I'm seeing some irrelevant questions and some that were clearly answered one way or another on the show still being asked.

As for why some ppl weren't in the church, Christian tells Jack exactly why those ppl are in the church. We even get answers to why other ppl aren't there(Ana Lucia). Most likely ppl like Miles and Faraday weren't ready, their time on the island wasn't the most important time in their lives so they'll meet up with completely different ppl, they've remembered but decided not to go, like Ben.
What I wish would have been the ending was that the "flash sideways" was really an alternate reality made by the bomb going off and not a "waiting place" and that once they realized it was caused by the bomb going off they all got on a plane and went back to the island so the 2 reality's met up and it would cause a paradox making the "flashside ways" Lost crew to stay on the Island because they realized that's where they where all the Happiest esp. now that they can be with everybody that they Loved...........THIS is what should have happend
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

I'm gonna have to go through and read all of this later... but ummmm how the Hell was Desmond able to see the "Flash Sideways" before he died... I don't get that at all... before he went and uncorked the light he even mentioned how he already knew about it....

I think its because desmond already had experience with time travel, he just didnt  know how to control where in time he went
I loved the fact that is wasn't an alternate time-line. Endin threw me for a loop.

Christian: Hey, kiddo.

Jack: Dad?
C: Hello, Jack.
J: I don't understand...you died.
C: Yes, I did.
J: Then, how are you here right now?
C: How are YOU here?
J: I died, too?
C: It's okay. It's okay, son (hug)
J: I love you, dad...are you real?
C: I sure hope so...yeah, I'm real. All those people in the church...they're real, too.
J: They're all...
C: Everyone dies sometime, kiddo. Some of them before you, some long after you.
J: Are they all here now?
C: Well, there is no "Now" here.
J: Where are we, dad?
C: This is a place that you--that you all made together--that you couldfind one another. The most important part of your life was the time youspent with these people. That's why all of you are here. Nobody does italone, Jack. You needed them and they needed you.
J: For what?
C: To remember....and let go.
J: Kate--she said we were leaving.
C: Not leave--No--Moving on.
J: Where are we going?
C: Let's go find ou


Just seen this.....
Lost's Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje--who played the iconic Mr. Eko--wasoffered a guest spot in last night's Lost series finale, but he...waitfor it...turned it down.

According to ABC and Lost insiders, Adewale was offered a hearty sum todo one scene in the last hurrah, but the actor wanted five times theamount that was offered. It didn't work ou
Originally Posted by OnlySomeJordans

Who was Henry Gale? What what his purpose in coming to the island?

4-Toed statue?

The lighthouse?

The cave with all the names?


How does Alpert starts to age instead of turning to dust from being over 150 years old?

The kids The Others took?


How come Charlotte and Miles didn't "connect?"

Importance of the Island having natives?

Why was DHARMA allowed to experiment on the Island?

How was Jacob able to leave the Island?

How did people see their pasts on the island? i.e. The black horse and Kate.

What did Eko's death signify?

How did the Beechcraft end up on the Island?

How come almost every airplane or helicopter crash landed on/near the island, except for anything Lapidis piloted, but nothing happens to submarines?

The freaking numbers!??!

The black and white rocks that Jack took from Adam and Eve?
C'mon son

Henry Gale was some rich black dude who was going to fly in hot air balloon somewhere but got brought to the island and was killed. His purpose was to die so Ben could steal his identity.

The fans found this out. Tawaret(sp?), some egyptian GOD having to do with women and birth. It's purpose, who built it was never revealed. you could assume it had something to do with why women would die when pregnant on the island.

The lighthouse was a spot where Jacob could fap to losties he'd bring to the island. Also since it is a lighthouse it could help ships come to the island(I just remembered they never told us how Widmore got there).

It's just a cave with names on it. think of it as Jacob keeping up with who's still in the contest for candidates. I think it was even said on the show it's just names on a cave wall. Nothing that special but it showed you the magnitude of how Jacob operated.

