Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Extroardinary, I just don't think you're a fan. You said people were debating the numbers last week, but did you even watch it? There was no indication of numbers as override said. People just knew from spoilers. LOST has never been a story to progress quickly, but the meeting you're speaking of isn't going to happen right away. This is the final season dude, just sit back and enjoy the ride.

And I believe you said this week was filler too? Be real dude. This was one of the most revealing episodes in a long time based off the numbers alone. Seeing Locke alternate timeline was filled with crazy stuff as well. NOTHING filler about this episode AT ALL!
Like I said not everyone HAS to like the episode as much as you do. I been with Lost since day 1 dude, I know how the story goes I'm just anxious.
I liked when Flocke threw the white stone outta the cave and into the water, saying it "was an inside joke"
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Originally Posted by xxxoverridexxx

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

i feel like this story ain't progressing at all, yall figured out the numbers stuff last week. What new did we learn this week? I just want them to all meet at the damn temple already

are you kidding me? who found out about the numbers last week? there is absolutely no way anyone know who were assigned to the numbers unless they read a spoiler. its not something anyone could have guessed.
I coulda sworn I read some of yall debating about the numbers in this thread last week, maybe it was a spoiler idk it's not that big of a deal to me. Just my opinion fellas, be easy. I felt last weeks episode was way more of a mind f_ than this one.

and to EBW by not progressing I'm specifically talking about the inevitable meeting between Evil Locke and Sayid/Jacob, we all know it's gonna happen. And two episodes ago they were saying the temple is the safest place to be meaning Flocke was on his way but we get two episodes of filler and pretty much forget about it, I just am anxious for it to happen already. Not everyone thinks every single episode is mindblowing, that's all I'm saying
lol and im sorry if it sounds like im attacking you because im not but you really feel last weeks episode was more of a mind !#!$?

i sort of thought last week's episode was sort of weak and granted i dont feel any episode is really a so called filler now but last weeks was on that borderline as is every kate centric episode.

This episode answered a couple huge questions

A) What were the numbers?

4 - Locke
8 - Hugo
15 - Sawyer
16 - Sayid
23 - Jack
42 - Jin

B) What was Jacob and Flocke trying to do with these people?

Jacob was trying to find his own replacement (so we think)

Flocke is (what we know) trying to get off the island

C) Flocke wasn't allowed to kill Jacob but he did and now hes being haunted by that
I mean I knew the #s were assigned to ppl before the season started and I still thoroughly enjoyed this ep simply cuz I Didn't think it was gonna be revealed this early. If you aint liking these eps I don't know what to say. Wait till the box set DVD comes out and watch the whole thing to get the impact.

Anyway, do you guys think when Flocke says Jacob was protecting the island and he says from nothing that Jacob wanted to protect the island from mankind? I mean if anything you can't ignore the miracle type #%+% that's happened on the island.
Given that Locke had spoken before of the white/black stones and that both Locke and Flocke say the same thing ("don't tell me what I can't do"), they must share something. i.e. it's not just a matter of Smokie taking over Locke's body. There's a deeper connection.

I'm wondering too if Flocke is really the good guy, and Jacob is the bad guy. Jacob (and his representatives) are always trying to control fate, and they're always telling people what to do. Look at Richard Alpert in his 30 seconds with Sawyer tonight. He says pretty much word for word what the Others/Jacob has been saying the entire series: "It's important that you do what I do. I can't explain it now, but you have to do it or everyone you love will die." On the other hand, you have Flocke, who actually gives Sawyer 3 choices. And his saying is very fitting ("don't tell me what I can't do"). And on top of that he actually explains stuff, even using more detail than needed. Maybe he's not the good guy but it's a nice change.
I know everybody doesn't have to like it, but I don't understand how you can't like THIS episode.

This was one of the best episodes in a long, long time IMO.

EDIT:  Hit that post limit early tonight.
Notice how only the "BLACK ROCK" remains... coincidence? (Black Rock and THE Black Rock, as in the boat..?)

And maybe I'm the only one, but I think the idea of a "candidate" is referring more to them being key players in this game than them being replacements for Jacob. My guess is a certain combination of people equals a "Jacob victory" whatever that means.. which would explain why Sayid being alive, as well as all of those other key players, is so important to Jacob. Notice how Locke is 4 and he was the first to die (or to be switched over)? next in line in the sequence of numbers is Hurley, 8, which means he's the next most important person there. Guess who is next and isn't at the temple? Sawyer! somehow I'm starting to think that a numbers combination (literally) matters. If Sawyer and Sayid go over to the "dark side", that number means something, so on and so forth...

