Ugh my mind is still overloaded. Numbers, random kid in the woods, Sawyer seeing the kid, off-island Locke having some of the same actions as Flocke, Locke running into people off the island (Hugo, Ben, WALT!, Rose), Sawyer's entire time interacting with Flocke. This is heating up. Next week looks like we're getting back into the Temple, which sounds good to me

Time to dl the episode and rewatch this epic episode.
anybody feel like they just absorbed so much (but so little at the same time) that you don't know what to even begin talking about?
Anyone else having trouble choosing sides? I was a big Locke supporter back when he was alive and now I naturally support flocke even though he has the opposite view point of Locke. I guess I'll have to be anti-flocke and maybe just enjoy Terry O'Quinns acting for what it is.
BTW, my gf thinks Frank Lapidas is hot. Should I be concerned?

And DubA: that's why I like the show so much. And 8 months ago i thought this was some type of Gilligan's island knockoff...
Originally Posted by BirdsIView

Anyone else having trouble choosing sides? I was a big Locke supporter back when he was alive and now I naturally support flocke even though he has the opposite view point of Locke. I guess I'll have to be anti-flocke and maybe just enjoy Terry O'Quinns acting for what it is.

I'm still rockin with Jack and Co. Locke was cool, but he never grew on me.

Apparently, Alex from LOST is guest starring on this Forgotten show. Baron Davis and Alex from Lost? They got me
walt was NOT in the episode. I saw at least 2 different black kids during important scenes and each time I thought it was walt. they were messing with us, that's not a coincidence. They know we want serious info about walt. i'm pretty confident walt is coming back now.
Just watched this on DVR and this was a great episode. Way to rebound from last weeks cleverly disguised filler episode. I dont know how anyone can knock this episode and say they didnt learn anything. Although I knew what the humbers meant from spoilers it was good to see Flocke explain it to Sawyer. For once someone who knows something gave someone some answers.

The biggest question is who is the bigger manipulator Jacob or the MIB? It will be interesting to see who is right and who is wrong?

I agree with what someone said earlier....I too am having trouble settling on who is good and who is bad but we can't overlook Flocke disregarding chasing the kid in the woods nor the fact that Sawyer saw him and Richard didn't.
Originally Posted by andy206

who was that kid in the forest

I want to say Aaron, and even though I have a good feeling it cant be him, it could.
at the writers leaving so many possibilities for anything to happen.
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm is anybody else getting the inkling that this is setting up for Jack to be the next Jacob and Sawyer the next smoky?

throughout this season an underlying theme has been...yin & yang, good v evil, light and dark... and it seems from last night's episode that this equilibrium must be maintained. Little kid..."you know the rules...you can't kill him"...white stone, black stone, scale... Then you jump to Flocke describing how jacob is seeking a protector of the island. Could it be that smoky and Jacob want the same thing, to get off the island, and they both know that in order to do that they must be replaced. Jacob needs a protector of the island (Jack) while Smokie needs an antagonist of the same mind as him (Sawyer).

Maybe this whole thing is setting up kinda like the Matrix ended...the events that have taken place to the survivors of flight 815 have happened many times in the past (black rock...), this is just the latest version of the story (it only ends once...the rest is progress).  But Smoky is tired of playing the game, tired of being stuck in this endless loop so he tries to change the rules of the game (Agent Smith).  Just a thought.

haven't read the entire thread so excuse my ignorance if the above has already been stated...disproven...
^ Interesting take. Especially because Sawyer and Jack have been on a collision course for a while now, especially following Juliette's death.
AWESOME episode!!! Def gotta re-watch this episode ASAP.

I'm mad my internet was messed up last night and I didn't feel like typing from my phone. But here's a few things that stuck out to me....

- Looking at the enhanced episode, I have the feeling the "flash sideways" is NOT real. It's the producers way of showing us what WOULD have happened. Not, what will, or what did.

-They was playing with us showing lil dude looking like Walt.

-Flock saying, "Don't tell me what to do!!"

-Seems like they was going out of their way this week to get us to think MIB is the "good guy".

-WHO WAS THE KID?!?!?!?!?!?!? WHAT RULES?!?!?!?!?!?

-Loved the numbers. Wouldn't really be upset if they don't, but I think they still need to explain them a little further (i.e. How they work).

-Kinda mad that "flash sideways" Locke didn't call Jack.

-After watching this weeks episode, last week was filler-@@*.

-MUCH more stuff to discuss. AWESOME episode all around.
I have no idea who to trust...

I hope we get more monster vision in future episodes. Seeing MIB worried when he saw the child was refreshing, you know?
I'm trying to find a screencap, but did anyone else notice that when Locke was sitting in the temp agency with Rose, there was a picture over his right shoulder and I thought what I saw was a picture of Desmond...?  Also the painting behind Rose might have had some significance, didn't really get a glimpse.

Also, appears that many, many more names were on the wall and quite a few that we are familiar with:

(Claire / Aaron) Littleton, (Charlotte) Lewis, (Gary) Troup, Bargas,Aguila, O’Toole, Lacombe, Domingo, Grant, Goodspeed, Reynolds, Burke,Almeida, Costa, Faraday, Straume (why is he crossed out if he’s notdead?), Pace, and Rutherford.
badboyf0rlife420 -
holy jesus....I would have never noticed that picture behind Locke. Looks like Desmond to me.

I seriously feel like Jacob is the "bad guy". He seems to be the one who keeps bring people to the island and messing with peoples lives. He keeps everyone in the dark as to why they are on the island or what his big plan is.

MIB/Flocke seems to be annoyed with the fact that Jacob keeps bringing new groups of people to the island....I dont think it has really shown a scene where MIB has gone out of his way to bring people to the island or change their futures in an way.

Question - Seems all MIB wants is to be off the island. Why is it that Jacob was able to leave the island and "touch" peoples lives and the MIB is stuck sitting on the damn island?
interesting episode. started
when sawyer goes "who the hell is that?" and flocke goes "you see him?" and sawyer responds "HELL YEAH I SEE HIM!"
Probably not very important but, when Horace was drunk and blowing up trees, it seems like someone (nyc?) said that him being drunk was important.... Now Sawyer gets drunk and see's a kid that I guess he isn't supposed to see. I wonder if there is a connection.
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