Walt is special like Locke, Desmond, Miles, and Hugo. The writers just did't want to explain what his powers were

Richard Alpert is not Dorian Gray.When he asked to never die, Jacob chose the route of making his body never age. After Jacob died and then the light went out the power that was keeping him from aging and being somewhat immortal stopped and he started off where he left.

The kids are probably dead from those attacks by Widmore or from when the island started quaking. Maybe they survived, only Hugo and Ben know.

The %@@# about Naomi? She was a hot chick hired by Widmore to supervise the other hand picked freighter ppl and get Ben. Locke killed her, that's that.

They didn't connect because they weren't ready or maybe because they weren't real.

The island never really had natives. Just ppl Jacob brought there or the island brought there. Seems you could find the island by accident or maybe due to destiny whenit comes to Jacob an MIB(since I doubt mother brought the ship there).

Cuz they brokered a truce with the Others, they built a sonic fence to keep Smokey out and maybe because Jacob wanted them to do certain things there.

Jacob has super powers.

I always felt the horse was actually there. How did it show up? The same way Locke's father showed up on the island.

Eko wanted to leave so eko died. On show, Eko didn't comply with Smokey and couldn't be used by him so he killed him since he was useless.

The Others had access to an Ikea.

Planes are in the sky. Subs are in the water. Aint much to crash in to if you're a sub. Besides what you mean nothing happens to subs? Every sub on the show blew up.

Valenzetti Equation.

They were the rocks used by Jacob and MIB to play their game. "Adam & Eve" are mother and MIB's original human body.
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Originally Posted by MrONegative


If this is only a reunion for people who were on the island, why is Penny (who never set a foot on the place) there, while Daniel, Charlotte, Miles, Ana-Lucia and so many more are not? (Won't someone please think of Nikki and Paulo?) Couldn't Ben just bring Alex? Do Jack and Juliet no longer care about their imaginary afterlife son? 
I'd really love to see if there is an explanation for this or is it simply that the producers couldn't get the actors to be on the show this season (besides Ana Lucia of course)

Well Penny was "good" and even if she didnt step foot on the Island she was the love of Desmond's life so I understand why she would be there, Ana Lucia was "Bad" and Im guessing so was Miles? and a few others on the plane that left..........And correct me if Im wrong but didnt Daniel and Charlotte make it into the Church? they did didnt they?........Ben felt he was too Bad to make it by his own admissions, so that's why he didnt make it and get to be with his daughter
miles,Daniel,Ana Lucia and Ben  were not in the church because they didn't feel like they were ready to move on.
6 years to end like that?  WOW what a great WASTE of TIME that was.  I barely watch sitcoms and I was attached to a few of these characters and for the show to end like that was just WEAK!  I mean granted there were some great episodes however Lost for me will go down as one of the CORNIEST shows ever.  I mean really that's it? 

Mysteries were kept unsolved.

Questions were unanswered.


A hole in the ground with light and when you uncork it the island shakes and trembles?  Also this light was what created the black smoke?
Are you kidding me?

Black smoke/Flocke died from a gun shot in the back?
  After 6 seasons this bad @#% mutha has been killing and terrorizing and for it to end like that? 

And then to bring everyone back on some happy fairy ending was such a COP OUT! 

I mean I understand the entire concept of Lost was to make us think out of the box but really... really.. THAT'S IT?
how are you gonna say the Valenzetti Equation when that was never shown in the show. that extra curricular BS stuff doesn't count. that's not writing

they could have went the hanso foundation, valenzetti equation route. instead they gave us BS and irrelevant characters liek everyone at the temple and cindy and the kids. zoe and geek quad. meaningful glances that meant nothing. if it wasn't in the show, you can't present it as an answer

we got played. mo other way to say it.
Robz888 recap is up......


Spoiler [+]
"It only ends once. Anything that happens before that is just progress." - Jacob

What we just saw was not thatsolitary "end" that Jacob spoke of. The true end lies worlds beyondwhatever awaits our characters on the other side of the door in thechurch. The story of Lost has always been about the progress made alongthe way. When Oceanic Flight 815 crashed on an island in the Pacific,the characters moved from their world to another, better world.Tonight, they moved from that better world to the next one, which willbe even better.

