Originally Posted by Djoker33

Originally Posted by mjbetch

4 - Locke
8 - Hugo
15 - Sawyer
16 - Sayid
23 - Jack
42 - Jin
Kate and Sun gonna die.

I also like how Flocke didn't mention that the majority if not all the names crossed out are of ppl who are now dead.
Originally Posted by Djoker33

Originally Posted by mjbetch

4 - Locke

8 - Hugo

15 - Sawyer

16 - Sayid

23 - Jack

42 - Jin

42 is Jin. notice they're all men. no women.

"Kwon" is what locke said. and "Kwon" is Jin's last name.

those people are candidates to be the new "leader" im sure women were left out for a reason.
So glad they gave some explanation for the numbers, but it's getting ridiculous how fast these episodes fly by.

It's annoying to have so many commercials but what can ya do?
[Dave Chappelle] OH @*%@+ ! ALL THESE RULES! [/Dave Chappelle]

...so im going to assume that kid was jacob and fake locke straight tellin him like the real locke would about people telling him what he cant do
did the numbers have any sort of rank? i missed the last two minutes and only caught that Jacob wanted the island t be protected and there was nothing it should be protected from
come on guys..think before posting nonsense

jacob came to the wedding and saw both sun and jin. Now we find out that its 42 - KWON meaning that we do not know if its Sun or Jin. Thus leaving us in suspense probably that one of them will die.

Kate I can see dying as well.

I think its great that they finally told us what the numbers were about. Even though we probably could never tell from the beginning, it shows that its always been chosen since the beginning that those people would be candidates to take over.

I love this show.

Locke meeting Hurley FTW
i feel like this story (on the island specifically) ain't progressing at all, yall figured out the numbers stuff last week. What new did we learn this week besides the numbers assigned to the O6? I just want them to all meet at the damn temple already
This episode was a lot to take in.. They dished out a lot of information..

My mind is blown right now
Dope episode.

Sawyer joining the "dark side" if it really is the "dark side"?
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

i feel like this story ain't progressing at all, yall figured out the numbers stuff last week. What new did we learn this week? I just want them to all meet at the damn temple already

are you kidding me? who found out about the numbers last week? there is absolutely no way anyone know who were assigned to the numbers unless they read a spoiler. its not something anyone could have guessed.
I can't think of any good explanations so some questions instead...
Jacob was looking for a replacement for himself? So this would be the first and only time he has found himself a replacement. Which means he knew from before that he would be killed?

In the new timeline, we are seeing what would happen if Jacob didn't manipulate everyone's destiny to come to the island. But all the Losties are still crossing paths. Is this because in the original timeline they all meet on the island, so the new timeline is running in parallel to that? Or is it the other way around (without Jacob, people were gonna meet up, and that determines why Jacob chose them for the island)?
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

i feel like this story (on the island specifically) ain't progressing at all, yall figured out the numbers stuff last week. What new did we learn this week besides the numbers assigned to the O6? I just want them to all meet at the damn temple already

Son, we aren't watching the same show.

5 episodes ago, we were watching Radzinsky try to kill the losties. Now, we've seen Jacob come and go, find out who smokie is/what hes all about, what the numbers mean, what the temple is AND we've got another timeline with people from the island now in the real world coming in contact with people off-island who they were strongly connected to ON island.

Not progressing?! GET OUTTA HERE.
Originally Posted by xxxoverridexxx

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

i feel like this story ain't progressing at all, yall figured out the numbers stuff last week. What new did we learn this week? I just want them to all meet at the damn temple already

are you kidding me? who found out about the numbers last week? there is absolutely no way anyone know who were assigned to the numbers unless they read a spoiler. its not something anyone could have guessed.
I coulda sworn I read some of yall debating about the numbers in this thread last week, maybe it was a spoiler idk it's not that big of a deal to me. Just my opinion fellas, be easy. I felt last weeks episode was way more of a mind f_ than this one.

and to EBW by not progressing I'm specifically talking about the inevitable meeting between Evil Locke and Sayid/Jacob, we all know it's gonna happen. And two episodes ago they were saying the temple is the safest place to be meaning Flocke was on his way but we get two episodes of filler and pretty much forget about it, I just am anxious for it to happen already. Not everyone thinks every single episode is mindblowing, that's all I'm saying
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

i feel like this story (on the island specifically) ain't progressing at all, yall figured out the numbers stuff last week. What new did we learn this week besides the numbers assigned to the O6? I just want them to all meet at the damn temple already

Son, we aren't watching the same show.

5 episodes ago, we were watching Radzinsky try to kill the losties. Now, we've seen Jacob come and go, find out who smokie is/what hes all about, what the numbers mean, what the temple is AND we've got another timeline with people from the island now in the real world coming in contact with people off-island who they were strongly connected to ON island.

Not progressing?! GET OUTTA HERE.
Extroardinary, I just don't think you're a fan. You said people were debating the numbers last week, but did you even watch it? There was no indication of numbers as override said. People just knew from spoilers. LOST has never been a story to progress quickly, but the meeting you're speaking of isn't going to happen right away. This is the final season dude, just sit back and enjoy the ride.

And I believe you said this week was filler too? Be real dude. This was one of the most revealing episodes in a long time based off the numbers alone. Seeing Locke alternate timeline was filled with crazy stuff as well. NOTHING filler about this episode AT ALL!
I can barely keep up, but is there a possibility that the blonde boy is the one the flight attendant took from the plane along with his sister?
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