great run. i never missed an episode since sept 22, 2004. i will never forget this show, it is the greatest show of the 21st century that people will mention. 
and some questions are better left of unanswered, because that is the great mystery to it. i dont know what else to watch after this show. 
Originally Posted by CoolNClutch

Ben isn't ready to move on yet. I think his test is to get everyone who he made suffer on the island have to forgive him in the alternate timeline. That's why he was so grateful that Locke forgave him at the church. Since Ben was so bad on the island, his task to prove himself is a lot more different than the other characters.

I still would have preferred for the alternate timeline to actually have meaning towards stopping Flocke. Like I said last week, I thought the island would end up getting destroyed, with Jack killing Flocke but then dying as the island crumbles, but Desmond would reunite everyone in the alternate timeline so that it would create some special energy so everyone that existed in the island timeline would end up crossing over to the alternate timeline. That way, everyone could live a happy life without the plane crash actually happening but still having memories from the crash/island.
Second paragraph is almost exactly what I wished would have happened.

BTW my problem isn't the unanswered mysteries. It's the fact the writers just made up BS to keep us watching, then disregard said things, only to come up with an ending people had predicted all the way back in season 1.
How did everyone forget what happened to them on the island? Even if it is a purgatory, shouldn't they know about their island events? It was their most important part of their lives, but they forget it? I might have missed something.
@Krazyg: Magic.

Hurley avy back in play. Just seems right, him being the new protector of the island.

To all the people who have posted in here, made me laugh, think, question my sanity, or given insight into what possible meanings certain things held on the island, I thank you. It's been real. Long, frustrating, and sometimes ridiculous, but real.

See you in another life*, brothers.

* = thread
Who was Henry Gale? What what his purpose in coming to the island?

4-Toed statue?

The lighthouse?

The cave with all the names?


How does Alpert starts to age instead of turning to dust from being over 150 years old?

The kids The Others took?


How come Charlotte and Miles didn't "connect?"

Importance of the Island having natives?

Why was DHARMA allowed to experiment on the Island?

How was Jacob able to leave the Island?

How did people see their pasts on the island? i.e. The black horse and Kate.

What did Eko's death signify?

How did the Beechcraft end up on the Island?

How come almost every airplane or helicopter crash landed on/near the island, except for anything Lapidis piloted, but nothing happens to submarines?

The freaking numbers!??!

The black and white rocks that Jack took from Adam and Eve?
for people asking where the rest of the cast, i guess maybe they wouldnt want to be part of a reunion, why would ekco want to see any of them, the best moments of his life were not on the island
I understand everything I think. But I've got one question: What is there for Hugo & Ben to do now on the island? As fas as we know there are no more evil forces and I dont think more people need to be brought to the island? So what will they be doing?
I liked the finale. Got to many thoughts going to really narrow it down. Its funny how some people complain though.
Its like they are mad that they figured out that some sort of purgatory is involved. I would think people would be glad
they figured out something the writers were trying to keep a mystery. And then if they gave you a point blank answer they would complain
oh that corny, whack, the easy way out.
I personally don't want to think of it as a purgatory. Christian said that this was a place that they created together. To me a "reality" that their shared experiences created where each person they had a connection to acheived a level of personal happiness. An ideal world for them, where ones hopes for the next person came true.
I also do not like the fact that the "sideways-reality" didnt contribute to the mythology. But a lot of the stuff can be figured out by rewatching
since now we wont be distracted by how  will it all end.

I think the mystery surrounding the kids is being a bit over analyzed. It all parallels Jacobs childhood. The attempt to re-create someone like him
to be a replacement. Looking for good kids, taking them from their natural parents. I still think Walt is special just not ready same as Aaron and
Eventually Hurley will continue the process of drawing people to the island or the Island will draw people to it. And the ones that will come
will be these special ones or it could be someone new entirely. The job of protector is a never-ending one. All that changed is that Jacobs mistake
of releasing "smokey" was undone. Funny thing is no one left on the island actually knows what Jacob did by sending his dead brother down there.
Leaves open the possibilty of it happening again. Aaron could come back to the Island and be so mad that it "robbed" him of a sane mother and become the smoke monster LOL. Completely ignoring the fact that he got 2 mothers and Charlie LOL.

If I am wrong feel free to point it out. I think we can all try to address specific questions we have and together we might be able to figure it out.