Though we won't be shown any more of theiradventure, the adventure isn't over. It's up to our imaginations tofill in whatever form their story takes from now on. In any case, Iwill elaborate on this theory (and provide some pretty good support forwhy I really think it's the correct one) down below.

Now, whileI've seen plenty of support for the finale so far in the comments, I'vealso read through a considerable amount of resentment. Let me be clear:I've had problems with season 6. I've been frustrated by the way somestorylines have been more or less completely abandoned, and I'vegroaned at having had to spend a lot of time in a reality where thecharacters didn't seem like they were really the characters I knew.

Thatsaid, this finale was fantastic -nearly perfect, even. For those of youwho didn't like it, I'm sorry that Lost ends on such a low note foryou, but I certainly don't agree.
Thenagain, what I was looking for in an ending may be different than whatother people wanted. Others may have wanted sweeping answers about thepurpose of the island, the Man in Black, a definitive timeline orordering of the various realities, etc. All I wanted was to know thatthese characters, who mattered so much to me, mattered in some othersense, too. And this was answered; yes, they do matter. They mattered to each other.
It'sgoing to be difficult to assess the finale in a chronological order, soI'm going to start by completely explaining my theory on the ending andproviding support for it. Then I'll try to apply it to the charactersand hopefully cover the events of the finale.


That'sprobably what I should call my theory, because it draws heavily onthese two works of fantasy, both of which I've read and loved. NOTE: Ifyou want to know absolutely nothing about Narnia or Oz, you may have toskip, like, the whole recap. I'm going to talk about the general themesof these books (which have MAJOR implications for Lost), not specificplotlines, so I really don't think you'd feel spoiled for reading this, but I thought I'd post a warning just in case.

Anyway, my immediate reaction to the ending of the episode was, "Oh, this has a lotin common with The Chronicles of Narnia. I wonder if the writers areconscious of that?" They did name Charlotte after C.S. Lewis, theauthor of The Chronicles of Narnia, so it seemed likely. But after onlyabout three seconds of browsing on Lostpedia, I found this littleinterview with Darlton where they said the following: "So much of LOSTis based on our shared love for the great stories of our childhood(Narnia for Carlton, Oz for Damon)." And the events and themes of Ozreally line up with Lost's ending, too.

Concerning, C.S. Lewis'swork, Narnia is a magical world that acts as a sort of escape for manydifferent people from our world. Narnia is often in need of protectionfrom these people, but it also teaches them much about themselves andoffers them second chances to grow as individuals. The point, though,is that the version of Narnia that the characters visit is notthe definitive Narnia. There is in fact a more perfect Narnia beyondit. And beyond that, it's implied that there exists an even morewonderful Narnia. As they continued to move in, each world is biggerand more beautiful than the one before it.

Oz echoes the sametheme, though a little more simply. While in the movie, Dorothy comesback to Kansas, in the books, she eventually goes back to Oz along withUncle Henry and Aunt Em, and they reside there permanently. In bothcases, the characters could be said to have "died" and moved on to thenext world, but whether they actually did die or not is sort ofunimportant. They've traveled from one reality to the next - call itdeath, or whatever you wish.

This is exactly what happened onLost, and has been happening since the beginning. The first world thatwe were shown was the characters' lives before the crash. They wereweighed down by many struggles and disappointments and issues. Then thecrash happens and they move to the next world. Some will say that thevehicle of this transportation was death - they all died in the planecrash, and were moved to the next world, a sort of Purgatory Step One,or something. But it doesn't really matter whether they actually alldied in the crash or not, because they next world - the island - isreal to them, alive or dead.

The island is a more perfect world than their previous one. Note: it's not perfect, it's moreperfect. Their lives are for the most part better. They gain a sense ofplace and community. Many apply the skills and personalities from theformer world while letting going of the baggage that weighed them down.They do this by first remembering the other world. What do you thinkthe flashbacks that we were shown all of seasons 1, 2and 3 actuallywere? We were watching the characters reflect on their previous livesand let go of the bad parts in order to move forward with the goodparts, just as they did in the flash-sideways last night.

