

Thought it was a good ending regardless

great show, may be the best series ill ever have watched in my life.
Wow. Just wow. One of the best finales I've ever seen. I had my doubts going in, but that %@*# was just
in one.
Originally Posted by LiL Stevie728

I wasn't satisfied with Boone and Shannon's appearance. It all seemed so forced and rushed, like the Lost producers were like "Well, let's bring back some of the original characters from the flight.....hmm these two are the only ones available? Oh well, let's throw them in there anyway." In fact, the entire Sayid/Shannon relationship was stupid IMO. Sayid spends most of the series in love with Nadia and the reason why he even trusts MiB is because he wanted to be with Nadia again. But then he sees Shannon and Nadia is suddenly forgotten and Sayid is happy again over a short fling on the island

I don't know how they also weren't able to get the guy who played Eko back for at least the finale. They should have gotten him booked like a year in advance. The guy was one of the show's most popular characters and actually had strong connections with Charlie and Locke. It would have been good to see him have a scene with Locke at the end because they were the two guys who initially "believed" in the island.
You think Damon and Carlton are still mad at dude? Didn't they have a lot of plans for the Eko character, but then dude was like...it's really boring in Hawaii, I need to be somewhere more live, peace out. Maybe they're like...cool, then we'll just pretend like you were never here.
When I do think about it. The flash sideways ending does seem a lil unecessary. I mean it was cool but was that really what LOST was about? Sure it brought some more emotional and a quasi-pseudo spiritual aspect to it but a bunch ppl that died wait to move on so they create this fake reality until they all remember so they can move on together.

I'm just questioning now how important that was to the show.

How funny would it have been if Jacob or MIB showed up?

For the other characters that were there does this mean something more important happened in their lives for them not to be in the church? The freighter ppl, more tail section ppl or were they just not ready like Ana Lucia?

I just realized no Scott and Steven in the finale. Major fail for no Nikki and Paulo too..........................
Originally Posted by DubA169

the long con was lost itself. the most incoherent show ever made. It is impossible to re-watch the series without getting angry at the wasted potential. i've read fan fiction 10 times better than the crap that the last season was.

they made the episode super emotional and threw in a bunch of old cast members to make you forget about how the entire series is fundamentally flawed.
That's why I could never follow the show, I saw it coming a mile away, throw in a lot of twists and turns, keep people guessing, figure it out later.  Except when the writers announce they don't have the endings for all the storylines/loose ends, that proves they just made stuff up to further the story without knowing what they're doing.  Not to mention the obsessive Lost fans who had every possible crazy theory to make up for the creators being intentionally vague.  Entertaining? sure.  Some people like speculating and theorizing, so more power to them, but it's poor tv writing.  Lost was a phenomenon and I'll give it the credit its due, but nowhere near the best shows of all-time.  And I'm not trying to hate on any of the fans on here, I think this is my 2nd post in a Lost thread ever
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Originally Posted by non flammable

here is the explanation.............
We all have our mixed opinions now on what the island was, is and what this ending was about. The island was real. Yes Jack died right then and there. And Ben, Hurley and the rest of the Losties that remained on the island, stayed there until they passed hence Ben and Hurley calling each other good #1’s and #2’s. And Kate, Sawyer and the Losties that left the island on the plane lived out their lives until they died (or) the plane didn’t make it and they died in a crash. The alternate timeline was purgatory and the church was the pearly gates. When you die, time ceases to exist. Everyone in the alternate timeline died at some point. It does not matter when, because time is not a factor. Time is a concept made up by human beings. When you die, not only will you be in an afterlife with your ancestors, but also your children, your grandchildren, even your great-great-great-great-great grandchildren. As soon as you die time ceases to exist. This was the biggest event in each one of their lives and it meant so much to them so God wanted them to enter Heaven together as one.


In heaven, the great beyond, the next life, however your religion may perceive it, there is no such thing as time. LOST was basically the story of how Jack Shepard got to this great beyond. If it would have been the story of how Shannon got to the afterlife, we would have saw her story up to her getting shot, then we would have seen her arrival at the church with everybody (including Jack) already being there. If it would have been the story of Sawyer, we would have saw all the events up to him dying as an old man, getting hit by a bus, having a heart attack on the mainland. And in the alternate timeline, he would then show up at the church.....and of course everyone would already be there.  You just have to tell your mind to let go of events happening in a certain order or timeline.

but WHAT was happening ON the island???
The past 6 seasons were happening ON the island. Dharma initiative, the others, time jumping, trying to get home, trying to get back, etc. all was happening on the island. The alternate timeline was just a holding area/purgatory. DO NOT GET CAUGHT UP WITH THINGS HAVING TO HAPPEN IN A CERTAIN ORDER. According to the end of this particular show, when we die, all of our ancestors will be there...from your great great grand parents to your children and children's children.
lol you're not understanding me. i understand perfectly what the alternate reality is. im not caught up on that.

WHAT was the light? was it energy? was it "good"? what was it?

why did flocke turn into smoke but no one else did?

why were he and jack able to kill each other when the light went out? why did the cave fill up with water again after the plug was replaced.  why did the water/light almost kill desmond? what the hell was going on in there?

questions from the past:

why was everyone obsessed with walt?  why would he randomly appear to people on the island drenched in water? why was he appearing to people when he was alive, off the island? why could he see the future in his dreams?  what was his deal with the comics?

what the hell was going on ON the island?

people are so
over the purgatory twist (that wasn't really a twist at all, but rather the writers cheating after everyone figured out the ending halfway through season 1) that they don't seem to realize almost none of the questions we had coming in to the episode were answered.
My final thoughts... wow. That just hit me hard. The last time I'll be posting what stood out to me in an episode of LOST...

