- even though it doesn't seem important anymore, I still wanna know what last samurai said after he saw the dirty water

-anyone feel the baseball meant something? Or am I making something outta nothing?

-i don't get it...so where did these people come from? They were already there? Where the hell were they when it seemed like it was only the losties and ben's people? Nobody ever noticed this temple? And what does last samurai mean he got there the same way everyone did.

-claire was on some rousseau steez. Was rousseau abnormal because of the smoke monster? If sayid is supposedly inhabited like claire then shouldn't ben be inhabited by something? He seems clueless though.
Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

-i don't get it...so where did these people come from? They were already there? Where the hell were they when it seemed like it was only the losties and ben's people? Nobody ever noticed this temple? And what does last samurai mean he got there the same way everyone did.
I'm going to take it as we've never seen all of the others before. I mean it seems like it was 2 sects of the same group, Barracks and Temple, but when %$%@ hits the fan they all regroup together at the Temple (see Ben in Season 4 order Alex to go to the Temple to be safe). I mean thats just seems self explanatory which is why they show Zach, Emma and Cindy to show that its just only one group of others that choose to stay in 2 separate places.

Oh and don't forget we saw a hint of the Temple folk in Season 2 when Eko and Jin hide in that bush when looking for Michael
at Mac getting pwn3d in Lost.
this season doesn't look like its gonna be good until the last 3 episodes. why the hell are they introducing new "others" characters in the last seaon?

season 5 was the best season imo. so many questions answered.
So after collecting my thoughts, I have more questions than I did before this episode

CLAIRE!? The @$#$ is going on now?!! Why is she runnin the jungle?
Jack and Sawyer are both traumatized by the deaths they've caused. And with the promo for next week, I'm sure Sawyers about to die. Just hope it happens in some epic, story changing moment.
Sayid... his storyline is getting realll interesting now. Dogan and Lennon trying to kill him? Poison? For what? Jacob obviously wants him alive. He better not die. He's a fan favorite.
Kate doesnt annoy me like she does others apparently. Maybe it's cause she's
but I'm never mad when she's on screen.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

IsJacob slipping or something? Did he not know that sending everyone tothe temple would let in one of "MIB's soldiers" with an infection getinside? Or was that part of his plan all along?
My thought is that he wanted Sayid there alive. And to be kept alive. He obviously died, so maybe Jacob's plan is ruined. Who knows what's gonna happen with that now. I still dont have any idea how MIB would be able to take him over while he's inside the temple, but hey this is LOST-land. Anything is possible.
Lothario: dude that new transformers trailer looks legit
Romeo: oh i peeped
Lothario: i would suck a turd out of megan foxs %+*, have i said that lately?
Romeo: i would suck rea out of her %+* thru a straw
Lothario: i would kill you for her
Romeo: i would kill myself for her
Lothario: i would kill 500 puppies barehanded for her
Romeo: i would revive the 500 puppies you killed, just to kill them again for her
Lothario: i would rip every finger and toenail off my body with my teeth for her
Romeo: i would shoot a lethal dose of heroin right before i get behind the wheel of a school bus for her
Lothario: i would purposely contract swine flu, then lick every surface of every elementary school in all 50 states for her
Romeo: i would serve porkchops from infested swine at a charity dinner for holocaust survivors for her
Lothario: i would start a new holocaust for her
Romeo: i would claim that your holocaust never existed for her
Lothario: i would sit through schindlers list for her
Romeo: i would reboot schindlers list in color from a nazi perspective for her
Lothario: i would have michael bay direct it and have vin diesel play schindler for her
Romeo: i would never watch another episode of lost for her
Lothario: and we have a winner, congratulations
Romeo: hahahaha

@ that

I've noticed the deja vu looks the losties have been giving in the alt time line scenes; Jack to Des, Jack to Locke, Kate to Claire, etc.

Another strange look I'm reminded of is the one Miles gave to Claire in S4 after Dharmaville was attacked. I remember then the rumors was she died when the house she was in exploded and that's possibly when MIB got her infected. The look Miles give her is similar to the one he gives Sayid.

They're doing a lot of talking about this on the Lostpedia forums. I didn't want to believe Claire died then but it's quite possible if she's really infected. Seems MIB has a reason for making ppl attack the Others since they're on Jacob's side. Setting traps and killing them on sight, making the person think they're an enemy which now he probably did with Rousseau since Ben said she was infected back when Widmore gave him the mission to kill her.

So possibly some of that stuff is connecting.
Surprised no one has mentioned Kate's moment of Deja Vu in the back of the cab when she saw Jack waiting at the airport. They definitely showed that for a reason. I still think this whole "alternate reality" is just a totally different story of them all going to the island. Remember, Locke said they were there for a reason. Since the plane didn't break up, this is just the story of a different set of events that will still ultimately lead them all back to the island.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Surprised no one has mentioned Kate's moment of Deja Vu in the back of the cab when she saw Jack waiting at the airport. They definitely showed that for a reason. I still think this whole "alternate reality" is just a totally different story of them all going to the island. Remember, Locke said they were there for a reason. Since the plane didn't break up, this is just the story of a different set of events that will still ultimately lead them all back to the island.
it was mentioned on the last page, definitely noticed that. and you're probably right.
I was more amped from the previews for next week's episode than anything that occured in this episode.

Flocke x Sawyer episode
- I'm pretty sure its common knowledge that everyone noticed that since it was obvious so no one really need to bring it up. Just like how juntao always had a wierd attitude around the new sayid...or how sayid seems to "pretend" that he's really sayid
-Could it be possible that the poison wasn't meant to kill Sayid only the infection?

-Also they are def showing them having Deja Vu moments. I really can't wait to see what that's all about. Maybe, when the bomb went off they individually had flashes of what would have happened if the plane didn't crash. But, I don't know how or why that would have happened.

-Miles knows MUCH more than he let's people know for some reason.

-Dogan is QUICKLY moving up as one of my favorite characters.

-I also wonder why the others that went to the barracks to be safe are now at the temple. Why didn't they just go there first.

people are saying a lot in the other boards that i believe maybe jacob is the bad guy who wants to continue these games while MIB could be the good one.

Also, they also mentioned, which they're probably right, that Christian works for MIB also. We've been made to believe that he works for Jacob but thats why Christian is always alone in the cabins.
It's very possible that MIB may be the "good" guy in all this. If Jacob is continually bring people to the island to play a game, it makes you wonder.
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

It's very possible that MIB may be the "good" guy in all this. If Jacob is continually bring people to the island to play a game, it makes you wonder.

yea and dude just wanting to go home...

who knows.

last nights episode was ok. apparently the writers of the episode are the ones who brought us all the other meh episodes with Lost. Plus Im not a big fan of Kate anymore however her storylines don't really interest me.
It's still crazy that MIB is the smoke monster. What was his beef with Eko? Or the Pilot? And how did Ben know how to summons him to hurt Keemy?
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

It's still crazy that MIB is the smoke monster. What was his beef with Eko? Or the Pilot? And how did Ben know how to summons him to hurt Keemy?

I don't think Ben really knew what it was honestly. And obviously MIB wanted to help him because he would need him in the future
episode was weak until the last 15 minutes but i don't think it's filler. i guess some people get enlisted by both sides for some cosmic war over the nature of humanity or something. Got no idea what's with claire, maybe we will learn about aaron more. Yea I said it before and still think that both time lines lead to generally the same ending.

no locke, no ben I feel cheated

btw didn't richard say everyone dies? or am i not remembering that right?
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