC day for us all and then monday we mourn lol.

Guys, I won't be there to watch it when it airs...You guys enjoy it for me, I'll watch it the next day
I know the degree of importance varies from person to person but it just hit me, will we ever know how Christian died? We all know the cause but I always thought they would show how but ofcourse this is when we all thought he'd playing a much bigger role in the beginning.

Meh I'm guessing not.
Can't wait, watched this show faithfully since the first episode! I know the ending is gonna be crazy
Even when the show tries my patience and pisses me off. I'd rather have a new Lost to be frustrated about than no Lost. This finale is gonna be tragic. 

Who's down for a rewatch?
Originally Posted by MrONegative

Even when the show tries my patience and pisses me off. I'd rather have a new Lost to be frustrated about than no Lost. This finale is gonna be tragic. 

Who's down for a rewatch?

We should do a LOST Finale Tinychat.
Pilot episode was
. When Locke smiles at Kate with the orange in his mouth It kind of creeped me out. So many little things to make connections to in later episodes.
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