Sooo...going along with the children of Lost theme...in LA world, is it possible that the couple that were going to pick up Claire and adopt the baby was Ben and that blonde lady??
And so he's the husband that left?
! :big reveal, tilted LOST logo, cue new 2010 whoosh sound:

This would tie in to his ultimately "stealing" someone's child again to raise as his own. Oh AND thats the child of Rousseau II (claire?) lol. AND the name starts with an A again.

Does the letter A have significance? Like Sesame Street? Alpha and Omega maybe, A for Alpha? OH snap, and then B for...BEN! C for CLAIRE!

E for Exactly wat the H is going on round here?!

, but eh, just thoughts...I really want to know why this husband left this lady last minute and she couldnt tell Claire . Did Ben go there(to Australia..via Aljira flight II?) to go tell her? (if hes the husband)
AND who is this man with claire's picture? Clearly not her dad, because thats Christian. Maybe the baby's father's dad? Another soon to go unsolved mystery..

I could keep going
, give me a blog.

More i think about it the more I'm not too pleased with this episode or the God-like chess match back and forthiness. ugh.
The dude who left the woman who was suppose to pick up Claire in the alt time line is Richard
Spoiler [+]
I can tell by these 1st 3 episodes I'm not going to like the ending of this series. Way more questions need to be answered now.
anybody have a picture of the picture that kate finds in claires bag?

it looked very weird to me on first viewing and i havn't seen it mentioned in any blog you guys posted yet. it looked like she was pointing a gun to her pregnant stomach. (i was blazed as hell when i watched so maybe i'm just seeing stuff)
Yeah it's just a giggle face. It's ONLY Thursday to me, but yeah.

Dub, it did seem like they focused on it, but I personally think it was to point how it "touched" Kate.
Just watched it again. I was much better the second time.

But, something I didn't notice the first time and I don't think anyone has mentioned it yet. Sayid was shot on his right side, but now it's on his left.... Same thing happened to Ben. But, when Locke was shot by Ben I don't think the wound moved. I wonder if this is error, but I assume this was done on purpose, but for what reason.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Yeah it's just a giggle face. It's ONLY Thursday to me, but yeah.

Dub, it did seem like they focused on it, but I personally think it was to point how it "touched" Kate.

could be. I thought it was a gun to show how dangerous claire or aaron might be.

it took me a while to realize was "kate did". I guess her personality really changed when she was on the island and it caused her to go back to claire and help her with the pregnancy. So the flashsideways lost people are affected in some way by what happened on the island. And yeah they definitley recognize eachother.
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Just watched it again. I was much better the second time.

But, something I didn't notice the first time and I don't think anyone has mentioned it yet. Sayid was shot on his right side, but now it's on his left.... Same thing happened to Ben. But, when Locke was shot by Ben I don't think the wound moved. I wonder if this is error, but I assume this was done on purpose, but for what reason.

From NYMAG.com
This episode suggests a mystical explanation for this recapper's fall from faith: There is a darkness growing in me and once it reaches my heart, I may not be the fan I once was.

^ I too am starting to feel this way.  3 hours into the final season, there seems be more mysteries and questions than answers and explanations.  I am bracing myself for a HUGE finale disappointment.  
I do agree with one thing she said..... "I don’t want to be the viewer who watches with her eyebrow raised; it’s more fun to be a fan"
Damn, Said has to be possessed, dude only remembered what happen from when he got shot and back, similar to MIB. But I dunno I could be wrong.
Just re-watched.

I think that Flocke and Dogan are plotting/fighting for influence with the Losties. Dogan mentioned to Sawyer that he couldn't leave the Temple and then in the end when the dude from Always Sunny wanted to shoot Jin, the other dude said something to the effect of "we can't, he's one of them". Those two moments stood out to me this time around.

Then in the preview for next week we see John Flocka Locke trying to persuade Sawyer. I can also recall in the last season promo ABC dropped before the season Flocke was shown telling Jack something like "I can tell you why you're here"....

I could be completely wrong, but at this point it looks like Dogan and Flocke are fighting over who has control of the Losties...

I can't wait to see how it plays out.
I have enormous admiration for the experimental quality of Lost, which has taken savvy risks with each season—a leap off the island! Time travel!—but my love was always fueled by the sense that there was something more perverse, more adult, buried beneath, that the show had something to say about guilt, about the way society (and individuals) re-form after a crisis.

Now I’m worried those themes are gone for good, that the island is just a chess game played by Egyptian gods, and within that chess game, a pissing match between a coldly scheming CEO and a warmly scheming weasel, Ben, the last great character left.

can't argue much with her..... But i'm pretty cool with a human chess game. I don't see how that can't have the "deeper" meaning she is yearning for. The same themes of free will and destiny are all there.

The show was always "out there" but somehow maintained realism even with the numbers and an island with healing properties... but i think people (critics) are finally fed up. you go from introducing time travel to bringing people back from the dead? it's very iffy and opens you up to intense criticism. those 2 devices are almost never used for good reason.

I really hope locke's story is over but i know they are gonna bring him back... The way he went out was so in tune with his character and just perfect.
So I read in Entertainment Weekly a quote direct from Damon Lindeloff... they may not explain the numbers...
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

So I read in Entertainment Weekly a quote direct from Damon Lindeloff... they may not explain the numbers...
There's already spoilers from episodes about what the numbers mean.
I can kinda understand how critics and some fans are getting turned off by all the sci-fi stuff. But, in reality that was the plan for the show all along. It wasn't like they brought the stuff into the show to boost ratings. Smokie (I think) was in the pilot episode.
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