Iwould like to suggest that the island is "magical" in order tofacilitate a more perfect world. There is an energy on the island. Thescience people, like the Dharma folk, will explain it aselectromagnetic anomalies, the mythological or religious will explainit as the heart of the island, etc., but its fulfills a role. It healsJohn Locke's paralysis. It allows Jin and Sun to have a baby. It givesJack something worth protecting, saving and fixing.

I think thefinale makes the argument that at some point, every character is readyfor the next world. Some take longer than others. Some may even regressto a worse world, now and then (as I believe may have been whathappened to the Oceanic 6 when they left the island). Some may beforced to repeat a world in a different role (as I believe could be amore proper explanation for the whispers - they are people who aren'tquite ready for the next world, and will only let go of the necessarybaggage by aiding and guiding others to the next world). Buteventually, everyone gets there.

The flash-sideways timeline(that name doesn't really fit anymore, but I'll use it for convenience)does, I think, fit my definition of a more perfect world than theisland reality. The characters are for the most part happier and morewell-rounded. I know what you're thinking, "But how can theflash-sideways be more special than a magical island?" To which Ianswer, "the flash-sideways is absolutely magical, too." And I'm notjust saying that because it's inhabited by dead people. This realityhas been breaking the rules of a normal universe all season. At least aweek elapses for John Locke, Desmond, Kate, Sawyer, Claire and Hurleybetween 815 landing and the concert happening. Sayid, Jin and Sun,though, only go through one or two days. Sun and Jin are apprehended byKeamy the morning after arriving in Los Angeles. That same day, Sun isaccidentally shot. She arrives at the hospital at the same time as JohnLocke, who was run over by Desmond at least a week after getting backfrom the flight (John couldn't have been fired, gone to the tempagency, been placed as a substitute teacher and substituted for avariety of classes all within 24 hours of getting back to LA).

Also,when John agrees to the surgery it is already the day of the concert.There is no way he could have gone through all the prep work andactually undergone the surgery that same night. Remember how long Jackprepared for his surgery on the Italian Guy in the flashbacks of "TheHunting Party"? I'm not trying to point out continuity errors, I'm justarguing that the flash-sideways has a magical timelessness to it thatmakes it special.

Maybe the flash-sideways wasn't a proper nextworld. Maybe it was more of a waiting room of sorts. But in order toprogress through it, the characters had to do basically the same thingthat they did on the island: have flashbacks to the previous world. Andthen, once they've used these memories to correct the flaws that madethem unworthy and unready for the next world, it's time to move on.

Wedon't know what the next world is like. Or any of the worlds after, forthat matter. What we've seen was just progress - a process ofperfecting flaws, growing closer together, and moving into a better andbetter life.

It doesn't really matter, then, how rigidly youclassify these worlds. It would be possible to call the island hell (asRichard and the Man in Black did), the flash sideways as purgatory andthe world beyond the door in the church as heaven. You could take aless spiritual approach, too, and say that everyone was still aliveuntil their natural death during the show, and the flash-sideways wassome sort of reincarnation and the world after will be another. Theimportant thing, I think, is that Lost is understood as a constantprocess of moving from one special, unique place with people you loveinto a more special and unique place with people you love even more.


Iguess I'll tackle the character who's hardest to fit into this viewfirst - Desmond. In looking at how Desmond may have been moving fromone world to another, I think it becomes evident that not all thecharacters were on the same... what's the right word... level,maybe. It's always been clear that Ms. Hawking, for example, knows morethan she should. She's been telling Desmond, Faraday, and just abouteverybody else, what they're supposed to do, for a very long time. Shemay have been giving them directions that slowed them down in their ownquests to reach the next world; indeed, it seems like that's her rolein the flash-sideways, as she attempts to deter Desmond's mission. Itcould also be that that's her main goal -to hold back those who aren'tready, yet. She could have been unwilling to let Faraday go withDesmond because she wasn't ready to part with him, or it could havebeen that Daniel wasn't ready for the next world, yet.

