I personally loved this episode. First Kate-centric i've ENJOYED.

The scenes with Sawyer were pretty sad. Great acting by everyone. Good way to "get rid" of him being sad over Juliet IMO and get him on to more important things.

Dogen is that dude. I'm waiting for him to drop some knowledge and destroy our brains. He was BROUGHT to the Island.

Obviously Sayid is infected as the crew was. And from what we just found out, so is Claire. Been waiting to see her in the jungle since that promo popped up.

The stuff with the others with Kate/Jin was interesting. Danielle has been dead for a few years, he COULD be one of them, etc. Those little conversations definitely caught my attention more than anything in this episode.

Seeing Ethan is even more evidence to me of the timeline split being further in time, but I STILL don't understand how we can figure out where this is going.

I think everyone saw this episode as filler, but i'm definitely not one of them. So far this season for me LA X Part 2>What Kate Does>LA X Part 1.

Can't wait to see the homie Locke back in action next week.

Originally Posted by dunnyy

wow, almost everything before the last commercial break was completely useless.
Well you say that now, but just wait...

I don't even understand how some of you are LOST fans. All you guys do is complain.
I think the sideways view is kind of needed to wrap this baby up neatly. You can't show people what did and will happen without showing what could. It answers a laundry list of questions and it gives the second hook to the storyline. At this point revealing the future would ruin it. And we've already seen what has happened in the past that lead up to the present, so what else is there  but to show but the "could?"
I think claire is takin on a modern day Danielle. The whole "childless mother role" plus all of sudden, like Danielle, she got nice with the rifle
i dunno tho

I think this season is still starting out slow. The infection has been talked about ever since Rousseau. Need to go a quicker pace.

Anyway I doubt Claire's really infected but I can see the angle they're doing that since she was last with Christian who was most likely MIB at the time.

I'm tired of the alt time line.
Thanx Master Zik... knew I wasn't alone

And first thing that pooped into my mind as well was Claire being the next Russo.... IDK how to spell her name...
Originally Posted by Homer

why are they showing that timeline though? what's the relevance?


It's something MIND BLOWING though, just be patient.


The LAX timeline isn't nearly as interesting, but it's all part of a bigger plan...
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by dunnyy

wow, almost everything before the last commercial break was completely useless.
Well you say that now, but just wait...

I don't even understand how some of you are LOST fans. All you guys do is complain.
yeah episode was good . have to watch again for the little things
Originally Posted by JRizzo06

I think claire is takin on a modern day Danielle. The whole "childless mother role" plus all of sudden, like Danielle, she got nice with the rifle
i dunno tho

I like this. Still need to think about what I saw to put together more thoughts.
I dozed off for the last five minutes of the show
, can someone summarize it for me in a spoiler. Last part I remember was Kate and Sawyer talking by the ocean about Juliet. What happened after the last commercial break?
Okay I'm a little under the weather so my logic isn't that good right now, but what are you guys talking about Claire being the next Rosseau? What makes Claire or anybody "the next anything?"

Also are you guys talking about Claire from Alternate timeline or Original timeline?
Yeah it's been confirmed Claire is the next Rousseau. I think I've known that spoiler since the end of S5.

She basically has been making traps, going around killing Others, surviving on her own for 3 years. Nothing compared to Danielle and the amount of time she spent alone on the island but that's why Claire is still going to have the chance to change.

I'll let you guys know from interviews from Matt fox alone this alt time line %%$! won't be going on all season. It's going to stop soon/near the middle of the season= and their will be strictly on island plot.
I swear, every week should be two hours. Who cares if the season would end twice as fast, one hour KILLS me man.

That Sunday night finale is going to be epic as hell. I can't even IMAGINE where we will be at that point in the series compared to where we are now, and I think that is why I don't mind what's going on right now with the pacing and everything.

I don't think the "infected" talk is too slow. Yeah we know about it, but we've never seen anyone dice up a pill to "fix the issue".

BTW, did anybody else instantly think "I bet Jack would love to pop this pill".
damn junkie
I have no problem with the alt time or anything else so far this season. I just don't really care for Kate's back story real/fake/or alternate at all anymore. I really cant wait to rewatch this episode tomorrow. I have a feeling there was a lot more going on than I noticed the first time around.
Is it going to stop all together? I heard it was going to tie into it all some how... I mean as much as I hate it, it'd bother me even more if it was all for nothing
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

I have no problem with the alt time or anything else so far this season. I just don't really care for Kate's back story real/fake/or alternate at all anymore. I really cant wait to rewatch this episode tomorrow. I have a feeling there was a lot more going on than I noticed the first time around.

You know it.

That Sawyer scene was deep man. "Some people are jst meant to be alone". Out of everyone I really can't wait to see what happens with him. I feel like he's going to have a big tragic death to save someone. He's always looking out for himself, but when it comes down to it hes a true hero. Jumping on the chopper in S4 was when Sawyer really grew on me.

Kate doesn't bug me like she does everyone else. I dunno why. I don't really care about her story, but I don't mind it at the same time. Can't wait to see what happens when she comes in contact with Clairesseau. I'm sure hammers will be drawn.
It'll probably tie in or show a big connection in the final ep at the least. It'd be a waste to start it and just stop it.
Originally Posted by RUTHE1

Okay I'm a little under the weather so my logic isn't that good right now, but what are you guys talking about Claire being the next Rosseau? What makes Claire or anybody "the next anything?"

Also are you guys talking about Claire from Alternate timeline or Original timeline?

I dont really mean the "next" anything, I'm just sayin with all these parallel story lines certain characters are having similarities to those in the opposite timeline i.e the locke situation, the new "others", claire vs rosseau (sp?), etc. I still dunno tho, jus random thoughts. 
Is Jacob slipping or something? Did he not know that sending everyone to the temple would let in one of "MIB's soldiers" with an infection get inside? Or was that part of his plan all along?
Wasn't all too impressed with the episode until they brought Claire to the hospital. Then it really took off.

My damn housemate had an annoying %%* friend over talking and saying the most annoying %+%@ ever.
. Had to pause it like 4 times and tell him to $*%%.

I'm definitely going to re-watch it at some point this week.

EDIT- I hope someone on the internet/lostpedia or something can translate what Dogen said to Lenon in regards to the lie...
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

I have no problem with the alt time or anything else so far this season. I just don't really care for Kate's back story real/fake/or alternate at all anymore. I really cant wait to rewatch this episode tomorrow. I have a feeling there was a lot more going on than I noticed the first time around.

Same...i was really trying to watch NBA and NCAA bball at the same time, so maybe i wasnt paying attention like I used to?
Then again, Kate bores me. And i feel like out of everyone shes the person we know the absolute LEAST about, as far as what she did and if shes guilty and etc etc etc...then she just changes her mind soooo many times and !!#$% with everyones head (the guys really), all for her own self.

Anyways, at least now she wants to do something for someone else...so thats cool.

MasterZik, can you chill with the spoilers? I'm a fan of the show, i dont really care for what the actors say in interviews...at least give a heads-up. The whole well-yeah-duh-i-already-knew-that-and-this-happens-to thing is played out
. Just let the show run...or start a Lost blog.
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