Anyways, one thing that stood out... MILES MADE IT!

Kate and Shannon

Lapidus showing up in the ocean out of nowhere

Jack and Sawyer making up and showing each other the respect they deserve

Hurley begging for Jack to not sacrifice himself

All the other touching scenes where characters connected with each other through memories

Possibly the best episode of the series, god I cant believe it's over. Really want to know what's up with Walt still.
Don't get me wrong, I loved the FINALE! You know you've invested a lot in a show when every little thing made me want to cry...

I just wanted one answer to one thing...

What the hell was so special about Aaron??? So all that stuff prior to his birth with the freaked out psychic was all mumbo jumbo!?#$%!
Originally Posted by Noskey

My final thoughts... wow. That just hit me hard. The last time I'll be posting what stood out to me in an episode of LOST...

Anyways, one thing that stood out... MILES MADE IT!

Kate and Shannon

Lapidus showing up in the ocean out of nowhere

Jack and Sawyer making up and showing each other the respect they deserve

Hurley begging for Jack to not sacrifice himself

All the other touching scenes where characters connected with each other through memories

Possibly the best episode of the series, god I cant believe it's over. Really want to know what's up with Walt still.

OH YEA MILES DID MAKE! WOW what were the odds of that actually happening?
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by Noskey

OH YEA MILES DID MAKE! WOW what were the odds of that actually happening?

I figured him and Lapidus were gonna die for sure
Are they the only characters who werent in the first season that are still alive? When did Ben show up? And Alpert?

Kimmel time.
Originally Posted by arstyle27

There was no way that the finale was gonna answer all, or even most of our questions.
It would be too hard/much anyways. I like the way they ended it.

I was still in denial it was ending. Didn't even hit me until 7 when I started watching "Lost: The Final Journey." Stayed away from the internet so I wouldn't get anything spoiled. Then when the show started I was kinda sad.

Such a phenomenal show. And like I already said, I like the way they ended it. I was fine they didn't try and answer every single question and just went out giving the viewers some comfort. At least it did for me.
MAN I didn't think it would be possible to end the series on a positive note without explaining what in the world the black monster was and what the island basically is/does (other than the light that must not go out) but they did a great job...bravo
Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by Noskey

OH YEA MILES DID MAKE! WOW what were the odds of that actually happening?

I figured him and Lapidus were gonna die for sure
Are they the only characters who werent in the first season that are still alive? When did Ben show up? And Alpert?

Kimmel time.

Ben Season 2. Alpert....uhhh 3? But still Miles is my dude happy he didn't get murked
Originally Posted by Nako XL

lol you're not understanding me. i understand perfectly what the alternate reality is. im not caught up on that.

WHAT was the light? was it energy? was it "good"? what was it?

why did flocke turn into smoke but no one else did?

why were he and jack able to kill each other when the light went out? why did the cave fill up with water again after the plug was replaced.  why did the water/light almost kill desmond? what the hell was going on in there?

questions from the past:

why was everyone obsessed with walt?  why would he randomly appear to people on the island drenched in water? why was he appearing to people when he was alive, off the island? why could he see the future in his dreams?  what was his deal with the comics?

what the hell was going on ON the island?

people are so
over the purgatory twist (that wasn't really a twist at all, but rather the writers cheating after everyone figured out the ending halfway through season 1) that they don't seem to realize almost none of the questions we had coming in to the episode were answered.
I'll try to answer.

The Light? Magical energy/source of all life/a great deal of electromagnetism(as they called it)/Meh it was important so that's what matters. Doubt it was "good" since it did create Smokey. I think it was a powerful energy capable of doing bad or good and really should only be wielded by a GOD.

FLocke or MIB I guess turned in to smoke cuz in essence he had a lot of negative energy throughout his life and especially when he died. Like he went to the dark side or maybe once the last smoke monster dies(the mother) the next human that goes in the light becomes the next smokey.  Also I'm guessing his body somehow made it to where the light shined the brightest so nothing happened to Desmond cuz he has a great resistance to it and Jack already was the protector and it ended up killing him anyway.

When the light went out there were no more rules and I'm guessing FLocke lost his powers since what originally gave it to him was gone. Think how Superman aint #$+$ under a red sun or any other superhero depending some source of power. Anyway they were basically both humans again and could get their savage fighting on.

Walt was special like Locke, Hurley, and Desmond. Walt had special powers so maybe in his dreams he'd appear on island or maybe it was Jacob/MIB/the island making Walt appear. Walt was kinda nerdy so he liked comics. The birds dying around him is a real question I'd like to know. As far as why Walt is special I think the mother had said every person in the world is born with a little bit of the light inside of them and some ppl's light are more/bigger than others(I may be assuming the light being bigger in certain pp therefore they're special part).

Yeah I asked myself how important the purgatory ending was since they kinda said that's not it but they'll be specific and say "the island wasn't purgatory"
so what exactly was the point of protecting the island? why were jacob and the man in black necessary? what was so special about the island....and its electromagnetic force? rather, what exactly was the island's significance besides a great backdrop? if those that got away in the plane died outside of the island but still ended up in the same "purgatory" as jack/hurley/ben/etc. then wouldn't that render the island just a common point of congregation? meh.....guess the island took the back seat. somewhat dissapointed but i'll need a bit to digest everything.
So if the island never sunk, why did they show it at the bottom of the ocean at the beginning of the season?
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Jack jumping down to kick Flocke
(someone needs to gif that)

Make the alternate reality a limbo was a good gesture to give everyone a final goodbye.

I guess the only thing that bothers me was the stuff they hyped up but it never materialized (aaron, jeong, walt)

i'll miss this show, but the feeling hasn't sunk in yet.
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