I'm just rambling now, but isn't it funny how this makes sense in a weird kinda way?
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Given that Locke had spoken before of the white/black stones and that both Locke and Flocke say the same thing ("don't tell me what I can't do"), they must share something. i.e. it's not just a matter of Smokie taking over Locke's body. There's a deeper connection.

I'm wondering too if Flocke is really the good guy, and Jacob is the bad guy. Jacob (and his representatives) are always trying to control fate, and they're always telling people what to do. Look at Richard Alpert in his 30 seconds with Sawyer tonight. He says pretty much word for word what the Others/Jacob has been saying the entire series: "It's important that you do what I do. I can't explain it now, but you have to do it or everyone you love will die." On the other hand, you have Flocke, who actually gives Sawyer 3 choices. And his saying is very fitting ("don't tell me what I can't do"). And on top of that he actually explains stuff, even using more detail than needed. Maybe he's not the good guy but it's a nice change.
Fate vs. Free will.

I like where you're going with that...
Terry O'Quinn is such a good actor. I can't tell if he's being honest or just being deceitful.

By the way does anyone why the episode was titled the The Substitute? Do the numbers/characters represent a part in an equation that eliminates the variable? I mean the quote "It only ends once, anything that happens before that is just progress." has more meaning to me at least because "the candidate" could be the gamechanger.
and throwing an idea out there...

this show since day 1 has been messing with our heads and if you read many posts "It must be Jin, Its all men"...how about maybe they wanted to make it a female so its sort of like an Adam Eve type rep.
I never post cause I'm always viewing this post from the BB and I hate quick reply, but this one was the turning point for S6 IMO. Couple of points that I find interesting about this episode.

- While I was part of the MIB may be the good guy sect, I definitely think the opposite now. This show is big on small detail and subliminals and the fact that Flocke totally went "what kid?" on Sawyer after that whole exchange with the boy can't be overlooked, just like Flocke "tipping the scale" when he tossed the white (good?) stone in the ocean..

- The more I look at Ilana, the more I realize she is a cot damn 237 yr-old fox
Anywho, I know it's a stretch, but I think at some point she sipped on the same youth potion Jacob gave to Richard. She knows everything about the Island, obviously has read the Who's Who on the Losties and everyone else and knows all about MIB. Jacob and Flocke have been at this chess game for God knows how long judging by all the names crossed out( rewound and saw a 272 and a 313) and other graves next to Locke, I think it's plausible Jacob has done what he did to Richard to others. Remember that he went to see her when she was in the hospital all bandaged up (prolly after a MIB butt whoopin) and asked for her help. Either way, she definitely is gonna have to be a major player

- Speaking of Richard, son was damn shook when he rolled up on Sawyer. People are always interested in the whole aging angle, but I think Richard has been a tool just like MIB said. Think about how much he's been perplexed by OG Locke since the time travel, even recruiting him twice unsuccessfully to come to the Island. Either Richard is more terrycloth than I thought or MIB is REALLY badass.

- someone already has mentioned what about Kate and why she wasn't part of the #'s. Perhaps she is and it just isn't her time yet. She could be 38, part of the 1 17 38 40 57 93 group to come save the Island. Don't forget that they were saying that Lapidus could be a candidate in S5. I hate the scenario but I can totally see this being the 43rd time Jacob has brought a group of saviors to the Island. Perhaps this is only one of several trips Kate has made/will make.

- I was rewatching old episodes and saw in Follow The Leader where Richard told Sun that he saw all the Oceanic survivors die. This could go a lot of different ways, but this is gonna come up again for sure and I'm awaiting it cause it has to be a major factor somewhere down the line in S6.

I'm gonna fall back cause there's so many thoughts scenarios that I can't get out of my head...
Originally Posted by RUTHE1

Terry O'Quinn is such a good actor. I can't tell if he's being honest or just being deceitful.

By the way does anyone why the episode was titled the The Substitute? Do the numbers/characters represent a part in an equation that eliminates the variable? I mean the quote "It only ends once, anything that happens before that is just progress." has more meaning to me at least because "the candidate" could be the gamechanger.
The basic answer for the title of this ep was Flocke overall being the substitute for Locke.

The way Flocke talked about Jacob's plans it seems he would've been giving up his role as protector for one of the candidates and not necessarily dying. Seeing as it seems this is the first time Flocke was successful in killing Jacob and how their convo in S5 season finale implies that there's some loop where they keep doing the same @**% over and over Maybe Jacob wanted his sub to continue with that until it finally ends.
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Given that Locke had spoken before of the white/black stones and that both Locke and Flocke say the same thing ("don't tell me what I can't do"), they must share something. i.e. it's not just a matter of Smokie taking over Locke's body. There's a deeper connection.