Originally Posted by quiktoflip

I liked the finale. Got to many thoughts going to really narrow it down. Its funny how some people complain though.
Its like they are mad that they figured out that some sort of purgatory is involved. I would think people would be glad
they figured out something the writers were trying to keep a mystery. And then if they gave you a point blank answer they would complain
oh that corny, whack, the easy way out.
I personally don't want to think of it as a purgatory. Christian said that this was a place that they created together. To me a "reality" that their shared experiences created where each person they had a connection to acheived a level of personal happiness. An ideal world for them, where ones hopes for the next person came true.
I also do not like the fact that the "sideways-reality" didnt contribute to the mythology. But a lot of the stuff can be figured out by rewatching
since now we wont be distracted by how  will it all end.

I think the mystery surrounding the kids is being a bit over analyzed. It all parallels Jacobs childhood. The attempt to re-create someone like him
to be a replacement. Looking for good kids, taking them from their natural parents. I still think Walt is special just not ready same as Aaron and
Eventually Hurley will continue the process of drawing people to the island or the Island will draw people to it. And the ones that will come
will be these special ones or it could be someone new entirely. The job of protector is a never-ending one. All that changed is that Jacobs mistake
of releasing "smokey" was undone. Funny thing is no one left on the island actually knows what Jacob did by sending his dead brother down there.
Leaves open the possibilty of it happening again. Aaron could come back to the Island and be so mad that it "robbed" him of a sane mother and become the smoke monster LOL. Completely ignoring the fact that he got 2 mothers and Charlie LOL.

If I am wrong feel free to point it out. I think we can all try to address specific questions we have and together we might be able to figure it out.


That answers my question, how didn't I think of that...

So will the island draw in random ariplanes or can Hugo appear in different countries like Jacob did to lure people to the island? Maybe this was answered n an earlier season but I can't remember
Originally Posted by Nako XL

Originally Posted by dunkairs

Originally Posted by truestt

Everything that happened on the Island was real.
They didn't die in the crash.
They all died at individual times (like Boone died after the plane fell on him way back when, Jack died in the bamboo, etc)...the line from Christian about "some die way before you, some long after" was about Hurley and Sawyer and the rest that we didn't see die...we didn't see their deaths, but at some point in history, they die.
The sideways was heaven's waiting room where they would all meet up again once they were all dead.
How can this be true?

A few epsiodes back Michael came and talked to Hurley and told him whoever dies on the island stays on the island. Am i mistaken of that?

Also how come Faraday(sp) wasn't invited to the ending?

Thought the ending of island scene was pretty good, not great just average. The ending of flash sideways was garbage. If they are all dead how are they interacting with other people in there life. Like Locke with his girlfriend.

No Michael said the people stuck on the island had unfinished business.

The sideways reality happens long after the island is finished with them.

What bothers me about the ending is there's no real explanation for why MIB turned into a smoke monster or for any of the other really fantastical things that happened on the island...  Are we supposed to just accept it all as "island magic"?  come on...

They sidestepped almost all the questions people had coming in.

This is my only beef with the finale and the fact that there was no mention of Walt for the whole season
. But I'm still in awe of the show and terribly sad that it's over but EVERYONE let's be honest, the writers took the easy way out not explaining the mysteries that they set up themselves.  

Also, if anyone has a theory on why the island was underwater I'd love to hear it. I know Locke said that after he destroys the island it will be underwater but the fact they showed it underwater earlier i the season has us thinking he succeeded (or someone else did). I'm just a little thrown off about that
After watching last night, I thought it was a great show but was disappointed and confused with the ending.  Then this morning it clicked, here's what I think...

Everything that happened on the island was real and the alternate timeline wasn't purgatory at all, it was kind of a stopping point for their souls until they could all be together to move on to the afterlife.  In this "stopping point" their souls got the opportunity to be all they wanted or needed to be while they were alive.  Everyone who went to that island was Lost in some way in their personal lives...their actions on the island allowed them to "find" themselves or be redeemed.  Part of their reward was the ability to live out their lives in a different way after they passed on, but the bond they formed while on the island was so strong and they had such a profound affect on each other that they couldn't move on to the next phase of the afterlife without one another. 

Jack was the key to the TV series.  You can't tell however many different candidate stories in an hour a week, so the series focused on dealing with Jack's journey from being "lost" to finding himself, finding these friends, and finding his purpose.  All those around him were set pieces with their own journeys that just didn't get as detailed.  Remember after Jack realized he was dead Christian alluded to the fact that they all didn't die at the same time...so:

- Jack dies on the island as we see...
- Hurley and Ben stay to protect the island and help others "find their way" until they die (remember Hurley's statement..."you were a great #2 dude...")
- Sawyer, Kate, Claire, Lapidus, Miles, and Richard leave the island, go who knows where, live their lives, and eventually they meet their end...
- The same for Rose and her husband and so on.

