Jacob got something MAJOR brewing. He was the one that told Hurley to take Sayid to the temple and make sure he lives.

And as far as Kate, I actually like her ON the island. For some reason I just don't like watching her back story anymore. Thats why I said this wasn't one of my favorite episodes, because it was mostly her OFF island. The rest was DOPE, IMO.

This episode and maybe even the next few may seem like "filler" to some, but to me they are just setting up the series to end in a MAJOR way.
Flow, I TOTALLY agree about liking Kate on island. She's so much better, always has been IMO.

Like I said, why would Jacob send them to the temple knowing Sayid might get infected? Doesn't seem very logical to me. Something MAJOR IS brewing baby.
One thing that hasn't been touched on this year is, which side does Widmore fall in? MIB or Jacob's? Not that I think he's as powerful, but with his money and resources, he might be a major player to the War. And it's possible that's who Jacob said "was coming".
Not sure about Widmore at all. I can't even start thinking about him right now.

WHY does Sawyer need to be in the temple? What exactly is about to go down?

WHY did Dogen say that Sayid needed to take it willingly for the pill to work? Was he just pulling Jacks chain or is there more to that?
Originally Posted by CasperJr

link plzzz!!!!!!

it should be up some where on the net help a brotha out

And maybe Dogen can't be responsible for Sayid's "death", seeing as how Jacob wanted him alive, so he has to make sure that his hands are clean, so to speak.
Something is def up with him telling Jack that. I was thinking it was to see how much Jack trusts him or something.
Damn i'm gone for 5 minutes and I come back to see this on the second page?

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

I dozed off for the last five minutes of the show
, can someone summarize it for me in a spoiler
. Last part I remember was Kate and Sawyer talking by the ocean about Juliet. What happened after the last commercial break?
[clears throat]
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

I dozed off for the last five minutes of the show
, can someone summarize it for me in a spoiler
. Last part I remember was Kate and Sawyer talking by the ocean about Juliet. What happened after the last commercial break?
[clears throat]
Check your PM, I sent you a link.
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

I dozed off for the last five minutes of the show
, can someone summarize it for me in a spoiler
. Last part I remember was Kate and Sawyer talking by the ocean about Juliet. What happened after the last commercial break?
[clears throat]

If you can't stay awake, you don't deserve it.

Spoiler [+]
Dogen (dude who doesn't like to speak english) explains that Jack has to give Sayid this pill of Poison to sayid because he is infected, like his sister. Then we see Jin in the jungle and the others get shot by a jungle-covered Claire and LOST pops up at the end.
Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

I dozed off for the last five minutes of the show
, can someone summarize it for me in a spoiler
. Last part I remember was Kate and Sawyer talking by the ocean about Juliet. What happened after the last commercial break?
[clears throat]
Check your PM, I sent you a link.
good lookin out man

at not deserving it
I decided that you were a candidate to receive the info.


I felt like when Claire screamed AARON! Kate looked like she recognized the name... surprised no one else has called this out
Originally Posted by Cragmatic


I felt like when Claire screamed AARON! Kate looked like she recognized the name... surprised no one else has called this out
Yea, I noticed that, too. Directors tried to call attention to it, but not in an obvious way. There has to be something there.
Alright after further review its looking like Lost is kinda stealing the idea from The Wire's last season with some of these characters becoming the "new" version of a previous character

I hope it doesn't end like that, I was expecting something a little less straight forward. But who knows, only time will tell
Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

YO, did Kate recognize Jack when she was in the cab? It seemed like it.


Little things in this timeline seem like they have Deja Vu moments. On purpose? Of Course. Why? Can't wait.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

I personally loved this episode. First Kate-centric i've ENJOYED.

The scenes with Sawyer were pretty sad. Great acting by everyone. Good way to "get rid" of him being sad over Juliet IMO and get him on to more important things.

Dogen is that dude. I'm waiting for him to drop some knowledge and destroy our brains. He was BROUGHT to the Island.

Obviously Sayid is infected as the crew was. And from what we just found out, so is Claire. Been waiting to see her in the jungle since that promo popped up.

The stuff with the others with Kate/Jin was interesting. Danielle has been dead for a few years, he COULD be one of them, etc. Those little conversations definitely caught my attention more than anything in this episode.

Seeing Ethan is even more evidence to me of the timeline split being further in time, but I STILL don't understand how we can figure out where this is going.

I think everyone saw this episode as filler, but i'm definitely not one of them. So far this season for me LA X Part 2>What Kate Does>LA X Part 1.

Can't wait to see the homie Locke back in action next week.

Def not filler sir. Dudes name is Ethan Goodspeed, not Rom. And the guy who got hit with the bag full of rocks spilled the beans on some secrets as well.
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Alright after further review its looking like Lost is kinda stealing the idea from The Wire's last season with some of these characters becoming the "new" version of a previous character

I hope it doesn't end like that, I was expecting something a little less straight forward. But who knows, only time will tell
I can't see that one...

In The Wire, by ending the series that way I think the producers wanted to emphasize with  it viewers how cyclical life in the Baltimore streets is. I'm not sure that's what the producers are trying to do.

With LOST, I think the producers are just trying to show us what could have happened if the plane had made it.
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