Thinkabout it. Daniel, as evidenced by his conversation with Desmond in"Happily Ever After", still thinks he caused an alternate reality bysetting off a bomb. He might appear like he's in the same world aseverybody else, but for him, it could be a level below. He's stillwrapped up in the science without seeing the bigger picture. That couldbe why someone like him isn't ready to move on yet.

But anyway,I said I was talking about Desmond. I think he's been a step ahead ofeveryone else all along. It could be because he came to the islandyears before the plane crash survivors. Maybe that's why he received somany special powers and "the rules don't apply" wild cards. He was morespecial because he was on a higher level. And whereas leaving theisland was probably a step back for the Oceanic 6, for Desmond, it wasmost certainly an improvement. But the island was in danger, and Jacobhad no choice but to recall one of its most special characters in orderto save the island and insure that everyone else would be able to moveon. So Desmond is forcibly brought back to the island, but he's clearlythinking on a more advanced level. He knows about the next world - theflash-sideways, which he received a taste of in the strange generator -and he just wants to get back there.

Super Island Protector Jackand the Man in Black both know that Desmond's specialness is a sort of"secret weapon". As it turns out, he grants both of their wishes, as ifhe were the Magic Box. He begins to destroy the island like Flockewants, and he makes Flocke mortal, like Jack wants. And for aconsiderably chunk of the finale, Desmond finds himself down a holewith some special energy while Jack and a John-esque entity watch himfrom above the shaft. I loved Jack's words to Flocke here; he basicallysays, "You're not John Locke and you are insulting a great man bywearing his face." Awesome dialogue.


Iwas surprised that Richard was still alive, and I was absolutelyshocked that Frank made it, too. Richard's first gray hair wascertainly noteworthy. The literal reason for why he was starting to ageseems to probably be because the last remnant of Jacob was finally gonefor good, thus removing Richard's protection. But beyond that, Richardis aging because it's time for him to move on. He's been in the islandworld for 150 years. The reason we didn't see Richard in theflash-sideways world is because he got to skip right past it. He loggedenough island time to jump ahead. He's already in the world the waitsbeyond the door of the church.

I have to say that during thecanoe ride over to Hydra Island, I was quite sure the infamous "TheLittle Prince" shootout was about to occur and probably kill or atleast wound Miles. The shootout never happens, so I guess we'll neverknow for sure exactly who got shot by Juliet in that episode. Itdoesn't seem like it was anyone we cared about, though.

Miles ispresent at the concert, but I'm quite sure he didn't make it inside thechurch. Maybe he wasn't ready? Or he has to redo something? As forFrank, we don't see any of him in the flash-sideways, so it's hard tospeculate. It would seem that they go on to continue their lives in thereal world, but that's not an adventure that we will be in on. (Or...they didn't go back to the real world. More on that in the nextsection.)


ThoughI was almost entirely happy with the finale, it seemed strange to me tosend Sawyer and Kate off on that plane. What would they do, back in thereal world? Obviously they wouldn't have gotten together, because thatwould have made the reunion in the church, um, awkward to say theleast. I don't know what Kate would have done for the rest of her life,or Sawyer. I'm more accepting of the notion of Claire going backbecause of the whole Aaron thing, but I can't help but wonder if thatplane really did make it back to civilization, especially in light ofthe fact that the last image was one of the wreckage of a plane crash.Since I'm viewing Lost as this progression from one world to next, Idon't necessarily care what the specific circumstance of it was(whether the plane simply crashed and sunk, blinked out of existence,etc). But to me, it's entirely possible, and maybe even preferable,that the next step for those characters (maybe Kate and Sawyer,specifically), is the flash-sideways, with no trip back to theoff-island of the island reality in between. That's the next place theygo.

This could be what happens to Claire, too, since she doesget Aaron back, in a sense, by giving birth to him in theflash-sideways. The circumstances of the birth are of course mostly thesame - Kate delivers the baby with Charlie providing limitedassistance. Of all the "remembrance" scenes, this one probably made mecry the second-hardest.

Sawyer and Juliet's moment was touching,too. It was terrific how they worked in the lines she uttered beforedying at the start of the season, but her "it worked" didn't end upmeaning at all what we thought it did. In other words, it wasn't proofthat they had reset anything, just proof that her consciousness crossedover to the next world at that moment.


