Originally Posted by Master Zik

.Flocke really +*+*@! up Claire's head tho. Since she walked away with Christian she's been heavily out of the loop.
@ you still thinking that was christian she walked away with
Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by Master Zik

.Flocke really +*+*@! up Claire's head tho. Since she walked away with Christian she's been heavily out of the loop.
@ you still thinking that was christian she walked away with
I know it wasn't Christian. What would you like me to call him? The guy is in the body of a guy named Christian.

Same way James still called Flocke Locke when he knew it really wasn'y Locke.
Originally Posted by MetallicNitro

you guys also know that 108 is the sum of the numbers right??
We get that.

I think that 108 is a person just as well though. Who knows.

I feel like Claire is going to kill Kate though.
Yeah I get the feeling 108 is a person too. 

Pretty nice episode. Next week's preview looked interesting.
What the hell is up with "MIB" "My friend" "Man in black" "smokie" "smoke monster".

I want this dude to have a REAL NAME SON. @$%.

Jacks flash-sideways felt completely irrelevant to me in this one. Dogen really didn't fit in at all either there.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by Master Zik

.Flocke really +*+*@! up Claire's head tho. Since she walked away with Christian she's been heavily out of the loop.
@ you still thinking that was christian she walked away with
I know it wasn't Christian. What would you like me to call him? The guy is in the body of a guy named Christian.

Same way James still called Flocke Locke when he knew it really wasn'y Locke.
But notice who she said told her that her baby was with the other.. She said her father AND her friend, so its obvious that her friend was the smoke monster. But who was Christian if it wasnt really Christian?
i love bad *+% Claire and i love "Locke" but this episode officially put me on the white team with Jacob, Jack and Hurley
Originally Posted by MidnightMarauda112

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by Master Zik

.Flocke really +*+*@! up Claire's head tho. Since she walked away with Christian she's been heavily out of the loop.
@ you still thinking that was christian she walked away with
I know it wasn't Christian. What would you like me to call him? The guy is in the body of a guy named Christian.

Same way James still called Flocke Locke when he knew it really wasn'y Locke.
But notice who she said told her that her baby was with the other.. She said her father AND her friend, so its obvious that her friend was the smoke monster. But who was Christian if it wasnt really Christian?
It probably wasn't at the same time. I thought of what you brought up too. If it was at the same time we can assume that Claire knows her "friend" can switch from body to body since he's in Locke's body and she automatically knew it wasn't John.

We all know for the past 3 years MIB wasn't in Locke's body. So there's a good chance she knows what he can do and he was either in Christian's body or a spare.
Originally Posted by MidnightMarauda112

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by Master Zik

.Flocke really +*+*@! up Claire's head tho. Since she walked away with Christian she's been heavily out of the loop.
@ you still thinking that was christian she walked away with
I know it wasn't Christian. What would you like me to call him? The guy is in the body of a guy named Christian.

Same way James still called Flocke Locke when he knew it really wasn'y Locke.
But notice who she said told her that her baby was with the other.. She said her father AND her friend, so its obvious that her friend was the smoke monster. But who was Christian if it wasnt really Christian?
you thinking about it as if she seen them both at the same time........
Not sure how I felt about this one.

Can't wait to see screen shots of the different candidates homes though.
Seems like people are divided on this episode. I didn't really see it as being too predictable (Claire saying she would kill Kate, yes that was). And I also actually LIKED (not put up with) the flash sideways this time for some reason. I guess cause Jack finally got him a W. I think I gotta serious love/hate relationship with his character.

Ev - I with you on Jacobs side. HATE HATE HATE to go against my boy Locke (even if it ain't him), but I gotta roll with Jacob, Hurley, and Jack.

Hopefully, Claire does kill Kate.
108 has got to be the game changer. I would say Walt cause he is the only person that was on flight 815 with the rest of the people on the list. And he's the only one not on the island right now (except Aaron and Yi).

And as much as I love this season so far, I would still like them to answer a few more "mysteries" of the show.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Kate isn't a candidate though, correct? From what we know obviously. hm

Gotta love it.  Everyone was freaking that she wasn't on the list last week and now she has her own mirror angle.  #'s gotta be just for candidates.

I feel sorry for everyone in the Temple

Hurry wearing red all episode again
But think about it.. She was able to discern that the man taking lockes form
was indeed "her friend" when he came into the tent. If she is able to do that wouldn't she be able to tell if he was in Christian's form?
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