All in all the show was about redemption, the journey, and profound affect we can have on each others lives...

P.S. - the island itself was the cork in the wine bottle (did anybody else notice the shape of the stone desmond pulled out and jack put back) when desmond pulled the cork, it let the darkness out but it also destroyed the yin and yang of the island.  So jack and MIB were both right.  the island would have been destroyed if jack didn't reinsert the cork, but the equilibrium being disturbed is also what allowed the MIB to be killed.

That's my take, can't wait to see others, great job keeping this thread alive all you NT "candidates" guess we'll see each other in another life brothas
Originally Posted by JinKazama

After watching last night, I thought it was a great show but was disappointed and confused with the ending.  Then this morning it clicked, here's what I think...

Everything that happened on the island was real and the alternate timeline wasn't purgatory at all, it was kind of a stopping point for their souls until they could all be together to move on to the afterlife.  In this "stopping point" their souls got the opportunity to be all they wanted or needed to be while they were alive.  Everyone who went to that island was Lost in some way in their personal lives...their actions on the island allowed them to "find" themselves or be redeemed.  Part of their reward was the ability to live out their lives in a different way after they passed on, but the bond they formed while on the island was so strong and they had such a profound affect on each other that they couldn't move on to the next phase of the afterlife without one another. 

Jack was the key to the TV series.  You can't tell however many different candidate stories in an hour a week, so the series focused on dealing with Jack's journey from being "lost" to finding himself, finding these friends, and finding his purpose.  All those around him were set pieces with their own journeys that just didn't get as detailed.  Remember after Jack realized he was dead Christian alluded to the fact that they all didn't die at the same time...so:

- Jack dies on the island as we see...
- Hurley and Ben stay to protect the island and help others "find their way" until they die (remember Hurley's statement..."you were a great #2 dude...")
- Sawyer, Kate, Claire, Lapidus, Miles, and Richard leave the island, go who knows where, live their lives, and eventually they meet their end...
- The same for Rose and her husband and so on.

All in all the show was about redemption, the journey, and profound affect we can have on each others lives...

P.S. - the island itself was the cork in the wine bottle (did anybody else notice the shape of the stone desmond pulled out and jack put back) when desmond pulled the cork, it let the darkness out but it also destroyed the yin and yang of the island.  So jack and MIB were both right.  the island would have been destroyed if jack didn't reinsert the cork, but the equilibrium being disturbed is also what allowed the MIB to be killed.

That's my take, can't wait to see others, great job keeping this thread alive all you NT "candidates" guess we'll see each other in another life brothas

aka limbo

The moral of the story is that no man is an island. Meaning how people cant thrive when isolated.
Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

Emotionalmanipulation? More like character growth and evolution coming tofruition. There were a lot of ways to screw this thing up, but theysure didn't.

Originally Posted by JBug88

Anyone who says this was not a good finale is off their damn rockers. It was awesome.
Great way to end this show.
Favorite episode of Lost.

I agree....GREAT episode. Probably my favorite I was on an emotional roller coaster last night. I hopped in my car this morning and Bone's Meet Me In the Sky was the first thing that started playing. I damn near lost it again.
. I don't think they could've ended it any better. The episode made me LOVE the flash side-way's, it made me love Kate, it made me understand Ben, I could go on forever..... It was that good.

I think a lot of answers people say they didn't answer they did. The only thing to me I think they could have expanded a little more on was Dharma. I'm guessing they were just another group Jacob brought to the island, but how were they able to come and go, food drop's, etc. But, Ben telling Locke that he (Locke) was special, indirectly answered Walt and Aaron for me. Some people are born special. That def wasn't the type of answer I THOUGHT I wanted but I'm 100% cool with it. The island moves so, it was probably around Egypt at some point, some Egyptians landed there, built the temples. Jacob was responsible for A LOT of the other stuff. Some will say it's a cop out to an extent, but it is what it is, that's the answer. Jacob (and MIB) had POWER'S.

I think my favorite part of the episode was Hurley and Ben's conversations on and off the island towards the end. Jacob KEPT people there, Hurley doesn't have to. Ben telling Hurley he was a GREAT #1...... dude...... I.... lost it.....

Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

LOST was basically the story of how Jack Shepard got to this great beyond.
I agree also. LOST was/is Jack.

So, many more thought's. THANK YOU again to EVERYONE in this thread. Even the one's who seem to not really even like the show

Can't wait for the write-up's.
eddiee21 wrote:

To all the people who keep complaining about not getting answers about the island and all its wonders need to know that LOST has always been about the characters.

the writers have people friggin brainwashed or something. if there were no mysteries and weird stuff on lost the show would have gotten canceled halfway through the first season
Think of it this way, no matter what the producers did to "answer" questions, it'd still leave some fans upset that they didn't answer THIS question or THAT question.

I think the finale really tied up the series well, Lost was never about the sci-fi stuff, but it was a story of human relationships - love. This finale did exactly that, if you look at the grand scheme of things.

Also for people still confused, thinking the Losties all died in season 1 or something, I think we can just take a look at the episode titles for this clarification. Lost Season 5 Episode 11 - Whatever Happened, Happened. The best way to explain it. Everything happened, and the Sideways was just a place the Losties were able to create through the Island and its powers. Time didn't matter in this place, that is why we see everyone as we remembered them. This place allowed them to work all their issues out and ascend to whatever next place it was. If you saw the stained glass window in the church, it showed a lot of religious denominations, the Sideways was a combination of everyones faith/belief/mind/etc.

Also, the beginning of Sideways in Season 6, was not happening the same time as "real-time" on the Island. Time didn't matter in sideways.

But it's been real guys, I can't say I've been this invested in a television show ever.

I love Lost and really enjoyed this finale. Looking forward to the DVDs + extras.
Dub- What mysteries are you specifically wanting? All of them?

The island is old, the island moves, the island has magical powers, the island has always had someone there with magical powers protecting it. How can they really explain that? Like the Mother said the questions would never stop. You gotta cut it off some where.
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Dub- What mysteries are you specifically wanting? All of them?

The island is old, the island moves, the island has magical powers, the island has always had someone there with magical powers protecting it. How can they really explain that? Like the Mother said the questions would never stop. You gotta cut it off some where.

i want to know SOMETHING about eloise hawking. how the hell did she know what was going on the whole time. they played her up thsi whole season.

more about the effects of jughead

much more about whidmore. how did he get back to the island.... the rules

they didn't answer stuff from this very season. they copped out. the whole series isn't coherent.

it's laughable how much horse #!$+ the numbers are. they are cursed, but no it's jacobs numbers. how did that guy in the mental institution hear about them?

jacob was sending meteors and crap at hurley?

the jacob game/bringing people to the island is all types of messed up and makes little sense.
Do you guys think another show could be on the level of LOST?

Will JJ Abrams dive into another project like LOST?
and that's me being nice and not mentioning walt and aaron which were of great importance until the writers realized that the show would last for years, then they were pushed aside.

they played us
So I wish this was the explanation (but it's not):
Everything on the island is a natural phenomenon -- the glowing light that is the heart of the island is really just a volcano that some ancients realized they could control by building a water cooling system. It ends up glowing in a cool way. Also the island naturally has a lot of electromagnetism -- this leads to people crashing on the island. Then there is the atomic explosion in the 1970's -- this leads to time travel, which then leads to all the things associated with it. Somehow these things all lead to people on the island being very easily manipulated -- i.e. they will see what they want to see, and what they believe will seem real.

So you have these weird things, then you have people who end up on the island a long time ago. They don't understand any of this stuff, so they attribute it to magic. More people come to the island. They see this as either a threat or as a replacement for themselves. Things continue in this way.

Of course this is not enough to explain everything on Lost, such as the smoke monster and eternal life and so on... But that would've been my ideal explanation -- basically there was no magic but everyone over the centuries had convinced themselves there was magic, and as a result there was this epic struggle. Out of all this, we get these amazing characters who develop in amazing ways.

Anyway, this is what I thought would be the explanation (and what I was hoping for) when Desmond was saying that none of this matters, i.e. people had all tricked themselves into thinking the battle for good and evil in the world rested in the island. In reality it was just an island with special properties that had nothing to do with good and evil. The epiphany of the show would've been Jack and others realizing that good and evil is within their own control, fate and destiny are in their own control, etc. The show would've ended with Hanso or Christian or someone explaining in the alternate timeline how there was an island in this alternate universe and scientific experiments were conducted on it and stuff.

That said, I'm fine with that not being the explanation, and I can accept the beauty of the explanation they went with.

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