Sofar, I've heard complaints that the finale was so character-based thatit really ignored the need for answers on the mythological magicalisland front. The Man in Black for instance, didn't turn out to be suchan important threat, and I'm still not sure why he absolutely had tostay on the island, etc. Leaving a great deal of ambiguity around themythological aspects might have been more acceptable had Lost notharped on them so fervently this season. In this sense, I'm not surethat "The End" made for a terrific season 6 finale (since the seasonwas so focused on Jacob and the Man in Black), but overall it was agreat finale for Lost (which is, ultimately, character-based).

Asfor the Man in Black, I don't know exactly what rules he operatedunder. I don't know to what extent the rules were mandatory. I said inmy last recap that I thought a lot of the "you can't do that" ruleswere made up on the spot and were nothing more than cons to get peopleto do or not do certain things. But certainly there were someunbreakable rules, and why Flocke was suddenly mortal after Desmonduncorked the island is anybody's guess.

I was happy to see Jackreceive that neck wound, though, and I was also amused that in the end,it was Kate who took down the big bad guy. Kate had been so dismissedby Flocke (by viewers, too, and myself as well at a lot of times), andit was nice to see her make him pay for ignoring her.

Ultimately,though, I felt bad for the dead man in Locke's guise sprawled acrossthe rocks. I truly wonder what world his soul would move on to.


Simplyput, I loved everything about how the finale treated Hurley and Ben.Hurley's loyalty to Jack moved me, as did the survivors' insistence onrescuing Ben from that log (though I'm not sure why we didn't see howthat was resolved, but meh).I was half-expecting Ben to stage a coupright when Jack passed on the leadership to Hurley, but Ben has evolvedas a character, after all. He was delighted to be able to serve Hurleyand help him rule the island.

Manyfans probably feel disappointment that we didn't see more of Hurley'sreign. It was good to at least learn that Hurley doesn't have to runthings like Jacob - he can let people leave the island (starting withDesmond, we hope). I would have liked to see at least a little moreindication of where this was going. For instance, it would have been auseful scene, I think, to see Hurley and Ben come across Cindy and thekids (who get no proper resolution at all - why keep them around allseason? We don't even know where they went), and for Hurley to let thekids leave the island and finally go see their mother.

Inthe flash-sideways, Hurley tells Ben that he was a great number 2,meaning that they did indeed rule the island together for anindeterminate amount of time. Was it ideal not to give us more of aglimpse of what this was like? Maybe not. But we can infer fromHurley's character that island life would have involved a lot moregolfing, cooking, and all-around good times than it was under Jacob. Italso seems likely that Hurley would impose a less strict limitation ontraveling to and from the island. Maybe he visited his friends acrossthe sea (and his mother!), if indeed they did return and lead normallives their.


Ah,my favorite character. A positive of having everyone regain theirmemories was that all the dead main characters received de factoresurrections, including John. No one deserved it more than him, thatman who was frustrated by failure, used and abused so many times. Bensays that he was jealous of John being special, and John replies bywondering whether he really was special, in light of the fact that itwas John himself who told Richard himself via time-travel that John wasspecial, and the MIB clearly took advantage of him. But John isspecial, because he was right after all. He knew from the start thatthe island was no ordinary place - that they had come to a betterworld. He is rewarded for his on-island faith in the flash-sideways,where he's able to part with his bad job and spinal injuries in orderto move through the door a much happier person. I cried my eyes outwhen John was able to move his toes, causing him to remember everything.

Thedoor isn't for everyone yet, though. It was interesting that Ben choseto stay behind to "work some things out". Though Ben did plenty of goodin the flash-sideways, he also did a lot of bad on the island. Ben wason the road to redemption, but he wasn't quite ready to go there, yet.


