Thought the episode was good.  I am in the 'watch and enjoy mode' for this season.  Jacob plus Hurley equals awesome.

How much do you think the phone number 481.516.2342 would cost now.  That would be a badass number.
IDK, at this point Jacob and Flocke are probably telling people whatever to help them "win" the game. And it's crazy, that there was an VERY deep theory that Lost was all a game a few years ago. I'm on my phone so I can't post the link, but it's out there somewhere.
Originally Posted by Master Zik

Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

Who is jacks wife? Did she already exist ? Lol

And I would permabang her.
Did you all notice that pic???

Kate is #51!!! But apparently not a candidate as she was not part of the original numbers.

Seems like to me the smoke monster has been manipulating claire for the past 3 years. Mending and molding her for his own personal uses, and now he's working the same game on Sawyer. I think Jin will play along as well before he eventually double crosses him. He already realized that Claire is dangerous.

I'll have to go back and watch but I noticed the location of Sun and Jin's wedding and the Church where Jacob first met Sawyer reflected in the mirror.

Why didn't Hurley look at the dial, see the numbers and names, and put 2 and 2 together? I mean come on. The numbers are kind of his "thing."
Just downloaded and watched this weeks episode.
Simply amazing.

Favorite quote
"I just lied to a Samurai"
So I'm watching last weeks episode, and in the flashsideways... how did Hurley get out of his car when he parked so close to Locke? I'm stumped.
What was up with Jack's scar?

That @%@% wasn't in this episode for no damn reason. Am I thinking too hard? If so, tell me why.
So Claire is infected by the darkness and she can tell MiB with or without the body.  Does that mean that Sayid will also be able to see him?
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

What was up with Jack's scar?

That @%@% wasn't in this episode for no damn reason. Am I thinking too hard? If so, tell me why.
Could it be from the appendix surgery?
Originally Posted by Answer IV DMX

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

What was up with Jack's scar?

That @%@% wasn't in this episode for no damn reason. Am I thinking too hard? If so, tell me why.
Could it be from the appendix surgery?
yea he had the appendix surgery on the island, and he had the mark on the head in the first ep of this season (on the plane) and also had it while on the island in tonights episode.
Originally Posted by 18key

So I'm watching last weeks episode, and in the flashsideways... how did Hurley get out of his car when he parked so close to Locke? I'm stumped.

by entering through the passenger side? but he is kind of to big for that
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

What was up with Jack's scar?

That @%@% wasn't in this episode for no damn reason. Am I thinking too hard? If so, tell me why.

Didn't Jack have his appendix removed by Juliet on the island?
Originally Posted by 18key

So I'm watching last weeks episode, and in the flashsideways... how did Hurley get out of his car when he parked so close to Locke? I'm stumped.
Yeah, I thought about this too. If Hurley were to drop 108 lbs he should have been able to fit..
Originally Posted by KneeNoh

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

What was up with Jack's scar?

That @%@% wasn't in this episode for no damn reason. Am I thinking too hard? If so, tell me why.

Didn't Jack have his appendix removed by Juliet on the island?
Yeah, and didn't his mom say he had it removed when he was 7 or something tonight?

Damn, I was dying to know who Hurley was trying to help coming to the island. I was thinking it was either Widmore or Desmond.

With the way random characters are showing up in the alternate reality, nothing would surprise me now.

I love how slow the big reveal is. Imagine how the last few episodes of this season are going to be
It may not be for an episode or two, but I'm thinking heads are going to start rolling pretty soon. (and that's not counting the John Salley looking dude from tonight)

I have a feeling Jack is going to go on some epic hero type +*%* here soon.

Seeing him and Claire meeting again is going to be pretty interesting.

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