Let's see if anyone can explain this: 

I'm re-living the Widmore vs. Ben conflict in my head and I'm wondering why Jacob wouldn't want Widmore there, or why he wouldn't want him to find the island and protect it... because from what we've gathered, that is what he was trying to do the entire time wasn't it? is it safe to assume that it was Ben who made that decision out of spite and a desire for more power, and not one of the higher-ups? And then there's "The Rules"... what do they know about "The Rules of the Game"? Clearly Ben was a puppet for both Jacob and Smokey.. Ben didn't know about their conflict or their game, so what game and what rules is he talking about?!? he said Widmore wasn't allowed to kill Alex... WHAT?!?! if he knows this much, then what else does Ben know about "The Rules" and how does he know? I ask because so far it seems like Richard has been coy about telling Ben much of anything, and even Richard appears to be out of the loop sometimes, so how would Ben AND Widmore know about all this????

Then I got to thinking, why did Locke see Christian when he had to move the island, because it's becoming pretty apparent now that the Christian we're seeing is not acting in the interest of Jacob, so why would he want Locke to move the island? is it because this sequence has happened before and he needs him to do all this in order to progress the events? Smokey doesn't want people coming there, he doesn't care about that, he wants to leave! He could've easily manipulated Ben into doing what he wanted, so why not do it sooner?

Next up, Ben was able to summon Smokey... why?!? And then he gets Smokey to kill Keamy and all his people, pretty much at will (but no one else?)... if Smokey's objective is to kill everyone on the island and leave like Dogen and Lennon say.. then isn't that a conflict of interest? because that's what Keamy was there for; to kill everyone and help Widmore find the island. Wouldn't that somehow lead to Smokey finding a way off?

This leads me to believe that the Losties are important to both sides, Jacob and Smokey, but why?!?!?


I love this show, but my head is hurting with confusion 
Arsnal - good stuff.

I don't think Jacob actually told Ben much at all (or told Richard to tell Ben). Ben had his own interests. But, he does know A LOT about the island, i.e summoning Smokie to kill Keamy (which like you said doesn't make any sense at all). How he learned everything would be cool to see.
Are there any gifs from the last episode?

Like when Sayid murked Lennon or Ben's reaction to Sayid when he found him in the pool.

Withthe series finale about to start filming, we've decided that we'reputting DarkUFO into LOCKDOWN to do our best to protect all our readersfrom any spoilers on the site in the non-Spoiler sections. Ok, so whatdoes this mean.

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Also, make sure that the other sites you visit have good moderation and a lockdown policy to avoid being shotgun spoiled.

Good for those who want to be fully spoiled.
Also means that everything is officially over soon.
Originally Posted by JamesOnNT

Withthe series finale about to start filming, we've decided that we'reputting DarkUFO into LOCKDOWN to do our best to protect all our readersfrom any spoilers on the site in the non-Spoiler sections. Ok, so whatdoes this mean.

1) Only people with registered accounts will beable to leave comments. Guest commenting will be slowly switched offduring the course of the day.
2) Anyone posting spoilers outside ofthe spoiler/rumour sections will be Banned. There will be a ZEROTolerance policy on this. This includes discussion of Promo's, SneakPeeks, Episode Titles, Centricity, Casting, Filming reports etc
3)All Finale Spoilers will additionally be placed behind "Are You Sure"buttons and you can only discuss finale spoilers on the Finale Threads.Anyone caught posting finale spoilers in other non-finale spoilerthreads will also be banned.
4) If you see a spoiler posted outsideof the spoiler/rumour sections, click on the FLAG Link under the postto alert me. DO NOT REPLY to it.

In order to comment you willneed one of these accounts. All of them are free to register, so if youdon't already have an account I suggest you sign up now.

(118 Comments and 8 Reactions)

Ihope you understand our decision and that those who wish to remaintotally spoiler free can do so, and those who just wish to remainFinale spoiler free can still enjoy the spoiler section.

Also, make sure that the other sites you visit have good moderation and a lockdown policy to avoid being shotgun spoiled.

Good for those who want to be fully spoiled.
Also means that everything is officially over soon.

Also means that NT'ers should respect others decision to be spoiler free.  Post with the spoiler tag, link outside, whatever you gotta do... Thanks
random question. why did Flocke say "I'm very disappointed in all of you" to all the people waiting outside after he left Jacob's cave under the foot statue in the first episode?
Originally Posted by yomegaaa

random question. why did Flocke say "I'm very disappointed in all of you" to all the people waiting outside after he left Jacob's cave under the foot statue in the first episode?
Flocke seems to be very pissed off that Jacob has managed to convince so many ppl of the stuff he's been feeding them and follow him cuz of it. Peep when he was talking to James. "PROTECT FROM WHAT?!! IT'S JUST AN ISLAND!!!" That's why he's especially disappointed in Richard for being "fooled" by Jacob for so long.

The question a page ago makes me think tho. What is going to be the whole point of this? Cuz Flocke wants us to believe that Jacob just tricks ppl in to his little game and in truth there is no point. I don't think that's the whole truth.

I'm beginning to think that Flocke is trying to convince enough ppl to leave and if not kill the rest. I think he can't leave until there's nobody left on the island.
Just thinking last night, I wonder if the guy who Hurley got the numbers from is gonna play a role. Could he possibly be Wallace?
No, the crazy dude who always was saying the numbers that got heated when he found out Hurley played them.

But, I guess Dave could be Wallace also.

Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

We still have no idea what is going on. i.e. the big picture. Where did Jacob, Smokie, and the island come from? What is the point of it all?
I know I'm getting ahead of myself. This is something we'll figure out in April or May. But, to me, figuring out which Losties are on which side is kind of pointless until we figure out what exactly is going on. What are people actually fighting for? You fight for Locke or you fight for Jack.... so what?

I'm just as confused as ever. I have no clue what the alternate timeline is showing. Is it simply what happens if there is never an island (i.e. it has always been underwater)? Or did it just sink because perfection (or whatever it is Jacob is after) has been achieved long ago in that timeline?


This is what has me more confused than anything else they have ever thrown at us. People can leave the island via the sub, or people could stay if they wanted I guess. They've shown us it's some type of "game" of some sort between some "god-like" people. But for what? Why wouldn't Jacob just let Flocke leave? Why are the even there in the first place? Etc.

Now, WHERE they came from, is a WHOLE different discussion, I wouldn't even know where to begin.
Exactly. There must be something BIG behind everything -- like saving the world from destruction or eternal life or something. It can't just be that 2 guys live forever on an island and are playing some silly game. Please tell me that's not what it is.
On another note.... sig check
Originally Posted by Master Zik

I'm beginning to think that Flocke is trying to convince enough ppl to leave and if not kill the rest. I think he can't leave until there's nobody left on the island.

I like that.
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