Andlastly, we come to Jack Shephard, the main character of this belovedshow. Flash-sideways Jack, like every other Jack, has trouble lettinggo. While most of the characters give in to the flood of memoriesimmediately, Jack resists. He doesn't understand what's happening. Johndisturbs Jack by telling him he doesn't have a son, which was adifficult line to interpret. David may have just been a manufacturedfigment of Jack's personal world, existing in order to help him resolvesome of his lingering daddy issues. Or maybe, David will be waiting forJack on that other side, too.

Having put things back in order onthe island, but dying from a knife wound, Jack finds himself curling upin the same bamboo forest he first arrives in. Vincent joins him. Theconditions of "Pilot" are duplicated, but in reverse. Jack closes hiseyes as a plane takes off. Vincent's loyalty to him was certainly atear-jerker. It was impossible to be too sad, though, because we knewthat in the flash-sideways, Jack was ready for realization.

Hehas to be guided into it, though, by his father, who serves as aliteral "Christian shepherd". He explains that everyone dieseventually, and then they move on to the next thing. They do this byletting go. That's what the characters did last night, and that's whatwe have to do now.


No,I don't know who the original Henry Gale was. I don't know why thepallet drops continued even in 2004. I'm not even sure when the Statueof Tawaret was actually built or why there were fertility problems onthe island. These lingering questions are for us to dream up answers toand debate for all time. That's the beautiful part about leaving someopen-ends to a story. I for one believe that the Man in Black causedthe fertility problems due to some remaining anguish about his ownmother situation. It's up to us to answer these questions, now.

Whatis the shape of the world that waits for our characters? Will it be aheavenly island? Will they get there through flashes, time travel,moving islands or plane crashes? That final image of the wreckage of aplane flight might be a clue. There are a couple ways to interpret thisimage.

1) It's the familiar wreckage of Oceanic 815 as some sortof tribute. That's totally fine by me, but if you look closely, thewords Oceanic Airlines never appear on the wreckage discernibly. I didspy Jack's original medical tent in the corner, though.

2) It'sAjira 316, which never made it back to the real world. If the planecrashed, though, our friends flashed off the plane and into the nextworld before the actual crash.

3) It's whatever plane crashes onthe island next, during Hurley's reign. These survivors should expect awarmer welcome than the 815ers received.

4) It's the world thatcomes after the flash sideways. This is the explanation I like themost. After Christian opens the door in the church, our friends move tothe next island, which is more beautiful and perfect and magical andspecial than anything they've yet seen.

However you took it,note that there are no dead bodies lying around, just as Christian'sdead body ultimately never showed up in any reality and was not insidethe coffin at the end. In the end, we aren't burdened by death. We allmove on with those memories.

This recap was more of anoverarching one - I may write another recap processing individualmoments once I rewatch the finale. You are also welcome to friend me on Facebook,where I'll publish my magazine articles starting in mid-June andanything else I write. But in case this is the last time we meet, letme thank everyone who read and commented on my recaps. You'veencouraged and helped me more than you know.

To Dark and all thepeople who make this the greatest Lost site on the Internet, thank youfor your tireless efforts to create a central hub for everyone wholoves this show. I can't even imagine how much less fulfilling the lastsix years would have been without DarkUFO. And to all the otherrecappers, contributors, moderators, etc., you've all done one hell ofa good job.

Thank you to my family and friends, particularly myparents, my brother Ryan, and especially my wonderfully supportivegirlfriend, Carrie. I've loved taking this journey with all of you.

As for you, Lost. I've only got one thing left to say. See you in another life, brotha.

- Robby "Robz888" Soave
SunDOOBIE wrote:
Black smoke/Flocke died from a gun shot in the back?
  After 6 seasons this bad @#% mutha has been killing and terrorizing and for it to end like that? 

Once Desmond removed the "cork" for lack of better word it made him mortal thus he was able to be killed, hence desmond was the most important islander. It was his purpose, hence the reason Jacob instructed Charles to bring him back to the island, hence they did that experiment to see if his body could absorb that energy.

