Originally Posted by Mo Matik

To those that lost ABC:

veetle.com is the best streaming site out. People always put up Lost on Tuesday nights.

Yeah you have to install some software but believe me, there's nothing better.

If you have a decent connection, you can get the HD stream and it's just as good as watching it on tv.

I was planning to go out and buy a digital tuner just for Tuesdays but now I don't have to. Good looking out!
Good news: ABC is back on
Never really messed with V at all.

Is it me or does it seem like this thread pops more during the week than the nights after the show airs?
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Never really messed with V at all.

Is it me or does it seem like this thread pops more during the week than the nights after the show airs?
Not everyone watches it the night it airs, most of the time I have to stream it later around 11 or so.
V's straight.

Here's the press release for tomorrow's episode. Couple of cool people showing up.....

Spoiler [+]
They better start talking WALT. Do people forget they spent AN ENTIRE %!@#!%+ SEASON ON THAT LITTLE TWERP! I WANT SOME ANSWERS.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

They better start talking WALT. Do people forget they spent AN ENTIRE %!@#!%+ SEASON ON THAT LITTLE TWERP! I WANT SOME ANSWERS.

nobody except the writers forgot

but i still think he will be in this season.
i feel the same way about the sideways as some of you but for this week im interested in seeing if there will be any references to (or if she's actually a part of it) to Annie
In the season 5 finale, Flocked kicks Jacob in the fire after Ben stabs him.

But at that point, it's apparent that Jacob is still alive. The rule is that MIB/BSG can't kill Jacob. So what happened there?
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

In the season 5 finale, Flocked kicks Jacob in the fire after Ben stabs him.

But at that point, it's apparent that Jacob is still alive. The rule is that MIB/BSG can't kill Jacob. So what happened there?

Maybe he bled to death
Didn't really understand that either. I'm thinking he had to have know Jacob wouldn't actually "die", but who knows.

I wonder what happened to the OG black shirt guy. I would think they would need to explain him a little more also.
I skimmed through the past several pages of the thread to see if it was posted, and sorry if it was, if so just ignore it.  Figured it would be interesting.

[h1]Creators of 'Lost' say they won't tie up all those loose ends[/h1][table][tr][td]
By Lisa de Moraes
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Many of the questions posed during the run of "Lost" that have been keeping you up at night are never going to be answered on the show but will instead be tossed on the compost heap like an old turnip, because, the writers say, they have run out of time.

And if you're expecting they will nonetheless come through with some kind of post-finale TV special, online chat, tweet -- anything! -- to answer their rabid fans' lingering head-scratchers, you need to think again. They have no intention of discussing the show after the finale airs on May 23, co-creators Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse blithely informed nearly 2,000 "Lost" fans attending the annual TV festival of the Paley Center for Media (formerly Museum of Television and Radio, formerly Museum of Broadcasting) in Beverly Hills, Calif.

Now, you'd think that might have irked some of those nearly 2,000 fans who had coughed up $25 to $75 and then stood in line -- some for more than two hours -- in the on-again, off-again rain Saturday night in order to spend slightly less than two hours in the company of the writers, and a smattering of actors, from the prime-time soap.

You'd be wrong. It only inflamed their passion:

"Now that we're [preparing] the finale, we're not at all having the experience of 'Oh, my God, we forgot to do this!' " Lindelof told the capacity crowd at the Saban Theater.

"We're big fans of the show 'Top Chef,' " he explained. "Those guys all run through Whole Foods and they have to pull all of this stuff down -- they have to get stuff they might not use in the dish. When they get to the kitchen, they have to decide whether or not they're going to use it. Our process is kind of the same."

"There's a lot of little questions that unfortunately we just don't have time to answer in the amount of time that we have left," co-creator Cuse told the uber-fans.

What with trying to keep all the intertwining story lines straight, it's probably slipped his mind that the "time we lave left" was determined years ago by Cuse and Lindelof themselves, which would seem to suggest that running out of time was something they had, um, planned.

Back in May of 2007, ABC and the creative team behind the weedy tangle of a series announced the show would end in the spring of 2010. Nearly three years later, at the Paleyfest, Cuse said of any unresolved plot issues: "Ultimately, the way we look at it is that if the characters don't care about that question, then we as storytellers don't care about that question."

Of course, what the characters do and do not care about is decided upon by . . . well, Cuse and Lindelof, come to think of it. Because the characters are, you know, not real people.

These fine points seemed lost on the glassy-eyed fans who were madly tweeting every second of the big event. For example: Damon just spoiled that Santa isn't real, and there are kids in the audience. Uh-oh.

But those of us who have been able to resist the show's insidious ability to suck your brain out through your ear -- by shouting out nursery rhymes and performing other non-rhythmic tricks -- were sore as gumboils when panelists said we're out of luck if we're waiting to find out who exactly was the economist Sayid shot on the golf course. Apparently they heard from Sayid -- he couldn't care less.
"We feel like the show should stand on its own," Cuse said. "We're actually not going to comment on the show after the finale. We want everybody to basically be able to continue the dialogue. . . . We don't think it's really appropriate for us to say, 'Oh, here is the official definition for what we meant by any particular moment on the show.' "

Let's recap, shall we? The show's creators say it's not appropriate for the show's creators to give the "official definition" of what they, the show's creators, meant by any particular moment on the show they created.

Kinda expected some stuff to be left to the imagination, but there are things THAT NEED TO BE ADDRESSED before the show ends.
"We feel like the show should stand on its own," Cuse said. "We're actually not going to comment on the show after the finale. We want everybody to basically be able to continue the dialogue. . . . We don't think it's really appropriate for us to say, 'Oh, here is the official definition for what we meant by any particular moment on the show.' "


and this is why the wire will remain the greatest show ever made. i knew they were throwing crap at the fan for a good part of this show. i felt like i got kicked in the stomach after reading that. IT'S YOUR JOB TO TELL US WHAT YOU MEAN AT PARTICULARS MOMENTS. YOU ARE THE DAMN WRITERS. what the $*#+ is your craft about? this isn't fan fiction.
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Kinda expected some stuff to be left to the imagination, but there are things THAT NEED TO BE ADDRESSED before the show ends.

I swear to Jesus if they don't answer the WALT dilemma it goes from a top 10 show to off the radar IMO. Yes it is that serious, writers had us asking why Walt was so special for a season and a half, now they want us to drop it? Like some said I think they will topple the Walt dilemma but nowhere near what I was hoping. Just 1 Walt centric episode is too much to ask for I suppose.
Originally Posted by JamesOnNT

you guys are seriously way too worried about walt.

Don't know if that was directed at me, but I'll address it. I think people forget how much Walt had to do with the show. Half the things the losties did was in regards to getting Walt back. Literally for an entire season I was like "ok we get it" Walt is special, can we get on with it? But no, the writers kept pushing Walt on us, and showed us nothing. I don't even ask for much, I just want to know what happened, hell even where he went would be plenty. Although it may seem silly for one to be thinking of Walt now when he has almost ZERO to do with the story line, but that is the writers fault, not mine, and IMO (not saying anyone elses) takes away from the overall show. From a fans standpoint.
im just glad Michael is dead, they better not bring him back

hated that dude since season one, and then he killed ana lucia and libby

and that annoying @#$ yell... "Waaaaaaaaaaaaallltt"
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