I'm wondering too if Flocke is really the good guy, and Jacob is the bad guy. Jacob (and his representatives) are always trying to control fate, and they're always telling people what to do. Look at Richard Alpert in his 30 seconds with Sawyer tonight. He says pretty much word for word what the Others/Jacob has been saying the entire series: "It's important that you do what I do. I can't explain it now, but you have to do it or everyone you love will die." On the other hand, you have Flocke, who actually gives Sawyer 3 choices. And his saying is very fitting ("don't tell me what I can't do"). And on top of that he actually explains stuff, even using more detail than needed. Maybe he's not the good guy but it's a nice change.

I dunno, it feels to me like he is trying to win sawyer over so he can use him to get what he wants. But good theory tho, I could see it happening.
Originally Posted by Stack Bundless

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Given that Locke had spoken before of the white/black stones and that both Locke and Flocke say the same thing ("don't tell me what I can't do"), they must share something. i.e. it's not just a matter of Smokie taking over Locke's body. There's a deeper connection.

I'm wondering too if Flocke is really the good guy, and Jacob is the bad guy. Jacob (and his representatives) are always trying to control fate, and they're always telling people what to do. Look at Richard Alpert in his 30 seconds with Sawyer tonight. He says pretty much word for word what the Others/Jacob has been saying the entire series: "It's important that you do what I do. I can't explain it now, but you have to do it or everyone you love will die." On the other hand, you have Flocke, who actually gives Sawyer 3 choices. And his saying is very fitting ("don't tell me what I can't do"). And on top of that he actually explains stuff, even using more detail than needed. Maybe he's not the good guy but it's a nice change.

I dunno, it feels to me like he is trying to win sawyer over so he can use him to get what he wants. But good theory tho, I could see it happening.
I think he's going to use him to take the temple back.
Oh @@##! Who's that kid? "You can't kill him
" Wild.

Oh $$*@. The numbers are explained for us that didnt look at the spoilers
i think sawyer is just using him to learn more.. hence him asking questions that he knew flocke was lying about.. soo now he's playing poker with him, just so he can find out stuff from the inside
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW


yo i was soooooooooooo happy and nervous when all that %%$! was going down. %%$! was intense. seriously craziness throughout the whole thing
I accidently clicked a spoiler about the numbers awhile ago. I wasn't too mad when I did it but now after that scene I'm pissed. It had no suspense and as soon as I saw the ceiling I knew what was up smh.
Females obviously can't be candidates

Richard was shook.

From that one time we saw Illana and Jacob together, you can tell that they knew each other.......it's seemed that they were rather close.
I don't think Kate was ever a candidate
It really looks like Swayer stays with Flocke.
Flocke getting ride of the white stone......black/darkness was winning...out of balance
I remember from the past that drinking/alcoholism was a theme.....Swayer said all he had was the whiskey. And I wonder if there is a reason why Flocke didn't have any. He looked at it rather funny. I mean who dips there finger in whiskey

Since Flocke is stuck, if he killed Swayer could use his body, don't know what the proper term is?
Don't post much in here...but this ep was

Couple of things I noticed....

Flocke asking Sawyer if he could see the little kid, you guys think it had anything to do with him being drunk? I remember last season or maybe the one before that one of the others (Horace?) went on a bit of a drinking binder and could see (maybe hear?) things that other people couldn't...correct me if I'm wrong, or anyone chime in
Great episode...alt timeline makes me laugh a lot. Linus as a European History teacher hahaha.

I did know the numbers were assigned to people, but I didn't know it was jacob that came up with the assignments so that scene was just unreal for me. Everything that Flocke said struck a different chord that got wheels turning for me. Just great tv.

And Peg from Married W/Children still hittin mid 80s on the radar gun.
Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

Great episode...alt timeline makes me laugh a lot. Linus as a European History teacher hahaha.

I did know the numbers were assigned to people, but I didn't know it was jacob that came up with the assignments so that scene was just unreal for me. Everything that Flocke said struck a different chord that got wheels turning for me. Just great tv.

And Peg from Married W/Children still hittin mid 80s on the radar gun.
So I get that Jacob assigned everyone the numbers, but did it explain how he came up with the numbering? I dont remember seeing any real explanation.

Also, Peg Bundy could get it.
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