This was difficult for you to understand?
Okay, Kate LIVED haha. MILES LIVED. I'm VERY INTERESTED in Richard and how he assimilated into normal life.
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

SunDOOBIE wrote:
Black smoke/Flocke died from a gun shot in the back?
  After 6 seasons this bad @#% mutha has been killing and terrorizing and for it to end like that? 
Once Desmond removed the "cork" for lack of better word it made him mortal thus he was able to be killed, hence desmond was the most important islander. It was his purpose, hence the reason Jacob instructed Charles to bring him back to the island, hence they did that experiment to see if his body could absorb that energy.

This was difficult for you to understand?

Of course it wasn't difficult. I figured that out.  I am just saying for over 6 seasons this mystical entity was GOD LIKE.

But because Desmond uncorked the light, dude is just a plain ol human being?  All the magic is gone just like that? Well isn't that just so convenient for Jack.

Then what was the whole MIB to destroy the world crap?  Didn't he tell Widmore once he leaves the island he will kill Penny like he would still possess some power.  I would rather have Jack with some Fantastic 4 super mutant powers battle the smoke monster in his black smoke form then a battle of 2 regular dudes fighting with rocks and knives.  I just thought it was lame cop out and cheezzy for MIB to die by a simple bullet in the back.    Watching that final "EPIC BATTLE SCENE" made me
did anyone notice similarities between Jacob and his brother vs. Jack and Locke? I felt like the two relationships mirrored; hence why Kate had to kill Locke/MIB ... I dunno I might be wrong but something that definately crossed my mind
Reading some of the re-caps and finding cool stuff all over the place. Stuff that we knew, but may have been forgotten in the shuffle.

His appendix is something I overlooked......

Also keep in mind the very first episode of season 6 when Jack callshis mother to ask when his appendix was taken out. That's where "FakeLocke" stabbed him. The occasional blood appearing on Jack's neck isanother indication.
Originally Posted by Josednk1068

did anyone notice similarities between Jacob and his brother vs. Jack and Locke? I felt like the two relationships mirrored; hence why Kate had to kill Locke/MIB ... I dunno I might be wrong but something that definately crossed my mind
no...kate killed mortal locke because he was bout to kill mortal jack.

And to the post above...it was mythical. I dont know what you are talking about. Locke has been possessed by MIB. By uncorcking the island, MIB was officially Locke and could leave the island. Flocke got what he wanted.  He also got what was coming by a group of ppl weve been rooting for. If it wasn't for them, Flocke would have destroyed the island and left on the plane.
-why didnt the smoke monster kill locke the first time he saw him in s.1?

-still don't know how jacob got on/off the island...did he really turn that wheel like ben did to come and go each time?

-how did MIB take lockes form?

-why did the smoke monster want to get off the island? why did he want to go 'home'? and where did he want to go...what was home..where? (he was born on the island)

-why was jacob still able to be around the island even after he died? and when he finally evaporated after talking to jack, where did he go??

some of these are probably trivial..

but after reading some of the explanations in here i feel better about the finale, although some of the stuff was still very cheesy and cliche...but if they went the sopranos route we would be upset even more...

gotta watch the kimmel special now and i think thats about it for lost.
LOL...I seriously can't believe what some of you guys are complaining about. It's like needing to know what was in Marsellus Wallace's briefcase or what Bill Murray whispered into Scarlett Johansson at the end of Lost In Translation and basing your entire opinion of the show based on these small omitted plot points.

I am fully content with "The End".  Lost is easily the one show in my 30 years on Earth that I completely immersed myself in and I enjoyed the entire ride. From the "The Pilot", to the supposed doldrums of Season 3, to where we found ourselves last night.

I loved the payoff.  I wasn't into it for having mysteries solve.  I was into the storytelling.  I was into getting to know the characters and how they got to where they were.  I watched to see where they would end up.  Compelling stories are about compelling people, at least to me.  And having knowing at the end that every character I found myself caring about in this show would be "okay" was enough.  It was like the Desmon/Penny payoff, but in rapid succession throughout the finale.

And they ended it with Jack and Christian. 

That is my closure point.

I can leave now.

It was epic in every sense.
amazing ending to an amazing show. it was a fantastic ride. at the end i have zero complaints and zero questions. 
i pray that they do not sully the greatness of the show by doing some sort of prequel or spin-off. 

simply amazing. 
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